Unstated example sentences
Related (9): implicit, implied, unexpressed, inferred, tacit, unmentioned, unsaid, hidden, assumed
unstated (adjective)
- not stated or declared:
unnamed, unidentified, unquantified, undesignated, undefined, unfixed, undecided, undetermined, uncertain, uncounted, nameless, anonymous, mystery, mysterious, incognito, unknown, indefinite, indeterminate, vague, obscure, arbitrary, some, any, this, nth, innominate, specified, fixed, known, Legal"Unstated" Example Sentences
1. The implication was unstated but clear.
2. There were several unstated assumptions built into the proposal.
3. Her displeasure was unstated yet obvious from her expression.
4. His intentions were unstated but apparent from his actions.
5. There seemed to be some unstated resistance to the idea.
6. The conditions were unstated but implied.
7. There were unstated expectations from the beginning.
8. The unstated premise in his argument was flawed.
9. While the policy made no explicit reference to race, there were unstated racial biases underlying it.
10. The manager had unstated but strict rules about employee dress and behavior.
11. The look he gave her conveyed his feelings in an unstated yet meaningful way.
12. There was an unstated hierarchy within the group.
13. An unstated assumption in her theory was later proven false.
14. The film had several unstated social and political messages.
15. The goal remained unstated but clear to everyone involved.
16. There were many unstated criteria for the award that not everyone was aware of.
17. The team functioned according to a set of unstated norms and guidelines.
18. There seemed to be an unstated dress code for the job though nothing official.
19. The subtext of the conversation went far beyond the unstated words.
20. The unstated goal of the class became apparent over time.
21. His unstated skepticism frustrated her attempts at discussion.
22. There were unstated social dynamics at play within the group.
23. The contract contained several unstated but legally binding clauses.
24. There were unstated guidelines for professional behavior in the office.
25. His unstated objections hindered progress on the project.
26. The rules of the competition were unstated but strictly enforced.
27. Their unstated agreement caused conflict later on.
28. The unstated terms of the deal later proved problematic.
29. Her unstated fears influenced her choices.
30. The benchmarks for success remained unstated by management.
31. The buried but unstated theme in the book was social injustice.
32. There were unstated political reasons behind the hiring decision.
33. His unstated intentions became evident over time.
34. The purpose remained unstated but contributed to the overall effect.
35. The unstated cultural assumptions led to misunderstandings.
36. There were many unstated motives behind their generous donation.
37. His unstated disapproval made her uncomfortable.
38. The unstated message of the advertisement was insensitive.
39. The instructions were vague, with many unstated details left out.
40. The unstated demands of the senior partner made the job stressful.
41. The question contained several unstated assumptions.
42. Their unstated bias skewed the results of the study.
43. The unstated misconceptions led to a flawed analysis.
44. The unstated power dynamics made the work environment difficult.
45. The article's unstated narrative promoted a harmful stereotype.
46. There were unstated reasons for her sudden resignation.
47. The unstated values promoted in the policy were controversial.
48. The program had several unstated benefits.
49. The rules contained many unstated exemptions.
50. There were unstated consequences to not following the guidelines.
51. Her request implied many unstated needs.
52. The service contract contained several unstated fees and charges.
53. There were various unstated factors influencing the election results.
54. The unstated expectations created added pressure.
55. The essay criticized the unstated paternalistic ideology.
56. There were unstated ethical issues with the proposed plan.
57. The party invitation contained several unstated requirements.
58. The unstated motives behind the action cast doubt on its legitimacy.
59. The text contained numerous unstated cultural references.
60. There were several unstated reasons behind her changed behavior.
Common Phases
1. Unstated assumption
2. Unstated bias
3. Unstated conditions
4. Unstated expectations
5. Unstated goals
6. Unstated implications
7. Unstated intentions
8. Unstated motive
9. Unstated premise
10. Unstated requirement
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