Unisons example sentences

Related (5): harmonies, synchronicity, concordance, accordance, unity

"Unisons" Example Sentences

1. The choir sang in beautiful unisons.
2. The pianists played in perfect unisons.
3. The birds chirped together in unisons.
4. The dancers moved in rhythmic unisons.
5. The athletes synchronized their movements in unisons.
6. The orchestra played the melody in unisons.
7. The synchronized swimmers moved in perfect unisons.
8. The military band marched in precise unisons.
9. The singers harmonized in unisons.
10. The rowing team moved their oars in unisons.
11. The synchronized ice skaters glided in perfect unisons.
12. The acrobats performed in perfect unisons.
13. The drummers played in unisons to create a powerful beat.
14. The ensemble of musicians played in unisons to create a full sound.
15. The synchronized gymnasts moved in perfect unisons.
16. The marchers chanted in unisons to keep rhythm.
17. The cheerleaders shouted in unisons to encourage the team.
18. The synchronized divers jumped in perfect unisons.
19. The singers belted out the lyrics in unisons.
20. The synchronized horse riders moved in perfect unisons.
21. The synchronized figure skaters twirled in perfect unisons.
22. The synchronized kite flyers maneuvered in perfect unisons.
23. The swimmers moved in unisons to break the record.
24. The synchronized martial artists moved in perfect unisons.
25. The orchestra conducted the ensemble to play in unisons.
26. The synchronized kite surfers rode in perfect unisons.
27. The marching band played in unisons to create a rousing sound.
28. The synchronized dance team moved in perfect unisons, impressing the judges.
29. The synchronized rock climbers hiked in perfect unisons.
30. The synchronized speed skaters glided in perfect unisons, breaking the world record.
31. The synchronized trapeze artists flew through the air in perfect unisons.
32. The synchronized roller skaters glided in perfect unisons.
33. The synchronized bike riders rode in perfect unisons, gaining speed and control.
34. The synchronized snowboarders rode in perfect unisons, performing stunts and tricks.
35. The synchronized skateboarders rode in perfect unisons, wowing the crowd with their skills.
36. The synchronized windsurfers rode in perfect unisons, taking advantage of the wind.
37. The synchronized surfers rode in perfect unisons, catching waves with ease.
38. The synchronized kiteboarders rode in perfect unisons, using the wind to their advantage.
39. The synchronized wakeboarders rode in perfect unisons, jumping and spinning in the air.
40. The synchronized cliff divers jumped in perfect unisons, expertly moving through the air before hitting the water.

Common Phases

1. Let's all sing in unison; it will sound better.
2. The birds chirped in unison; it was a beautiful symphony.
3. The students recited the Pledge of Allegiance in unison; it was a powerful moment.
4. The synchronized swimmers moved in unison; it was mesmerizing to watch.
5. The audience clapped in unison; it showed their appreciation for the performance.

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