Unknown example sentences
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- "Unknown" example sentences
Related (10): mystery, unfamiliar, obscure, uncharted, undiscovered, hidden, nameless, anonymous, unsolved, puzzling
"Unknown" Example Sentences
1. The identity of the suspect remains unknown.
2. The future is unknown and unpredictable.
3. Unknown risks lurked around every corner.
4. The cause of the illness was still unknown.
5. The source of the infection remained unknown.
6. An unknown assailant attacked her on the street.
7. The package came from an unknown sender.
8. The unknown frightened and intrigued him.
9. The arrival time of the train was unknown.
10. The number of casualties remains unknown at this time.
11. The chemical composition of the substance was unknown.
12. They set out to explore the unknown.
13. An unknown pathogen was making people sick.
14. The journey into the unknown filled them with wonder.
15. The danger posed by the unknown threat was great.
16. The prognosis for the unknown disease was grim.
17. The cloaked figure approached from the unknown.
18. The territory remained largely unknown and uncharted.
19. The motive behind the crime remained unknown.
20. They face many unknowns in their future plans.
21. The virus sprung from some unknown source.
22. The number of victims of the accident is still largely unknown.
23. The threat from the unknown substance was understood to be grave.
24. The package arrived from some unknown place.
25. The hazards associated with the unknown protein were unclear.
26. The island seemed untouched and unknown.
27. The impact of the unknown event remains to be seen.
28. The fate of the missing climbers remains unknown.
29. The full extent of the damage remains unknown.
30. The origin of the stone remains unknown.
31. His past was largely unknown to him.
32. The chemical makeup of the substance remains unknown.
33. The unknown figure watched him from afar.
34. The origin of the threat remains unknown at this time.
35. The results of the tests remain largely unknown.
36. The creature came from some unknown dimension.
37. The whereabouts of the missing child remains unknown.
38. The fate of the plane crash victims is still mostly unknown.
39. The actual number of casualties remains largely unknown.
40. The identity of the witness remains unknown for now.
41. The threat posed by the contamination remains unknown.
42. The depths of human nature remain largely unknown.
43. They ventured into the unknown without hesitation.
44. The hidden dangers of the jungle remain largely unknown.
45. The true source of the contamination remains unknown.
46. The unknown caller left a strange message.
47. They were pioneers, exploring the unknown.
48. The time of impact remains largely unknown.
49. The contents of the package remain largely unknown.
50. The effects of the drug on infants remain largely unknown.
51. The risks associated with the material remain largely unknown.
52. The fate of those trapped remains largely unknown.
53. The author of the anonymous note remains unknown.
54. The purpose of the relic remains largely unknown.
55. The long-term effects of the exposure remain largely unknown.
56. The substance was found to have unknown properties.
57. The identity of the witness has been kept unknown for now.
58. An unknown assailant attacked him on the street.
59. The future remains largely unknown and unpredictable.
60. The substance was found to exhibit unknown properties.
Common Phases
1. Remain
2. Largely
3. Mostly
Unknown source
5. An
6. Set out to explore the
Unknown threat
Unknown risks
Unknown substance
10. The future is
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