Voicemails example sentences
voicemails (plural noun)
- a centralized electronic system that can store messages from telephone callers.
- a spoken message left by a caller on a voicemail system:
letters, packages, parcels, correspondence, communications, airmail, delivery, collection, mailing, email, post, dak"Voicemails" Example Sentences
1. I have 15 voicemails waiting for me on my phone.2. Can you please check my voicemails and let me know if there are any important messages?
3. I hate leaving voicemails because I always stumble over my words.
4. My voicemails seem to disappear after a few days, it's so frustrating.
5. I always listen to my voicemails on speakerphone so I can multitask.
6. She left me a voicemail apologizing for missing our dinner plans.
7. My voicemails are all from telemarketers, I never answer unknown numbers anymore.
8. I have a really annoying voicemail greeting that I need to change.
9. I hate when people leave me long voicemails, I prefer them to just text me.
10. I always delete my voicemails as soon as I've listened to them.
11. My voicemail inbox is full, I need to delete some messages.
12. My boss left me a voicemail with some urgent instructions for tomorrow's meeting.
13. I love when people leave me funny voicemails, it always brightens my day.
14. I'm terrible at remembering to check my voicemails, I need to set reminders.
15. I never check my voicemails on weekends, I need a break from work.
16. She left me a voicemail telling me she was thinking of me, it was so sweet.
17. I accidentally deleted an important voicemail, now I have to call back and ask for the information again.
18. When I'm nervous, I always leave rambling voicemails that make no sense.
19. My voicemails are all from family members checking in on me during the pandemic.
20. I like leaving voicemails because I can express myself better than I can in a text.
21. I have a voicemail from two weeks ago that I still haven't listened to.
22. My ex keeps leaving me voicemails begging for me to take him back, it's so annoying.
23. I got a voicemail from an old friend I haven't spoken to in years, it was great to catch up.
24. I need to turn off my voicemail notification because it's driving me crazy.
25. I left my sister a voicemail thanking her for helping me move, she's the best.
26. Every time I check my voicemails, I hope there's a surprise job offer waiting for me.
27. He keeps leaving me angry voicemails about a misunderstanding, but won't answer my calls to clear things up.
28. I can't believe my grandma knows how to leave voicemails, she's so tech-savvy for her age.
29. I need to stop procrastinating and listen to my voicemails from my doctor's office.
30. The voicemail from my crush asking me out on a date made my whole week.
Common Phases
1. "Hi there! You've reached [name]. I'm currently unavailable at the moment, please leave a message after the beep."2. "Hey, it's [name]. Sorry I missed your call, leave me a voicemail and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
3. "Hello! You've reached the voicemail of [name]. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I'll return your call as soon as possible."
4. "Hi, this is [name]. If you're calling about [topic], please leave me a message and I'll be happy to get back to you. Thanks!"
5. "Welcome to my voicemail. You've reached [name]. Please leave a message and I'll return your call soon. Have a great day!"
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