Unloosening example sentences

Related (12): untangling, loosening, untying, releasing, unfettering, unbinding, uncorking, unclasping, unfastening, unlocking, unbuttoning, unzipping.

"Unloosening" Example Sentences

1. She was unloosening the knots in the rope to tie the tarp down securely.
2. His fingers were fumbling with the unloosening clasp of her necklace.
3. The mechanic was unloosening the rusted bolts on the car's engine.
4. He had difficulty unloosening the tight laces of his hiking boots.
5. The diver was unloosening the straps of her oxygen tank before jumping into the water.
6. The patient was unloosening the bandages on her wound to check for any signs of infection.
7. The chef was unloosening the lid of the pickle jar with a kitchen cloth.
8. The mountain climber was unloosening his harness before rappelling down the steep face.
9. She was unloosening the lid of the jar with a vigorous twist.
10. The sailor was unloosening the ropes to set sail into the open sea.
11. The carpenter was unloosening the screws on the wooden plank to fit it into place.
12. He was unloosening the chains that held the prisoner in place.
13. The dancer was unloosening the buckles on her pointe shoes after a long performance.
14. She was unloosening the clasps of her heavy suitcase to get her clothes out.
15. The engineer was unloosening the bolts on the engine to replace a faulty part.
16. The gardener was unloosening the stubborn weeds from the ground with a trowel.
17. He was unloosening the armored vest worn during his military service.
18. The worker was unloosening the nuts on the pipes to fix a leak.
19. The scuba diver was unloosening the straps on her back before diving into the ocean.
20. She was unloosening the fasteners on her backpack to access her water bottle.
21. The mountaineer was unloosening the rope from his harness after reaching the peak.
22. He was unloosening the tight knot in his tie before an important meeting.
23. The firefighter was unloosening the straps on his helmet after a strenuous operation.
24. She was unloosening the grip on her tennis racket after a grueling match.
25. The surgeon was unloosening the sutures from the incision after a successful operation.
26. He was unloosening the clasp of his belt to take a much-needed break from work.
27. The blacksmith was unloosening the tongs from the hot iron to shape it into a tool.
28. She was unloosening the straps on her sandals after a long day of walking around the city.
29. The athlete was unloosening the laces on his running shoes after a marathon.
30. He was unloosening the grip on his stress ball after a hectic day at the office.

Common Phases

1. I began unloosening the tight knots in the rope; my fingers ached from the effort.
2. She tried unloosening the jammed zipper on her jacket; frustration building up inside her.
3. The mechanic was unloosening the rusted bolts on the car's engine; it was a tedious task.
4. He carefully unloosened the grip on the fragile vase; relieved that it didn't shatter.
5. She was unloosening the laces on her running shoes; preparing for her daily jog.
6. The chef was unloosening the tight lid on the jar of spices; eager to add the perfect flavor to the dish.
7. The gardener was unloosening the knots in the garden hose; getting ready to water the plants.
8. He was unloosening the tight bandage around the injured athlete's leg; hoping for a quick recovery.
9. She was unloosening the buttons on her blouse; ready to relax after a long day.
10. The mountain climber was unloosening the harness around his waist; glad to have reached the summit.

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