Waterlogs example sentences

Related (16): marshes, fens, swamps, bogs, moors, wetlands, estuaries, aquifers, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, seas, canals, reservoirs

"Waterlogs" Example Sentences

1. We found old waterlogs in the forest after the heavy rain.
2. The boat sank due to the waterlogs in the bottom.
3. The waterlogs made the bridge unstable.
4. The waterlogs on the wooden floor made it slippery.
5. The waterlogs in the backyard caused a mosquito infestation.
6. The waterlogs in the ditch attracted frogs and toads.
7. The waterlogs in the basement caused a mold problem.
8. The waterlogs on the road made it difficult to drive.
9. The waterlogs in the swimming pool made it unsafe to swim.
10. The waterlogs in the garden made it difficult for the plants to grow.
11. The waterlogs in the park made it impossible to play sports.
12. The waterlogs on the roof caused a leak.
13. The waterlogs in the cave made it difficult to explore.
14. The waterlogs in the marshland made it a habitat for water birds.
15. The old boat was full of waterlogs.
16. The waterlogs in the stream made it a great fishing spot.
17. The waterlogs in the construction site slowed down the building process.
18. The waterlogs on the beach made it a great spot for collecting seashells.
19. The farmer had to drain the waterlogs in the field before planting crops.
20. The waterlogs in the pit caused an insect infestation.
21. The waterlogs on the hiking trail made it treacherous to hike.
22. The waterlogs in the city park made it a muddy mess.
23. The waterlogs in the pond attracted ducks and geese.
24. The waterlogs in the subway tunnel caused delays.
25. The waterlogs on the playground made it too dangerous for kids to play.
26. The waterlogs in the swamp made it a haven for alligators.
27. The waterlogs in the parking lot made it difficult to park.
28. The waterlogs in the meadow made it difficult for livestock to graze.
29. The waterlogs in the forest were the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes.
30. The waterlogs in the storm drain caused flooding in the streets.
31. The waterlogs on the side of the road made it difficult for pedestrians to walk.
32. The waterlogs in the creek caused erosion.
33. The waterlogs in the valley were a sign of a coming storm.
34. The waterlogs on the boat dock made it impossible to dock the boats.
35. The waterlogs on the fence made it collapse.
36. The waterlogs in the swimming pool filter caused a malfunction.
37. The waterlogs in the warehouse destroyed some products.
38. The waterlogs in the river caused a dam to break.
39. The waterlogs in the canal caused a major flooding in the city.
40. The waterlogs in the reservoir affected the water supply for the whole town.

Common Phases

1. The boat was completely waterlogged; we had to bail it out before setting sail.
2. The rain had been continuous for days, causing the ground to become waterlogged.
3. The wood of the old pier had become waterlogged over time, making it unsafe to walk on.
4. The shoes were so waterlogged that they made squishing noises with each step.
5. The soil in the garden had become waterlogged, causing the plants to wilt.
6. After a heavy storm, the basement of the house was waterlogged with several inches of standing water.
7. The hiking trail was so waterlogged that we had to carefully pick our way through the mud.
8. The firefighters had to break open the roof to release the waterlogged insulation.
9. The fishing net had become waterlogged, making it heavy and difficult to pull in.
10. The river had swollen with rain, making it dangerous for boats with the risk of becoming waterlogged.

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