Vague example sentences

Related (7): Unclear, indefinite, imprecise, ambiguous, hazy, obscure, uncertain.

"Vague" Example Sentences

1. His explanation was rather vague and unclear.
2. I have only a vague recollection of that event.
3. Her smile gave me vague hopes for the future.
4. The instructions were too vague to follow properly.
5. Her threats were vague and non-specific.
6. The witness gave a vague description of the suspect.
7. His memory of the event was very vague and hazy.
8. His intentions remained rather vague and undefined.
9. I had a vague feeling that something was not quite right.
10. She had only a vague idea of what to expect.
11. I have a vague notion that I've seen him before.
12. The road signs were too vague to determine the route.
13. My sense that something was amiss remained vague and general.
14. Her mutterings were vague and impossible to understand.
15. Her threat was vague and therefore strangely sinister.
16. The girl gave the police a vague description of the man.
17. The witness's testimony was vague and unreliable.
18. I made out the vague shape of a person in the shadows.
19. The plan was still rather vague and unformed.
20. That idea seems too vague and imprecise.
21. The film left me with vague feelings of unease.
22. I have only the vaguest sense of what happened that night.
23. The threat felt vague yet menacing.
24. His explanation of events remained rather vague and sketchy.
25. The idea remains just a vague possibility at this stage.
26. I caught a vague whiff of smoke in the air.
27. The doctor's prognosis remained vague and uncertain.
28. My memories of that time are vague and indistinct.
29. The landscape was little more than a vague blur.
30. Their interest seemed rather vague and ill-defined.
31. The future seemed filled with vague uncertainties.
32. The painting evoked vague feelings of nostalgia.
33. I had only a vague notion of the imminent danger.
34. A vague sense of impending doom hung over the proceedings.
35. She gave a vague mumble of assent.
36. The plot remained rather vague and convoluted.
37. I had only a vague sense of how much time had passed.
38. The job advertisement contained only vague details.
39. His response was vague and noncommittal.
40. The plan remains very vague and ill-defined.
41. I caught a vague whiff of smoke in the air.
42. Her reply was vague and evasive.
43. That street name seemed vaguely familiar.
44. The witness provided only a vague description of the assailant.
45. His motives remain vague and ill-defined.
46. Her stories left me with vague memories of childhood.
47. The idea felt like a vague possibility rather than a concrete plan.
48. He gave only a vague nod of acknowledgement.
49. The instructions lacked specificity and were therefore vague.
50. His career plans remained vague and undefined.
51. The horizon was a vague line between sea and sky.
52. The future seemed filled with vague and uncertain possibilities.
53. The plan remained a vague notion rather than a concrete proposal.
54. The perfume evoked vague memories of my childhood.
55. Her response was vague and noncommittal.
56. A vague sense of unease hung over the proceedings.
57. The doctor's prognosis remained vague and inconclusive.
58. The boy's story was vague and lacking in important details.
59. The concept remains merely a vague idea at this stage.
60. Her mutterings were vague and impossible to decipher.

Common Phases

1. Her explanations were vague and unclear.
2. I still have a vague recollection of my childhood home.
3. His promises were intentionally vague to avoid making any firm commitments.
4. The directions he gave me were too vague; I got lost.
5. The warnings in the report were worded in vague terms.
6. The suspect gave police a vague description of the suspect.
7. I have a vague memory of meeting him before.
8. Her reply was vague and evasive.
9. I have a vague unease that something is wrong.
10. The images in my dream were vague and shadowy.
11. His instructions were too vague for me to understand properly.
12. His intentions remained vague even after I asked him directly.
13. The job listing was very vague about the salary and benefits.
14. Her smile had a vague hint of amusement.
15. The dying light cast vague shadows across the room.
16. The suspect's alibi was vague and unverifiable.
17. The plan was still too vague to inspire much confidence.
18. I only have a vague idea of what I want to do next.
19. The sketch featured only vague outlines of humans.
20. The press release offered vague details about the new initiative.
21. The article had some interesting facts but remained too vague overall.
22. His political statements have always been intentionally vague.
23. I have a vague sense of déjà vu about this place.
24. His opinion on the matter was vague and noncommittal.
25. The document contained only vague references to the controversy.
26. I have a vague impression that we've met before.
27. His answers remained intentionally vague to avoid giving away too much.
28. The sketch contained only vague details about the figure.
29. The information provided was too vague to be of much use.
30. The policy guidelines were worded in vague terms.
31. The rumors circulating were vague and unsubstantiated.
32. Her voice had a vague wistful tone.
33. Their outlines were vague in the fading light.
34. A vague memory from my childhood suddenly came to mind.
35. The terms of the deal remained deliberately vague.
36. The suspect gave police a vague alibi.
37. She had only a vague idea of his past.
38. His explanation was vague and lacked important details.
39. There was a vague tension in the air at the meeting.
40. The policies were written in deliberately vague language.
41. My recollection of the details is now quite vague.
42. He gave her a vague answer that didn't clarify anything.
43. The sketch included only vague depictions of figures.
44. The threatening message used vaguely worded threats.
45. Her apologetic smile held a vague promise of better behavior.
46. The plan lacked specific details and remained very vague overall.
47. I have a vague sense that I've forgotten something important.
48. The light was too dim to make out any but the vaguest details.
49. The letter contained vague threats against unnamed officials.
50. His facial expressions remained intentionally vague throughout our meeting.
51. The accounts were written in such vague terms as to be essentially useless.
52. The job description provided only the vaguest idea of the actual duties.
53. Police have been given only vague details about the suspect's appearance.
54. The official statement gave only vague assurances and no solid information.
55. The struggle left only vague impressions on my infant memory.
56. The witness account contained vague details and many contradictions.
57. Her stories only contained vague references to actual events.
58. The drawing portrayed figures in vague outline and shadow.
59. The students expressed only vague dissatisfaction with no clear demands.
60. The newspaper reported only the vaguest details of the incident.

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