Vedas example sentences

Related (15): hinduism, upanishads, mantras, brahman, karma, dharma, yoga, agni, aranyakas, rishis, ritual, shastra, shlokas, shruti, yajurveda

"Vedas" Example Sentences

1. Vedas are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.
2. Vedas are believed to be eternal and without beginning or end.
3. The four Vedas are Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda.
4. Vedas are considered to be the source of all knowledge.
5. Vedas are also known as the śruti literature.
6. Vedas contain the oldest form of Sanskrit language.
7. Vedas are composed in the form of hymns and verses.
8. Vedas were composed by ancient rishis and sages.
9. Vedas are believed to be the revealed truth of the divine.
10. Vedas are the source of the Upanishads and the Brahmanas.
11. Vedas are the foundation of the Hindu religion and culture.
12. Vedas are the oldest and most sacred scriptures of Hinduism.
13. Vedas are the basis for all Hindu rituals and ceremonies.
14. Vedas are the source of the Hindu spiritual and philosophical tradition.
15. Vedas are the oldest religious texts in the world, dating back to 1500 BCE.
16. Vedas are composed in Vedic Sanskrit, an ancient language of India.
17. Vedas are divided into four sections, known as the Samhitas.
18. Vedas are the foundation of the Vedic religion and culture of India.
19. Vedas are believed to be the source of all knowledge and wisdom.
20. Vedas are the oldest scriptures in the world and are believed to be divinely revealed.
21. Vedas are the oldest and most important scriptures of the Hindu religion.
22. Vedas are the foundation of the Hindu spiritual tradition and culture.
23. Vedas are composed in an ancient language known as Vedic Sanskrit.
24. Vedas are believed to have been composed by ancient sages and rishis.
25. Vedas are believed to be the source of all knowledge and truth.
26. Vedas are the oldest and most sacred scriptures of the Hindu religion.
27. Vedas are composed in the form of hymns and verses, and are divided into four sections.
28. Vedas are believed to be the revealed truth of the divine and are the source of the Upanishads and the Brahmanas.
29. Vedas are the foundation of the Vedic religion and culture of India and are the source of the Hindu spiritual and philosophical tradition.
30. Vedas are the oldest religious texts in the world, dating back to 1500 BCE, and are composed in Vedic Sanskrit, an ancient language of India.
31. Vedas are believed to be eternal and without beginning or end, and are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.
32. Vedas are the source of the Hindu spiritual tradition and are composed in the form of hymns and verses.
33. Vedas are believed to be the source of all knowledge and are divided into four sections, known as the Samhitas.
34. Vedas are the foundation of the Vedic religion and culture of India and are believed to have been composed by ancient sages and rishis.
35. Vedas are the oldest and most sacred scriptures of the Hindu religion, believed to be the revealed truth of the divine.
36. Vedas are the source of the Upanishads and the Brahmanas and are the basis for all Hindu rituals and ceremonies.
37. Vedas are the oldest and most important scriptures of the Hindu religion, believed to be eternal and without beginning or end.
38. Vedas are the source of the Hindu spiritual and philosophical tradition and are composed in an ancient language known as Vedic Sanskrit.
39. Vedas are believed to be the source of all knowledge and wisdom and are the oldest scriptures in the world, dating back to 1500 BCE.
40. Vedas are the foundation of the Hindu religion and culture and are composed in the form of hymns and verses.

Common Phases

;Vedic Age;Vedic Period;Vedic Civilization;Vedic Rituals;Vedic Culture;Vedic Literature;Vedic Gods;Vedic Hymns;Vedic Sacrifices;Vedic Fire Altar;Vedic Mantras;Vedic Astrology;Vedic Mathematics;Vedic Science;Vedic Philosophy;Vedic Medicine.

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