Vaticinated example sentences

Related (16): prophecized, predicted, divined, foretold, anticipated, projected, prognosticated, foreshadowed, foresaw, envisaged, envisioned, forewarned, augured, presaged, heralded, announced.



vaticinated (past tense) · vaticinated (past participle)

  - foretell the future:


bode, portend, herald, foreshadow, presage, indicate, signify, signal, promise, threaten, spell, denote, foretell, forecast, predict, prophesy, prognosticate, divine, foresee, betoken, foretoken, forebode, harbinger, foreshow, previse, Legal

"Vaticinated" Example Sentences

1. The prophet vaticinated that the city would fall.
2. The ancient oracle vaticinated the demise of the kingdom.
3. The fortune teller vaticinated doom and gloom for the new year.
4. The soothsayer vaticinated that dark times were ahead.
5. Nostradamus vaticinated plagues, floods, and war in his famous quatrains.
6. The astrologer vaticinated that a great disaster was impending.
7. The psychic vaticinated that the missing child would be found alive.
8. The mystic vaticinated that a savior would arise to lead the people.
9. The visionary vaticinated the end of the world in a great cataclysm.
10. The seer vaticinated victory in the upcoming battle.
11. The mystic vaticinated the return of an ancient spirit to wreak havoc.
12. The augur vaticinated wrath and destruction from the gods above.
13. The shaman vaticinated the coming of a new age of prosperity and peace.
14. The priest vaticinated divine retribution for the king's sins.
15. The faith healer vaticinated a return to health and happiness.
16. The prophet vaticinated storms, famines, and pestilences.
17. The oracle vaticinated a great change in the political climate.
18. The visionary vaticinated a global shift in consciousness.
19. The soothsayer vaticinated changes in the weather patterns.
20. The seer vaticinated an age of enlightenment and reason.
21. The medium vaticinated a change of residence in the near future.
22. The mystic vaticinated the dawning of a golden age for mankind.
23. The prognosticator vaticinated a rise in wealth and influence.
24. The diviner vaticinated victory in the war yet impending dangers.
25. The gypsy vaticinated that a long lost relative would soon appear.
26. The astrologer vaticinated that fame and fortune lay just ahead.
27. The psychic vaticinated that a new romance would blossom.
28. The clairvoyant vaticinated that a long journey awaited.
29. The fortune teller vaticinated great success in business endeavors.
30. The seer vaticinated that a deadly peril awaited around the corner.
31. The wise man vaticinated that challenges would bring growth and wisdom.
32. The sybil vaticinated that hard times lay ahead but eventual triumph.
33. The oracle vaticinated a future filled with prosperity and wonder.
34. The visionary vaticinated that peace could only come through great struggle.
35. The guru vaticinated that enlightenment would lead to freedom from suffering.
36. The medicine man vaticinated the return of rain to end the drought.
37. The soothsayer vaticinated that loss would lead to renewal and rebirth.
38. The augur vaticinated that a great discovery awaited just over the horizon.
39. The mystic vaticinated that the spirit world would soon reveal its secrets.
40. The seer vaticinated the dawn of a new spiritual awakening.
41. The sibyl vaticinated that rewards would follow great perseverance.
42. The priestess vaticinated that wisdom would arise from adversity.
43. The voodoo priestess vaticinated victory in the war yet to come.
44. The shaman vaticinated that answers lay within, not without.
45. The medium vaticinated that progress and growth awaited those who had the courage to change.
46. The clairvoyant vaticinated that happiness was a choice, not dependent on circumstances.
47. The guru vaticinated that enlightenment comes when the mind becomes still.
48. The prophet vaticinated that the power of love would ultimately triumph over hate.
49. The psychic vaticinated that truth would be revealed in its own time.
50. The faith healer vaticinated that pain had a higher spiritual purpose.
51. The astrologer vaticinated that challenges would serve to develop inner strength.
52. The visionary vaticinated that humanity possessed the wisdom and compassion to solve any problem.
53. The oracle vaticinated that peace dwelled within the self, not in the external world.
54. The mystic vaticinated that liberation lay in surrendering desire and attachment.
55. The sage vaticinated that those who walk the path of service find true joy.
56. The holy man vaticinated that enlightenment comes through surrender of the ego.
57. The wise woman vaticinated that knowledge without wisdom leads only to suffering.
58. The fortune teller vaticinated that true wealth lay in family, friends, and community.
59. The priestess vaticinated that happiness comes from living in harmony with nature.
60. The soothsayer vaticinated that progress would be slow yet inevitable.

Common Phases

1. The old man vaticinated that the end is near and we must prepare.
2. The fortune teller vaticinated that I would meet the love of my life on a road trip.
3. The prophecy vaticinated the coming of the chosen one who would unite the kingdoms.
4. The soothsayer vaticinated doom and gloom if the ritual was not performed correctly.
5. Nostradamus vaticinated many catastrophic events that came to pass.
6. The astrologer vaticinated that Mars aligning with Jupiter meant good fortune was coming.
7. The old sage vaticinated that the young prince's future was fraught with hardship and danger.
8. The spirit medium vaticinated predictions of both prosperity and peril for the new year.
9. The mysterious orb of light vaticinated several warnings to the king about potential threats.
10. The oracle vaticinated that the hero's greatest test lay ahead on his momentous journey.
11. She vaticinated that their loved one would return to them, though the road would be long.
12. The seer vaticinated devastating repercussions if the rituals were not performed precisely.
13. His ominous visions vaticinated the coming of darkness that would swallow the land.
14. The psychic vaticinated that my chance meeting with an old friend would lead to new opportunities.
15. The dream I had last night vaticinated success and happiness in my future endeavors.
16. Their fortune teller vaticinated that a long lost relative would soon reappear in their lives.
17. The unearthly creature vaticinated seven portents of doom that would befall the kingdom.
18. The vision he had vaticinated his eventual rise to power and influence.
19. The omens vaticinated unrest and upheaval throughout the land in the coming months.
20. The eerie prophecy vaticinated the destruction of the island paradise by a large wave.
21. Her strange dreams vaticinated dramatic changes in her personal and professional life.
22. The horoscope vaticinated that a new romance was headed my way later in the month.
23. The astrological charts vaticinated a time of great prosperity in the coming year.
24. The cards she laid out vaticinated a difficult time ahead but also great potential for growth.
25. The spirit medium vaticinated several messages of hope and reassurance from my deceased grandmother.
26. The runes vaticinated that I was entering a season of abundance and good fortune.
27. My tea leaves vaticinated a surprise trip in my near future.
28. The futures of the children were vaticinated as fraught with hardship and loss.
29. Their dreams vaticinated the coming change in leadership as a positive turning point.
30. The entrails vaticinated an ominous period of unrest looming in the months ahead.
31. The troubadour's song vaticinated sorrow for those who followed the errant path.
32. The mystical vision vaticinated the coming of a dark age that would engulf the land.
33. The crone vaticinated that the sacred treasure lay hidden deep within the stone maze.
34. The tea leaves vaticinated a happy marriage for my daughter in the next two years.
35. Her prayers vaticinated God's guidance and protection for her loved ones abroad.
36. The guru vaticinated that sacrifice and healing lie at the heart of enlightenment.
37. The stars vaticinated a time of unrivaled prosperity and happiness for the monarch.
38. The augur vaticinated good fortune and success for the military campaign ahead.
39. My dreams vaticinated a time of great personal growth and self-discovery in the future.
40. The Elders vaticinated seven signs that would herald the return of the Lost Tribe.
41. The madman vaticinated the imminent death of the king and the downfall of the realm.
42. The vision quest vaticinated a challenge ahead that would test my character and resolve.
43. The writings vaticinated destruction for the wicked and salvation for the pious.
44. The mystical words vaticinated dangers on my future journey that must be overcome.
45. The divine prophecy vaticinated destruction and rebirth for the ancient civilization.
46. The scrolls vaticinated that knowledge would be lost and then rediscovered.
47. The prophecy vaticinated the apocalypse and end of days.
48. The priestess vaticinated that the moon would turn red before the sacrifice.
49. The fortune teller vaticinated that I would meet my soulmate very soon.
50. The old woman vaticinated that we would have a cold winter with much snow.
51. The gypsy vaticinated that I would take a long journey across the sea.
52. The cards vaticinated nothing but trouble and heartbreak in my future.
53. The horoscope vaticinated a period of upheaval and adjustment for my sign this month.
54. The soothsayer vaticinated several warnings and omens before the ceremony began.
55. The preacher vaticinated the imminent return of Jesus and the end of the world.
56. The augury vaticinated doom and destruction unless the warriors turned back at once.
57. Her dreams vaticinated many difficulties but ultimately great success in her endeavors.
58. The voices vaticinated many trials and tribulations before ultimate enlightenment.
59. The news he vaticinated was both wonderful and terrible in equal measure.
60. The visions vaticinated midnight celebrations and joyous reunions after a long winter.

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