Weirder example sentences
Related (4): stranger, freakier, odder, quirkier
"Weirder" Example Sentences
1. The movie just kept getting weirder and weirder.2. I have weird dreams every night.
3. That painting is kind of weird.
4. It's weird how much we have in common.
5. This music video is getting weirder by the second.
6. I'm not sure whether to find this funny or weird.
7. Her behavior is getting weirder every day.
8. That guy has some weird ideas.
9. That's a weird coincidence.
10. His taste in fashion is a little weird.
11. I don't like this feeling, it's weird.
12. It's weird to see someone so quiet be so outgoing on stage.
13. This party is getting weirder and weirder.
14. I have a weird feeling about this place.
15. Her laugh is kind of weird.
16. It's weird to think about how much things have changed.
17. This meal has a weird taste to it.
18. That article I read was just weird.
19. It's weird how certain smells can bring back memories.
20. That joke was kind of weird but funny at the same time.
21. I always get a weird feeling when I'm in the city.
22. This weather is just getting weirder and weirder.
23. That dream I had last night was super weird.
24. I've never seen such a weird-looking animal before.
25. The way they dress is just weird to me.
26. It's weird to think about how fast time flies.
27. That movie was so weird, I couldn't even follow the plot.
28. I had a weird experience with a stranger on the bus today.
29. It's weird how your taste buds change as you get older.
30. That's a weird question to ask, but I'll answer it anyway.
Common Phases
1. The world is getting weirder; I can feel it.2. I have met some weird people before; but this one takes the cake.
3. The weather has been getting weirder; it seems like it can't make up its mind.
4. My dreams have been getting weirder; I'm not sure what they mean.
5. The music at this party is getting weirder; I might have to leave soon.
6. I thought things would get better after high school; but they've just gotten weirder.
7. The fashion trends are getting weirder; I don't understand some of the clothes people wear.
8. The technology we have now is getting weirder; I never imagined some of the things we can do.
9. The food combinations people come up with are getting weirder; I'll stick to my classic dishes.
10. The movies coming out lately are getting weirder; I can't keep up with all the plots.