Votary example sentences
Related (10): devotee, disciple, follower, adherent, acolyte, zealot, fanatic, believer, worshipper, enthusiast
votary (noun) · votaries (plural noun)
- a person, such as a monk or nun, who has made vows of dedication to religious service.
- a devoted follower, adherent, or advocate of someone or something:
follower, adherent, supporter, upholder, defender, advocate, champion, disciple, partisan, member, friend, stalwart, fanatic, zealot, believer, worshipper, attender, groupie, booster, cohort, rooter, janissary, sectary"Votary" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. She was a devoted votary of the goddess.
2. He has been a lifelong votary of science and reason.
3. The votaries of the different gods filled the temple.
4. The poet was a votary of love and beauty.
5. The ardent votaries prayed fervently to their deity.
6. The mystics were votaries of spiritual union with the divine.
7. She became a votary of an ancient religion to find meaning in life.
8. The yogis were votaries of inner peace and liberation from desire.
9. The spies were votaries of deception and intrigue.
10. The fanatics were votaries of violence and extremism.
11. The aesthetes were votaries of beauty and sensory pleasure.
12. The scholar was a votary of classical literature.
13. The monks were votaries of asceticism and self-denial.
14. The warriors were votaries of physical combat and conquest.
15. The researchers were votaries of scientific progress and discovery.
16. The volunteers were votaries of social justice and charity.
17. The musicians were votaries of rhythm, melody and harmony.
18. As a votary of truth, he would not tell a lie.
19. The philosopher was a votary of wisdom and rational thought.
20. The artists were votaries of creativity and self-expression.
21. The preacher was a votary of moral rectitude and noble purpose.
22. The activists were votaries of social change and political reform.
23. The linguist was a votary of the precise and proper use of words.
24. The engineers were votaries of material invention and innovation.
25. She is a self-professed votary of pop culture and modernity.
26. The athletes were votaries of physical vigor and competitiveness.
27. The businessman was a votary of productivity and profit maximization.
28. The critics were votaries of discernment and judicious evaluation.
29. The academician was a votary of knowledge and enlightenment.
30. The meditator was a votary of inner stillness and silence.
31. As an ardent votary of democracy, he championed political reform.
32. The economist was a votary of rational allocation of scarce resources.
33. The vegans were votaries of animal rights and environmental sustainability.
34. The travelers were votaries of adventure, discovery and new experiences.
35. She is an avid votary of pop psychology and motivational literature.
36. The ornithologist was a votary of the study and observation of birds.
37. The environmentalists were votaries of ecological balance and stewardship.
38. As a professed votary of objectivity, he strove for impartial judgment.
39. The historians were votaries of the documentation and interpretation of the past.
40. The chef was a votary of culinary artistry and food appreciation.
41. The libertarians were votaries of maximum individual freedom.
42. He was herald as a great votary of peace and nonviolence.
43. The educators were votaries of knowledge transmission to the young.
44. The preservationists were votaries of conserving cultural artifacts and traditions.
45. As a devout votary of his faith, he obeyed all the religious precepts.
46. The connoisseurs were votaries of aesthetic discernment and refined taste.
47. The numismatist was a votary of the study and collection of coins.
48. The vegetarian was a votary of compassion for all living creatures.
49. The poet was a votary of ideas expressed through emotion and symbolism.
50. The optimist was a votary of hopefulness and a positive outlook.
51. The gymnast was a votary of physical discipline, agility and grace.
52. The novelist was a votary of observations of the human condition.
53. The spiritualist was a votary of ideas that transcended empirical reality.
54. The minimalist was a votary of reducing life to essential needs.
55. She became a votary of morality, duty and virtuous action.
56. The philanthropist was a votary of using wealth to improve society.
57. The humanist was a votary of understanding humanity's place in the cosmos.
58. The guitar player was a votary of melody, harmony and rhythm.
59. The bureaucrat was a votary of following rules, procedures and paperwork.
60. The scholar was an indefatigable votary of knowledge and discovery.
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