Wade example sentences
Related (10): water, swim, river, boots, splash, mud, depth, cross, creek, coast.
"Wade" Example Sentences
1. I had to wade through the waist-deep floodwater to get to my house.
2. The children waded through the shallow creek enjoying the feeling of water rushing over their feet.
3. She waded into the pool and swam a few laps to relax.
4. We waded into the surf and listened to the crashing of the waves.
5. The reporter had to wade through piles of paperwork to find the important documents.
6. I struggled to wade through the dense underbrush.
7. Scientists wade through mountains of data to find answers.
8. Investors have to wade through thousands of financial statements.
9. The calf learned to wade into the pond to drink water.
10. We waded into the ocean until the water was up to our waists.
11. My shoes got wet as I waded through the puddles on the sidewalk.
12. The toddler cautiously waded into the baby pool.
13. We waded carefully through the tall marsh grass.
14. The surfer waded into the ocean and paddled out to catch the next wave.
15. I was forced to wade through the muck and mire to find my lost keys.
16. He waded into the river and swam across to the other side.
17. The flowers blossomed around the edges of the pond where children liked to wade.
18. They waded through the model portfolios trying to decide which investment strategy to pursue.
19. I waded into my closet trying to decide what to wear to the party.
20. The alligators laid in wait for their prey to wade into the water.
21. We have to wade through the red tape and bureaucracy to get anything done.
22. The child waded tentatively into the lake for the first time.
23. They waded out into the waves to catch the rays of the setting sun.
24. She had to wade through piles of junk mail to find the important letter.
25. We had to wade through the tall prairie grass to find the nesting birds.
26. The divers waded into the ocean and descended below the waves.
27. Journalists wade through often unpleasant information to share the truth.
28. Lawyers wade through legal documents to build a case.
29. The toddler wanted to wade into every puddle they saw along the sidewalk.
30. The explorers had to wade through swamps and quagmires to chart new lands.
31. We waded carefully through the flooded basement to assess the damage.
32. The bartender had to wade through rowdy customers to reach the back room.
33. The dog waded into the pond to retrieve his owner's toy.
34. The little girl waded happily through the rain puddles as she walked home from school.
35. I had to wade through knee-high weeds to retrieve my football.
36. They had to wade through waist-deep mud following the treasure map.
37. I waded through row after row of clothing to find a decent outfit on sale.
38. The dolphins wade through the waves at play.
39. The detective had to wade through lies and half-truths to find the truth.
40. The little boy waded into the creek to catch crawdads.
41. The partygoers had to wade through the knee-deep pool to reach the bar.
42. Researchers wade through data to find truth.
43. We had to wade through waist-deep water to escape the flooding.
44. The fisherman carefully waded into the river to cast his line.
45. Teachers wade through stacks of essays and tests to grade them.
46. The protesters had to wade through police barricades to reach the Capitol steps.
47. The calf learned to wade into the shallow part of the pond to drink.
48. Customers had to wade through applications to find the right loan option.
49. The migrants had to wade across the shallow parts of the river to reach safety.
50. I had to wade through knee-deep mud to reach my car that was stuck.
51. The tourists waded out into the warm Caribbean waters.
52. Shoppers had to wade through racks of clothes to find size small shirts.
53. We had to wade across a chest-deep stream to reach the hike's summit.
54. They waded through waist-deep water to escape the flooding.
55. Children love to wade at the edge of the ocean during low tide.
56. The doctor had to wade through tons of medical research to determine the best treatment options.
57. Rescuers waded into the floodwaters to save stranded residents.
58. It was hard to wade through years of neglect to restore the old house.
59. I had to wade through mountains of paperwork to find my lost pay stub.
60. The swim team practiced wading into the pool and executing fast starts.
Common Phases
wade in/into: to start dealing with or considering an issue or situation
For example: "The new CEO waded into the company's financial troubles immediately after taking the job."
wade through: to deal with or consider something difficult, complicated, or tedious
For example: "I had to wade through piles of applications to find the right candidate for the job."
up to one's knees/waist/neck etc. in: deeply involved in or affected by something difficult
For example: "The company is up to its neck in debt."
wade in waters: to operate within an area or environment
For example: "The business waded in unfamiliar waters when it decided to expand abroad."
wade through red tape: to deal with rules, procedures, or bureaucracy that cause delays or complications
For example: "We had to wade through a lot of red tape to get the permit approved."
wait in the wings: stay ready to act or be involved when the right opportunity arises
For example: "The backup quarterback waited in the wings in case the starter got injured."
wade in: to start to become involved in a subject, issue, or situation
For example: "The professor waded into the controversial debate about free speech on campus."
wade through: to slowly make one's way through something difficult or time-consuming
For example: "I had to wade through hundreds of emails to find the important messages."
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