Waded example sentences

Related (10): swam, splashed, immersed, ventured, paddled, trekked, slogged, trudged, plodded, wallowed.

"Waded" Example Sentences

1. We waded through the shallow stream.
2. The man waded through the floodwaters to rescue stranded people.
3. The toddler waded in the kiddie pool.
4. I waded into the sea and swam out further.
5. They waded through the knee-deep water.
6. She waded barefoot in the shallow surf.
7. The soldiers waded across the river.
8. I waded through the deep snow to reach the cabin.
9. The group of children waded along the shore.
10. The dog waded into the pond and barked at the ducks.
11. The field of tall grass came up to my waist as I waded through it.
12. He waded into the waist-deep water to retrieve the frisbee.
13. She waded through the paperwork to find the document she needed.
14. We waded through the crowds at the busy shopping mall.
15. The ducks waded through the shallow pond.
16. I waded knee-deep in the swamp looking for turtles.
17. The children waded through the piles of leaves.
18. The ducks waded on the edge of the pond dipping their bills in the water.
19. She waded into the deep end of the pool.
20. I waded through the tall grass until I reached the woods.
21. She slowly waded waist-deep into the lake.
22. The hippos waded through the river in the early morning.
23. The boy waded waist-deep into the cool water.
24. The police officers waded into the crowd of protesters.
25. The farmer waded through the muddy field to reach the barn.
26. We waded out into the ocean, waves crashing all around us.
27. The toddler waded in the shallow end holding on to the side of the pool.
28. I waded out into the pond, water up to my chest, to rescue the stranded turtle.
29. He waded into the thigh-deep water to cast his fishing line.
30. I waded through the pool of muddy water to reach the jeep.
31. We waded through the piles of paperwork on the desk.
32. They waded out into the cold ocean water.
33. The puppy waded through the tall weeds.
34. He waded into the waist-deep water to help pull the boat in.
35. The child waded at the shore, water just reaching her knees.
36. The toddler waded around in the shallow kiddie pool.
37. The little boy waded out into the deeper ocean.
38. They waded through the options to find the best choice.
39. We waded through the tall grass until we reached the other side of the field.
40. The deer waded into the pond, water coming up to its knees.
41. The ducks waded over to the edge to investigate the bread crumbs.
42. The hippos waded toward the shore for a midday nap in the sun.
43. I waded through the thick mud trying to reach higher ground.
44. The boy waded out into the deeper water, buoy held tightly in hand.
45. They waded through the long lines at the amusement park.
46. The girl waded timidly into the shallow part of the ocean.
47. We waded through the tall weeds toward the treeline.
48. The soldier waded through the muddy trench.
49. She waded into the thigh-deep water to cool off on the hot day.
50. I waded through the pond filled with lily pads.
51. The toddler waded happily in the shallow water.
52. We waded through pages and pages of fine print in the legal documents.
53. The ducks waded around the edge of the pond.
54. We waded through the deep snow towards the cabin.
55. The fisherman waded into the river up to his knees to cast his line.
56. The hippos waded slowly through the muddy river.
57. The kayakers waded into the calm lake before climbing into their boats.
58. I waded through all the choices before deciding.
59. The hippos waded out of the river at sunset.
60. We waded through waist-deep water after our canoe overturned.

Common Phases

1. They waded through the flooded streets.
2. The kids waded in the shallow water of the pond.
3. I quickly waded through the piles of paperwork on my desk.
4. The hikers waded across the shallow stream.
5. The rescue workers waded through waist-deep floodwaters to help stranded residents.
6. She waded out into the cool saltwater up to her knees.
7. The detective waded through countless witness reports and evidence files.
8. They waded into the lake and began swimming.
9. The soldiers waded through the muddy trenches.
10. I carefully waded through the tall grass to get to the lake.
11. The river was swollen from the rains, so we had to wade across.
12. The dog happily waded in the small waves crashing onto the beach.
13. We waded through the inch of standing water on the basement floor.
14. The biologists waded into the marsh to observe the wildlife.
15. The ducks happily waded and swam in the pond.
16. She waded into the past to revisit fond childhood memories.
17. The swimming hole was filled with kids wading and splashing each other.
18. We carefully waded through the long grass, trying not to step on anything sharp.
19. I waded into the shallows to cool off in the hot summer sun.
20. The explorer waded through the thick jungle floor in search of rare plants.
21. The journalist waded through piles of research for his investigative story.
22. They waded into the cold water slowly to acclimate their bodies.
23. The toddler waded around in the shallow kiddie pool all afternoon.
24. I waded through 100 pages of dense text before finding what I needed.
25. The kids waded through knee-deep leaves, searching for frogs and worms.
26. The surfer waded out into the surf to catch the next big wave.
27. The marsh birds waded through the shallow wetland in search of food.
28. They waded into the tropical waters for a quick swim before dinner.
29. I waded through waist-deep weeds to find the perfect spot by the water.
30. The secret agent waded through the conspiracy theories to find the truth.
31. We waded through muck and mud to reach higher ground after the hurricane.
32. The puppy waded in its water bowl and got soaked.
33. The duck hunters waded through fields of cattails to reach their blinds.
34. I gradually waded further out into the ocean to brave the waves.
35. The students waded through hours of lectures in order to study for exams.
36. They waded into the ocean to snorkel and see the marine life.
37. We waded through the long checkout line as we waited to purchase our snacks.
38. The toddler waded in the layer of puddles left behind after the storm.
39. The fisherman waded into the river to cast his line for trout.
40. The toddler happily waded around in his kiddie pool all afternoon.
41. The protesters waded through pepper spray and tear gas to reach the Capitol.
42. I waded through mounds of paperwork on my desk to find the file I needed.
43. The snorkelers waded out into the crystal clear water to admire the reef.
44. We waded through waist-high spring tides to reach a secluded beach.
45. The dog waded into the lake and tried to chase down ducks.
46. The mail carrier waded through knee-deep snow to deliver the day's letters.
47. I waded carefully through the tall grass, scanning the ground for any snakes.
48. The dog happily waded through the puddles left behind by recent storms.
49. The diver waded out to deeper water before making her descent.
50. I waded through hours of footage to find the perfect clip for the documentary.
51. The tourist waded into the warm Caribbean Sea for some snorkeling.
52. The athlete waded through injuries and setbacks to achieve her goals.
53. They waded into the creek to look for frogs and crawfish.
54. The woman waded through years of trauma and abuse to find healing.
55. The new employee waded through piles of paperwork on her first day.
56. She slowly waded into the cool ocean water until fully submerged.
57. The police waded through thick crowds to reach the crime scene.
58. The kid waded through puddles, splashing muddy water everywhere.
59. I waded through ambitious plans and good intentions, finally finding clarity.
60. They waded through piles of autumn leaves, jumping into the biggest piles.

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