Vatical example sentences

Related (5): papal, pontifical, episcopal, ecclesiastical, canonical

"Vatical" Example Sentences

1. The Vatican serves as the spiritual center for the world's Catholic population.
2. The Pope's vatical decrees are considered to be infallible in matters of faith and morals.
3. The vatical archives contain a wealth of information on the history of the Catholic Church.
4. The vatical library houses some of the world's most valuable and rare manuscripts.
5. The vatical gardens are a tranquil oasis in the heart of Rome.
6. The vatical museums are a must-visit for anyone interested in art and history.
7. The vatical chapel is a breathtaking example of Renaissance architecture.
8. The vatical observatory is one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world.
9. The vatical bank is responsible for managing the finances of the Holy See.
10. The vatical hierarchy is organized into various levels, with cardinals at the top.
11. The vatical choir is renowned for its beautiful and haunting music.
12. The vatical stamp collection is one of the most extensive in the world.
13. The vatical flag features the crossed keys of Saint Peter, symbolizing the authority of the Pope.
14. The vatical apartments are located in the Apostolic Palace and serve as the residence of the Pope.
15. The vatical liturgy emphasizes the importance of tradition and ritual.
16. The vatical museums contain priceless works of art, including paintings by Michelangelo and Raphael.
17. The vatical gardens are home to a wide variety of plants and animals.
18. The vatical archives are closed to the public, but scholars may request access to specific documents.
19. The vatical library contains over one million books and manuscripts.
20. The vatical observatory has played a significant role in advancing our understanding of the universe.
21. The vatical choir sings at daily Masses and other special occasions.
22. The vatical bank follows strict ethical and moral guidelines in its operations.
23. The vatical hierarchy includes bishops, priests, and deacons.
24. The vatical flag is raised over the Apostolic Palace whenever the Pope is in residence.
25. The vatical apartments are furnished with beautiful works of art and antiques.
26. The vatical liturgy has evolved over the centuries, but still retains many ancient traditions.
27. The vatical museums offer guided tours in several languages.
28. The vatical gardens were originally created in the 13th century.
29. The vatical archives are divided into several sections, including historical and diplomatic documents.
30. The vatical library is open to scholars and researchers from around the world.

Common Phases

1. The vatical predictions were eerily accurate; many people were shocked.
2. The vatical symbols unlocked hidden meaning; we were finally able to solve the mystery.
3. His vatical powers were renowned throughout the land; people sought him out for guidance.
4. The vatical rituals were ancient and mysterious; only the most skilled practitioners could perform them.
5. The vatical scrolls contained secrets of the universe; they were highly coveted by scholars.
6. Her vatical visions had saved countless lives; people regarded her as a hero.
7. The vatical ceremonies were meant to appease the gods; failure to perform them could lead to dire consequences.
8. The vatical artifacts were believed to possess magical powers; many collectors were willing to pay top dollar for them.
9. The vatical council convened to discuss important matters; its members held great influence in the community.
10. The vatical practices were deeply ingrained in their culture; they would never abandon them.

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