Vehemences example sentences

Related (7): passion, intensity, fervency, vehemency, fervor, zeal, ardor

"Vehemences" Example Sentences

1. The speaker conveyed his message with great vehemence.
2. The vehemence of his emotions was overwhelming.
3. She spoke with such vehemence that her words pierced through the silence.
4. The intensity of his vehemence surprised everyone in the room.
5. His vehemence was a clear indication of his frustration and anger.
6. The vehemence in his voice made it clear he was not to be trifled with.
7. The vehemence of her anger was palpable.
8. His vehemence caused his argument to be taken seriously.
9. The vehemence with which she argued her point won her the case.
10. The vehemence of their dispute made it difficult for them to reconcile.
11. The vehemence of the wind forced the trees to bend and sway.
12. The vehemence of her passion was evident in her every word and action.
13. He expressed his vehemence through his actions rather than his words.
14. The vehemence of their disagreement threatened to shatter their friendship.
15. The vehemence with which the protesters marched down the street was awe-inspiring.
16. The vehemence of his accusations left everyone stunned.
17. Her vehemence was born out of the passion she felt for the cause.
18. The vehemence of the storm made it impossible to hear anything else.
19. The vehemence of the debate was enough to convince even the staunchest of skeptics.
20. The vehemence with which he defended his position was admirable.
21. His vehemence was matched only by his resolve to see justice done.
22. The vehemence of the opposition's arguments made it clear they would not back down.
23. The vehemence with which she fought against injustice was inspiring.
24. The vehemence of her critique was a clear indication of her expertise and knowledge.
25. The vehemence of his lectures made it clear he was passionate about his subject.
26. Her vehemence was tempered by her compassion for those affected by the issue.
27. The vehemence of the players on the field was matched only by their love for the game.
28. The vehemence of her attack caught him off guard.
29. The vehemence of his response indicated he had been waiting for this opportunity.
30. The vehemence with which he denied the allegations spoke to his innocence.

Common Phases

1. He expressed his love for her with all the vehemence in his heart; his voice trembled with emotion.
2. The politician spoke with great vehemence, declaring that he would never back down from his beliefs.
3. The coach critiqued the team's performance with vehemence, demanding that they work harder in the next game.
4. The protesters marched through the streets with vehemence, waving signs and chanting slogans.
5. The teacher scolded the students with vehemence, telling them to pay more attention and take their studies seriously.

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