Waggishness example sentences

Related (5): humor, playfulness, jocularity, prankishness, mischievousness

"Waggishness" Example Sentences

1. His waggishness was apparent in his constant joking around.
2. The comedian's waggishness was the highlight of the show.
3. She was delighted by the waggishness of her dog's playful behavior.
4. His waggishness was often met with disapproval from his more serious coworkers.
5. The children giggled at the waggishness of the puppet show.
6. His waggishness in class often got him in trouble with his teachers.
7. The character's waggishness added a lighthearted element to the play.
8. The comedian's waggishness reflected his optimistic outlook on life.
9. Her waggishness was a refreshing change from the seriousness of her job.
10. The actor's waggishness on set helped to keep morale high.
11. The group's waggishness often led to spontaneous dance parties.
12. His waggishness made him popular among his peers.
13. The community theater's production was full of waggishness and humor.
14. Her waggishness was contagious, bringing smiles to those around her.
15. The writer's waggishness added a comedic twist to his stories.
16. His waggishness was a deliberate attempt to break the tension of the situation.
17. The audience roared with laughter at the comedian's waggishness.
18. Her waggishness made her the life of the party.
19. His waggishness often belied his intelligence and wit.
20. The cartoonist's waggishness kept readers coming back for more.
21. Their waggishness helped to ease the nerves of those waiting for the result.
22. His waggishness was often a mask for his insecurities.
23. The children's waggishness was completely harmless and endearing.
24. Her waggishness gave her a unique perspective on life.
25. The comedian's waggishness made her stand out from the rest.
26. His waggishness was the perfect antidote to the dreary weather.
27. The prankster's waggishness was often met with angry reprisals.
28. Her waggishness had a way of making even the most mundane tasks fun.
29. The host's waggishness made the awards ceremony bearable.
30. His waggishness was the only thing that kept the long car ride entertaining.

Common Phases

1. His waggishness always brought a smile to my face; he had a talent for making even the most serious situations lighthearted.
2. She found his waggishness amusing at first, but after a while, it became tiresome.
3. Despite his waggishness, he could be counted on to get the job done when it mattered most.
4. His waggishness often got him into trouble with authority figures, but he never seemed to mind the consequences.
5. I appreciated his waggishness during tense moments; it helped to diffuse the tension and create a more comfortable atmosphere.
6. His waggishness was a source of constant amusement for his friends, who loved to hear his witty remarks and clever comebacks.
7. Sometimes his waggishness bordered on being inappropriate, but he always knew when to rein it in and be serious.
8. Even when he was feeling down, his natural waggishness would shine through and lift everyone's spirits.
9. Her waggishness was an integral part of her personality; without it, she wouldn't be the same person.
10. Though he was often misunderstood, his waggishness was a unique attribute that made him stand out in a crowd.

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