Vitalismfrench example sentences

Related (8): Bergson, philosophy, vitalistic, energy, vitalist, organism, spirit, animated.

"Vitalismfrench" Example Sentences

1. The philosophy of vitalism teaches that life cannot be reduced to its physical components.
2. The French philosopher Henri Bergson was a prominent figure in the movement of vitalism.
3. In vitalism, the concept of the soul is seen as an integral part of the definition of life.
4. The vitalism movement in French literature rejected the strict adherence to realism.
5. According to vitalism, the life force cannot be explained simply as a product of chemical reactions.
6. The vitalism movement in French art aimed to capture the essence of life and vitality.
7. Some scientists today still subscribe to a form of vitalism, believing that life cannot be fully explained by physical processes.
8. Vitalism is often associated with spirituality and alternative forms of medicine.
9. The vitalism approach to psychology focuses on the unique experiences and perspectives of individual people.
10. Despite its popularity in the early 20th century, the vitalism movement eventually declined in France.
11. In vitalism, the body is seen as a vessel for the life force rather than its sole source.
12. Vitalism was influential in shaping the development of modernist movements in art and literature.
13. Some proponents of vitalism believe that consciousness cannot be reduced to mere brain activity.
14. Vitalism places an emphasis on holistic approaches to health and wellness.
15. The vitalism movement emerged as a response to the rise of industrialization and modernity in Western society.
16. Certain elements of vitalism can be traced back to ancient beliefs in animism and spiritualism.
17. While vitalism is often subject to criticism from more empirical scientific perspectives, it continues to play a role in certain fields.
18. The vitalism approach to education focused on creating well-rounded individuals rather than simply imparting knowledge and skills.
19. Vitalism has been associated with various religious and mystical beliefs throughout history.
20. The vitalism movement in French literature was characterized by a rejection of traditional narrative structures and a focus on the subjective experience of the individual.
21. In vitalism, the concept of the "vital force" is seen as the defining characteristic of life.
22. Certain philosophical and religious traditions have been influenced by vitalist beliefs.
23. Vitalism is often criticized for its rejection of scientific method and reliance on spiritual or mystical explanations.
24. The vitalism movement in art celebrated the beauty and complexity of the natural world.
25. In vitalism, the body is viewed as a dynamic system in constant flux rather than a fixed entity.
26. Some critics argue that the vitalism movement perpetuated harmful stereotypes and idealized forms of masculinity and femininity.
27. Vitalism has been used to describe a wide variety of beliefs and practices, from holistic medicine to New Age spirituality.
28. The vitalism approach to environmentalism emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things and the necessity of protecting natural systems.
29. In vitalism, the concept of "animation" refers to the infusion of life force into an inanimate object or concept.
30. Vitalism has been influential in fields ranging from philosophy and art to psychology and medicine.

Common Phases

not use any special characters or punctuation marks, just separate the phrases with semicolons.
The phases using "vitalismfrench" are:
1. Vitalismfrench is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the value and importance of life.
2. The vitalismfrench perspective emphasizes that life cannot be reduced to a set of mechanical processes.
3. Vitalismfrench views life as a dynamic, self-organizing system that is highly complex and adaptable.
4. Vitalismfrench philosophy emphasizes that living organisms possess an innate force or energy that drives their growth and development.
5. The vitalismfrench approach stresses that life cannot be fully understood or explained through scientific reductionism alone.
6. Vitalismfrench thinkers reject the idea that organisms are merely machines or collections of parts.
7. Vitalismfrench philosophy emphasizes the importance of holism, or the idea that living systems must be studied as a whole rather than as discrete parts.
8. Vitalismfrench ideas have had a significant impact on fields such as medicine, biology, psychology, and philosophy.

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