Viewerships example sentences

Related (11): audience, ratings, viewers, watchers, spectators, eyeballs, followers, readership, listenership, attendance, participation

"Viewerships" Example Sentences

1. The show's viewerships have increased significantly since its premiere.
2. The network is concerned about the declining viewerships of their prime time shows.
3. The live stream had a record-breaking viewerships of over a million people.
4. The event saw a surge in viewerships after it was shared on social media.
5. The documentary's viewerships may not have been high, but it received critical acclaim.
6. The sports channel is known for its high viewerships during championship games.
7. The late-night talk show's viewerships are consistently high.
8. The digital streaming platform boasts of a global viewerships of millions.
9. The news program's viewerships have steadily declined over the years.
10. The reality show's viewerships are heavily influenced by its controversial content.
11. The network is investing heavily in marketing to increase their viewerships.
12. The award show's viewerships reached an all-time low this year.
13. The channel's diverse programming attracts a wide range of viewerships.
14. The sitcom's viewerships dropped after the departure of its lead actor.
15. The game show's viewerships spiked when a celebrity guest participated.
16. The music video achieved a massive viewerships in just a few days.
17. The podcast has cultivated a loyal viewerships who tune in every week.
18. The TV commercial's viewerships were analyzed in detail by the marketing team.
19. The educational program's viewerships are most active during the school year.
20. The webinar had a limited viewerships due to technical difficulties.
21. The YouTube channel's viewerships skyrocketed when popular influencers were featured.
22. The investigative report's viewerships were significant due to the controversial topic.
23. The movie's viewerships were lower than expected despite a star-studded cast.
24. The soap opera's viewerships have remained steady for decades.
25. The talk show achieved high viewerships after featuring a viral internet sensation.
26. The mini-series' viewerships dipped midway through due to critical reviews.
27. The travel show's viewerships increased after featuring lesser-known destinations.
28. The news anchor's viewerships are consistently high due to their extensive experience.
29. The comedy sketch's viewerships were boosted by social media shares.
30. The fitness program's viewerships are most active during the New Year resolutions period.

Common Phases

1. The viewerships for the new TV show have been steadily increasing; it looks like it could be a hit.
2. The decline in viewerships for cable news channels has been attributed to the rise of online news sources.
3. The viewerships for the championship game were so high that the network broke records for ad revenue.
4. It's interesting to compare the viewerships of different streaming platforms and see which ones are the most popular.
5. The sudden drop in viewerships for the award show was surprising, as it had been a highly anticipated event.
6. The debate over whether traditional TV still has significant viewerships rages on, as more people switch to streaming services.
7. The viewerships for the Olympic events were staggering, showcasing the global interest in the games.
8. It's important for producers to pay attention to viewerships in order to make informed decisions about renewals and cancellations.
9. Comparing the viewerships of different episodes of a show can provide insight into which storylines are resonating with audiences.
10. Sometimes the viewerships for a show can be misleading, as many people now watch content through delayed viewing or online platforms.

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