Uppercase example sentences

Related (2): capital, majuscule

"Uppercase" Example Sentences

1. Please type your name in uppercase letters.
2. The headline was written in all uppercase letters.
3. The computer keyboard has uppercase and lowercase letters.
4. The first letter of each sentence should be written in uppercase.
5. Acronyms are typically written in all uppercase letters.
6. Names of days and months are written with the first letter in uppercase and the rest in lowercase.
7. Proper nouns, such as names and places, are usually written with the first letter in uppercase.
8. The initialisms NASA and FBI use all uppercase letters.
9. The teacher reminded the students to check that their essay titles only had the first letter in uppercase.
10. The password requires at least one uppercase letter.
11. Write your essay with proper capitalization of the first letter of each sentence and names.
12. The template requires the company name in all uppercase letters.
13. Good style dictates using title case, with only the first letter of each word in uppercase.
14. Click the "Caps Lock" key to type in all uppercase letters.
15. The style guide specifies using title case for section headings, with only the first letter of each word in uppercase.
16. UNIX file names are case sensitive, meaning uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct.
17. Use shift and the letter key to type a single uppercase letter within a lowercase word.
18. URLs are not case sensitive but are typically shown in all lowercase letters for consistency.
19. The typography designer specified using small caps for the introductory text, with lowercase letters at a reduced size.
20. HTML tags are written in lowercase, with attribute values enclosed in double quotes.
21. Acronyms like ASAP and RAM should use only the first letter in uppercase, with the rest in lowercase.
22. XML tags, like HTML, use lowercase letters but without the need for closing tags.
23. The editor noticed that a few words were mistakenly written in all uppercase letters.
24. CSS property names should be written in lowercase, even hyphenated properties.
25. The processor architecture named ARM uses only uppercase letters in its name.
26. Click shift while hitting the letter key to type a single uppercase character.
27. SQL commands are written in uppercase letters for consistency.
28. Internet domain names and email addresses are not case sensitive.
29. Use sentence case for prose text, with only the first letter of the first word uppercase.
30. Programming language keywords are typically written in all uppercase letters for visibility.
31. The character case of a string can be changed to uppercase using the .upper() or .capitalize() method.
32. Use shift + Caps Lock to toggle Caps Lock off after typing in all uppercase.
33. The student wrote his name using a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters.
34. The professor emphasized using proper case for document elements, such as title case for headings.
35. Abbreviations like i.e. and e.g. generally use periods but are written in lowercase.
36. Shift the font style to small caps to give text a more formal appearance with halfway lowercase letters.
37. Pressing Caps Lock, typing, and pressing Caps Lock again will toggle it back to default.
38. Many programming languages are case sensitive, meaning var and VAR are two different variables.
39. In Spanish, all nouns are written with the first letter in uppercase.
40. Use an em dash — written in lowercase — to indicate a break in thought within a sentence.
41. Most text editors have a "Transform to UPPERCASE" command to change selected text.
42. General guidelines recommend using title case for chapter headings and sentence case for body text.
43. Lowercase letters are easier to read in body copy compared to all uppercase text.
44. Some fonts have a true small caps option, where the sizes of uppercase and lowercase letters match perfectly.
45. The instructor provided guidance on properly capitalizing document elements for consistency and readability.
46. Remember to uncap Caps Lock when done typing in all uppercase to avoid unintentionally writing in caps.
47. Programming style guides often recommend writing variables and functions in camelCase.
48. Use sentence case for normal body text and title case for headings and subheadings throughout a document.
49. Applying all uppercase formatting to body text is not recommended for long-form documents.
50. The form field warned that the password required both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Common Phases

1. Turn caps lock off.
2. Press shift to type uppercase letters.
3. Use proper capitalization.
4. Write the first letter of a sentence in uppercase.
5. Capitalize names and places.
6. Type in title case.
7. Follow the style guide capitalization.
8. Convert text to uppercase.
9. Shift the case to uppercase.
10. Use uppercase for acronyms and initialisms.
11. Some fonts have true small caps.
12. Use sentence case for body text.
13. Title case for headings is recommended.
14. URLs are generally shown in lowercase.
15. Most programming languages are case sensitive.

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