Unofficially example sentences

Related (3): informally, off-the-record, covertly

"Unofficially" Example Sentences

1. The employees took unofficial breaks during the workday.
2. The policy was unofficially enforced by management.
3. Unofficially, the employees were allowed to wear jeans on Fridays.
4. His title was unofficial, but he acted like he was in charge.
5. They unofficially extended the deadline by a few days.
6. The unofficial word was that layoffs were coming.
7. The arena was unofficially known as "The Madhouse on Main Street."
8. The unofficial announcement leaked to the press early.
9. He acted as an unofficial spokesperson for the company.
10. Many unofficial polls showed her ahead in the election.
11. The unofficial truce held for a few weeks before fighting resumed.
12. The unofficial agreements were not binding in a court of law.
13. The unofficial numbers showed the sales exceeded estimates.
14. The cash payments were unofficial and undocumented.
15. His unofficial title was "Head Coach Emeritus."
16. Unofficially, everyone looked to him for guidance.
17. The unofficial orientation helped new employees adjust.
18. The unofficial parking area quickly filled up after work.
19. His unofficial role was advisor to the CEO.
20. Unofficially, cell phones were allowed during meetings.
21. The unofficial scouting report circulated among the players.
22. The unofficial investigation continued after the official inquiry ended.
23. Unofficially, the employees received stock options.
24. The unofficial advice contradicted official policy.
25. Unofficially, we closed early on Fridays during the summer.
26. They unofficially announced the election results early.
27. Employees were unofficially allowed to bring their dogs to work.
28. The unofficial guidelines were more lenient than official rules.
29. He was unofficially promoted to an executive position.
30. The unofficial parking lot was across the street.
31. Unofficially, all students were welcome at the party.
32. The unofficial test results caused concern among students.
33. Unofficially, bonuses were awarded based on performance.
34. They unofficially extended the warranty beyond the written terms.
35. Unofficially, employees were told not to discuss salaries.
36. The unofficial election results were quickly leaked to the media.
37. The unofficial program began before the official start date.
38. She unofficially went by her middle name at work.
39. Unofficially, the company turned a blind eye to minor infractions.
40. The unofficial rule was "Don't ask, don't tell."
41. They unofficially closed the highway for filming.
42. The unofficial scores were higher than those recorded officially.
43. Everyone followed the unofficial dress code.
44. The company unofficially condoned some overtime work.
45. They unofficially extended the punch clock grace period.
46. Unofficially, exemptions were made for unique circumstances.
47. Unofficially, they lowered the passing score to boost graduation rates.
48. The unofficial census found a much larger population.
49. The unofficial results were very different from the official tally.
50. Unofficially, the employees were told not to discuss wages.
51. Unofficially, they rearranged the work schedule for sports practices.
52. The unofficial ranking placed them higher in the polls.
53. The unofficial ceremony was held after hours.
54. Unofficially, the store stayed open later during the holidays.
55. Unofficially, attendance was not taken at every class.
56. The unofficial proposal needed further refinement before becoming official.
57. She functioned as an unofficial translator during meetings.
58. The unofficial handbook helped new hires navigate office politics.
59. Unofficially, employees were pressured not to unionize.
60. The unofficial opening night celebration was well attended.

Common Phases

1. The high school team unofficially beat the rival school in the last game of the season.
2. The election results have not been certified yet, but Jones is unofficially declaring victory.
3. The child actor has unofficially retired from show business to attend college.
4. The candidate unofficially conceded defeat after the early poll results came in.
5. The authorities have unofficially confirmed that there are no survivors from the plane crash.
6. People unofficially refer to the park as "Lovers' Lane."
7. The new store has been unofficially open for a week now while they finalize the permits.
8. Employees unofficially clock in five minutes early to get coffee before starting their shifts.
9. The wedding ceremony was unofficially conducted by the bride's uncle on the beach.
10. The celebrity was unofficially photographed leaving the nightclub over the weekend.
11. The abandoned shopping mall has become an unofficially designated teenage hangout.
12. Although Halloween was still a week away, kids were already unofficially trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.
13. The company CEO unofficially met with merger partners before making an official announcement.
14. Employees have unofficially named the office grump "The Count of Cranky Castle."
15. The cafe has unofficial regular customers who always sit at the same table.
16. Fans have unofficially nicknamed the new college football recruit "The Reaper."
17. The teacher unofficially gave the foul-mouthed student detention for using inappropriate language.
18. Fliers advertising an unofficially endorsed candidate started appearing all over town.
19. The bar has an unofficially established last call for drinks after 1:00 a.m.
20. The mayor unofficially dedicated the new park during her speech at the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
21. City officials have unofficially estimated the damage from the hurricane to be in the billions.
22. The information was unofficially leaked to the press before the official report was released.
23. The retirement party was unofficially planned and organized by coworkers.
24. The detective unofficially admitted to the reporter that the case was complicated.
25. Although the medical examiner's report has not officially been released, information was unofficially leaked to the media.
26. The repairs to the faulty electrical system have only been unofficially completed by the landlord.
27. The quality of the unofficially published book was comparable to many officially released titles.
28. Twitter unofficially broke the news of the celebrity couple's engagement hours before the official announcement.
29. Fans have unofficially proclaimed the independent musician to be the "Queen of Indie Folk."
30. The coaching staff unofficially benched the star player for missing practice.
31. The archivist unofficially labeled the crumbling documents to help organize them.
32. The CIA agent unofficially disclosed classified information to the journalist.
33. Employees unofficially refer to the undecorated break room as "The Cave."
34. Although results have not been officially tabulated, the incumbent mayor appears to have unofficially won re-election by a landslide.
35. The hotel guests unofficially renamed the tiny swimming pool "The Pond."
36. Employees unofficially referred to the unpleasant duty as "The monthly coffin count."
37. The student athletes unofficially trained during the summer break in preparation for the upcoming season.
38. The senator unofficially announced her candidacy for president in an interview.
39. The band unofficially changed its name from "The Jones Boys" to "Jones & Co."
40. Although the marketer did not officially work for the candidate's campaign, he unofficially promoted her policies.
41. Park rangers unofficially welcomed visitors at sunrise every day during the summer months.
42. Fans have unofficially dubbed the grizzled veteran player "The Silver Fox."
43. Employees unofficially referred to their unpleasant boss as "The Warden."
44. Newspapers unofficially declared the missing hiker dead after a week of searching.
45. The cleaning lady unofficially acted as an unpaid counselor for troubled children in the neighborhood.
46. Neighbors unofficially renamed the noisy dog "The Barking Menace."
47. Ken unofficially took over his father's position in the family business after he retired.
48. The museum unofficially displays artifacts owned by private collectors.
49. Campers unofficially renamed the muddy hiking trail "The Mudskipper."
50. Volunteer firefighters unofficially responded to emergency calls before the official trucks arrived.
51. The city council has unofficially decided to rename the problematic downtown intersection "Dead Man's Curve."
52. The restaurant quickly became an unofficially designated favorite spot for locals.
53. The new principal unofficially fired the controversial sports coach at the end of the school year.
54. Politicians unofficially extended their term limits through loopholes in election laws.
55. Employees have unofficially taken over management of the troubled nonprofit organization.
56. The famous landmark has unofficially become a shadow of its former self due to lack of repairs.
57. Crowds unofficially gathered at the airport to welcome the triumphant Olympic athletes.
58. Fans have unofficially dubbed the star rookie pitcher "The Franchise."
59. Political observers unofficially declared the incumbent administration inept after a series of high-profile blunders.
60. The helpful neighbor unofficially acted as a surrogate grandfather for children in the community.

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