Unwonted example sentences

Related (9): unusual, unexpected, atypical, uncommon, extraordinary, unconventional, unfamiliar, bizarre, strange

"Unwonted" Example Sentences

1. Her unwonted kindness caught me by surprise.
2. With unwonted candor, he spoke of his deepest fears.
3. The child touched the snake with unwonted familiarity.
4. The unwonted sight of snow on the desert landscape stunned us into silence.
5. His unwonted gaiety aroused suspicion.
6. The unwonted sound of birdsong at dawn woke me from my slumber.
7. His unwonted cheerfulness left me feeling uneasy.
8. The unwonted beauty of the sunset moved us both to tears.
9. The wine had an unwonted smoothness that belied its age.
10. The unwonted heat of the summer afternoon sapped our energy.
11. The unwonted warmth of her embrace surprised and comforted me.
12. Her unwonted eloquence captivated the audience.
13. The unwonted turn of events threw us into disarray.
14. I greeted him with unwonted affection after months of estrangement.
15. The cat showed unwonted friendliness toward the strange child.
16. The unwonted sound of laughter drew me upstairs.
17. The unwonted breeze caused ripples across the still lake.
18. Her unwonted laughter echoed through the hall.
19. The unwonted generosity of the offer left me speechless.
20. His unwonted show of emotion moved me deeply.
21. The unwonted sight of crocuses pushing through the snow brought a smile to my face.
22. The unwonted darkness of the room filled me with dread.
23. The unwonted ring of the phone at 3 am woke the whole house.
24. To my unwonted delight, my old friend appeared at the door.
25. The unwonted smell of smoke alerted us to the fire.
26. The chef prepared the meal with unwonted creativity and flair.
27. The unwonted clatter of dishes roused me from my book.
28. The unwonted clamor outside our door announced unexpected visitors.
29. I greeted him with unwonted warmth and affection after years apart.
30. Her unwonted interest in my work left me off balance.
31. The unwonted clang of the alarm clock shocked me awake.
32. The unwonted arrival of the post on a weekend excited the children.
33. The unwonted gathering of so many old friends brought back fond memories.
34. The unwonted expense of the project left the boardroom in uproar.
35. His unwonted shyness around her puzzled me.
36. The unwonted cold of the autumn morning made me shiver.
37. The unwonted roar of the crowd announced the entrance of the champion.
38. The unwonted aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the air.
39. The unwonted ticking of the clock disturbed my thoughts.
40. The unwonted taste of salt in the water puzzled me.
41. Her unwonted poise under pressure astonished us all.
42. The unwonted blankness of the horizon filled me with unease.
43. The unwonted weight of the rain on the roof lulled me to sleep.
44. The unwonted stillness of the forest spread a hush over the land.
45. The unwonted colour of her dress drew all eyes to her.
46. With unwonted diffidence, he asked for my advice.
47. The unwonted frown on her usually smiling face gave me pause.
48. The unwonted brilliance of the stars filled me with wonder.
49. The unwonted ringing of bells pealed out across the city.
50. The unwonted fullness of the moon lit up the night sky.
51. The unwonted zeal of the students delighted the teacher.
52. The unwonted melodiousness of his voice moved the audience to tears.
53. The unwonted humility of the winner astonished everyone.
54. At the unwonted sound of footsteps, I froze in fear.
55. The unwonted taste of wine on her lips surprised him pleasantly.
56. The unwonted sight of snow on the ground brought joy to the children.
57. The unwonted coolness of the water shocked me.
58. The unwonted weariness in his voice worried me.
59. The unwonted bloom of flowers in winter gladdened our hearts.
60. The unwonted splendour of the apparition awed us into silence.

Common Phases

1. Her unwonted smile surprised him.
2. He received unwonted praise for his accomplishment.
3. The sudden unwonted cheerfulness made him suspicious.
4. The unwonted warmth of the spring sunshine made everyone joyous.
5. The unwonted sound of children's laughter in the normally quiet house startled him.
6. The unwonted glow in her cheeks revealed her hidden excitement.
7. The unwonted green of new spring grass burst forth after the long winter.
8. The unwonted melody of birdsong filled the air.
9. The unwonted heat wave brought discomfort to the locals.
10. He painted with unwonted vigor and passion.
11. She cooked with unwonted care and attention.
12. She spoke with unwonted gentleness and concern.
13. The puppy played with unwonted exuberance.
14. The flowers bloomed with unwonted color and abundance.
15. The unwonted prosperity brought unforeseen challenges.
16. The unwonted burst of activity left him exhausted.
17. This unwonted luxury was too much.
18. The unwonted geniality of the usually dour minister surprised the congregation.
19. The bright moon shone with unwonted clarity.
20. The unwonted changes were bewildering.
21. Her unwonted optimism caused doubt.
22. The unwonted attention made him uncomfortable.
23. They met with unwonted hospitality.
24. The unwonted rain brought relief after the drought.
25. The plot thickened with unwonted complexity.
26. The unwonted economy of words surprised her readers.
27. The unwonted chaos alarmed those used to order.
28. His unwonted gracefulness amazed onlookers.
29. The unwonted sympathy in his voice brought her comfort.
30. The unwonted abundance of food nourished the starving villagers.
31. The unwonted rumors spread quickly.
32. The unwonted messiness shocked those used to neatness and organization.
33. His unwonted act of generosity surprised all.
34. The unwonted ease of the task raised suspicion.
35. The unwonted excitement infected everyone present.
36. The unwonted compliment embarrassed her.
37. The unwonted motion caught her eye.
38. He sang with unwonted sweetness and purity of tone.
39. The unwonted conglomeration of objects piled haphazardly was an eyesore.
40. The unwonted accuracy of her prediction astonished all.
41. The unwonted plea for mercy surprised the court.
42. The unwonted candor took her aback.
43. The unwonted cold weather upset their plans.
44. Her unwonted anxiety worried him.
45. The unwonted flatness of his tone concerned her.
46. The unwonted show of affection perplexed them both.
47. The unwonted display of humility surprised the elders.
48. The unwonted clamor disturbed the otherwise peaceful meeting.
49. The unwonted stillness after the storm unnerved her.
50. The unwonted support exceeded his wildest expectations.
51. The unwonted clarity of purpose gave her direction.
52. The unwonted dilemma left him at a loss for words.
53. The unwonted magic of the moment held them spellbound.
54. Her unwonted willingness to help aroused his suspicions.
55. The unwonted tenderness of his touch surprised her.
56. The unwonted argument between the usually loving couple concerned their friends.
57. The unwonted din of the party penetrated her solitude.
58. The unwonted warmth of his demeanor thawed their frosty relationship.
59. The unwonted wrinkles in her brow revealed her concern.
60. The unwonted plentitude of options overwhelmed her.

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