Vinometer example sentences

Related (5): ethanolometer, oenometer, vine-o-meter, spiritometer, saccharometer

"Vinometer" Example Sentences

1. I bought a vinometer to measure the alcohol content in my homemade wine.
2. The winemaker used a vinometer to ensure the wine had reached the desired alcohol level.
3. I was able to use the vinometer to determine that the wine had an alcohol content of 12%.
4. The vinometer is an essential tool for any serious winemaker.
5. I need to order a new vinometer since my old one broke.
6. The vinometer proved to be very accurate in measuring the alcohol content of the wine.
7. Using a vinometer, I was able to determine that the wine had undergone malolactic fermentation.
8. The winery invested in a high-quality vinometer to ensure their wines were consistent.
9. The vinometer helped me to adjust the alcohol level in my wine to the desired amount.
10. The winemaker relied on the vinometer to ensure the wine was ready for bottling.
11. The vinometer was able to detect a problem with the fermentation process, which helped us to correct it.
12. The vinometer is a useful tool for home winemakers who want to ensure the quality of their product.
13. I use the vinometer regularly to monitor the progress of my wine.
14. The vinometer is a simple tool that provides an accurate reading of alcohol content.
15. The winemaker was impressed with the accuracy of the vinometer in determining the alcohol level of the wine.
16. The vinometer made it easy for me to determine when the wine was ready to transfer to the secondary fermentation vessel.
17. The vinometer is an affordable and useful tool for anyone who enjoys making wine at home.
18. Using a vinometer, I was able to determine that the wine had a pH level of 3.5.
19. The vinometer saved me a lot of time and effort in trying to determine the alcohol content of my wine by taste alone.
20. The winemaker calibrated the vinometer before each use to ensure it provided the most accurate reading.
21. The vinometer made it easy for me to determine when the wine had finished fermenting.
22. The winery uses a sophisticated vinometer that can provide readings for multiple parameters.
23. The vinometer is a vital tool for ensuring the consistency of wine from batch to batch.
24. I use the vinometer to check the alcohol levels of my wine at various stages of the fermentation process.
25. The winemaker relied on the vinometer and other tools to determine the optimal time for picking the grapes.
26. The vinometer helped me to make adjustments to the acidity of my wine so that it had a more balanced taste.
27. The vinometer can also be used to measure the sugar content of the wine.
28. I was able to use the vinometer to determine that the wine had a potential alcohol content of 14%.
29. The vinometer is an essential tool for ensuring that the wine has not undergone spoilage during the fermentation process.
30. Using a vinometer, I was able to determine that the wine had a volatile acidity of 0.5 grams per liter.

Common Phases

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