Unsay example sentences
Related (7): retract, revoke, recant, withdraw, unspeak, disavow, renounce.
"Unsay" Example Sentences
1. I wish I could unsay those hurtful words.
2. After realizing how rude my comment was, I tried to unsay it.
3. There are some things you cannot unsay once spoken.
4. She wanted to unsay her rude remarks to her boss.
5. I regretted what I had said as soon as the words left my mouth, but I couldn't unsay them.
6. The bitter truth had already been revealed, and no amount of apologizing could unsay it.
7. I wish there were a way to unsay all the stupid things I've said over the years.
8. He tried to apologize and unsay his insulting words, but the damage had already been done.
9. There are some secrets that once spoken cannot be unsay without consequences.
10. She wanted to unsay the hurtful things she had written in the heated moment.
11. After blurting out his true feelings, he wished he could unsay the words.
12. Realizing she had revealed too much, she wished she could unsay her confession.
13. Nothing could unsay the lie he had told that had ruined someone's reputation.
14. His impulsive words broke her trust, and no amount of apologies could unsay the damage.
15. You can apologize for what you said, but you cannot unsay the actual words.
16. Every time I think about that argument, I wish I could unsay the hurtful things I said.
17. No matter how much I apologize, I cannot unsay the careless remark that caused so much pain.
18. I cannot unsay what has already been said, but I am deeply sorry for the way my words hurt you.
19. I took back the words as soon as I said them, but it was too late - I could not unsay them.
20. After angrily revealing a secret, he wished there was a way to unsay the truth.
21. You can retract a comment, but you cannot unsay what has already been spoken.
22. After accusing an innocent person, I wished there was a way I could unsay the false words.
23. Regretfully, she realized that no matter how much she apologized, she could not unsay the leaked gossip.
24. His unguarded words revealed more than he intended, and no amount of backtracking could unsay the truth.
25. I wish I had the power to unsay all of the thoughtless things I have ever said.
26. There are some confessions that cannot be unsay without irreparably damaging a relationship.
27. No amount of apologies could unsay his insensitive remarks that caused so much hurt.
28. I blurted out the secret without thinking, and nothing I can say now will unsay what has been revealed.
29. Once the false accusations were made, there was no way to unsay them without consequences.
30. He immediately regretted his angry outburst but knew there was no taking back or unsaying the hurtful words.
31. In the heat of an argument, I said things I wish I could unsay.
32. She wished she had the power to unsay all the hateful comments she wrote online.
33. After admitting a damning secret, he realized there was no way to unsay what had been revealed.
34. I apologize for what I said, but I cannot unsay the hurtful words themselves.
35. There is no magic spell to unsay what has been said and remedy the damage caused.
36. He wished he could take back and unsay the rash accusation that got him into trouble.
37. No matter how much he apologized, he could not unsay the cruel truth he had revealed.
38. She desperately wanted to unsay the angry outburst that had hurt her friend.
39. My careless remarks insulted you, and though I apologize, I cannot unsay what has been said.
40. Once spoken, the damaging gossip could not be unsay without serious fallout.
41. Nothing I could say now could unsay the ugly secret I had accidentally revealed.
42. After making a public accusation, I realized there was no way to unsay or prove my false words.
43. I lashed out in anger, saying things I deeply regret and wish I could unsay.
44. Though I take back my words, I cannot unsay what has already been spoken into existence.
45. In the heat of an argument, I said hurtful things that I would do anything to unsay.
46. There is no spell that can make the genie go back into the bottle or unsay what has already been uttered.
47. Though I apologize profusely, nothing I say now can unsay the careless, hurtful remark.
48. I regret my words, but nothing I do now can unsay what has already been said.
49. I wish there were some way to unsay my thoughtless words that caused so much pain.
50. After blurting out a secret in anger, I realized I could not unsay what had already been revealed.
Common Phases
1. I wish I could unsay the hurtful things I said to you. I'm so sorry.
2. I take back what I said. I should not have said it.
3. I didn't mean what I uttered. Please let me unsay my foolish words.
4. Let me withdraw my statement. I cannot unsay something quickly enough.
5. He tried to unsay the insult he hurled at her in anger.
6. I wish there was a way to unsay cruel words once they have been said.
7. She tried to unsay her snap judgment of the girl's character.
8. She uttered ill-considered words and wished she could unsay them.
9. The words escaped my mouth before I thought, and now I cannot unsay them. I apologize.
10. I regret my words. I want to unsay what I said in haste.
11. No words can express how much I wish I could unsay my insult.
12. I said something without thinking. There are things I cannot take back no matter how much I wish I could unsay them.
13. I cannot unsay the gossip I spread about her. The damage is done.
14. She uttered hurtful words that she now desperately wants to unsay.
15. He blurted out a careless remark that he now desperately wants to unsay.
16. I wish I could unsay all the stupid things I say when I'm tired and cranky.
17. I wish spoken words could be erased and unsaid, but they cannot.
18. Wishful thinking will not make the words unspoken nor unsay them.
19. We all wish we could unsay unkind words after we speak in haste.
20. There are no words to unsay what has been said and cannot be unsaid.
21. The words are out, and no amount of wishing can unsay them.
22. I wish I had not said those careless words, but I cannot unsay them now.
23. Would that we could unsay, unthink, undo, and begin again.
24. No one can unsay what has already been said. Words have power.
25. The words were uttered and cannot be withdrawn or unsay. They hang in the air between us.
26. I uttered hateful words and would do anything to unsay them.
27. I wish I could unsay my thoughtless words, but spoken words cannot be taken back.
28. Though I wish I could unsay the hurtful words I spoke in anger, I cannot.
29. She uttered careless words she now desperately wants to unsay.
30. I wish I could unsay the gossip I spread about her, but the damage is done.
31. I thoughtlessly spoke words that wounded you and cannot be unsay. I'm sorry.
32. I wish I could unsay my idle gossip, but damage is done that cannot be undone.
33. I uttered cruel words I now desperately wish I could unsay.
34. I cannot unsay the thoughtless, unkind words I spoke. I am truly sorry.
35. I wish I could unsay the unkind words I regretted as soon as I spoke them.
36. Once spoken, words cannot be unsaid. I wish I could unsay mine.
37. We must live with the utterances we cannot unsay.
38. We speak and cannot unsay. Words have consequences.
39. I uttered unkind, thoughtless words I now deeply regret. I wish I could unsay them.
40. Perhaps if I say it aloud, I cannot unsay. I must choose my words carefully.
41. The bitter words still hang in the air, unsayable and unerasable.
42. I said things in anger I deeply regret and wish I could unsay.
43. My thoughtless words wounded you, and I wish I could unsay them.
44. I uttered cruel, unthinking words I wish I could unsay.
45. I spoke careless words and deeply regret not being able to unsay them.
46. I uttered words in haste that hurt you and I cannot unsay. I'm sorry.
47. I uttered words in haste that I now desperately wish I could unsay.
48. I uttered harmful, thoughtless words that cannot be unsay or taken back.
49. I uttered hurtful words before thinking and wish desperately that I could unsay them.
50. I uttered harmful words in anger that I now wish I knew how to unsay.
51. I uttered hurtful words without thinking that I now wish desperately to unsay.
52. The words were spoken and cannot be unsay, though I wish I could recall them.
53. The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, and now I cannot unsay them.
54. I uttered careless, thoughtless words that cannot be unsay no matter how much I wish otherwise.
55. Once uttered, words cannot be unsay, but we can apologize and try to make amends.
56. We spoke careless words in haste that have caused harm. Though we cannot unsay them, we are deeply sorry.
57. I spoke careless words in anger that I now deeply regret and wish desperately that I could unsay.
58. I uttered words thoughtlessly that I now regret. I wish I could unsay them, but I cannot. I can only apologize.
59. I uttered careless words thoughtlessly that have caused pain. Though I cannot unsay them, I am truly sorry.
60. The bitter words were uttered and cannot be unsay, though I would give anything to recall them.