Welsher example sentences

Related (10): swindler, cheater, fraudster, deadbeat, defaulter, grifter, moocher, shirker, delinquent, nonpayer

"Welsher" Example Sentences

1. It's not fair for someone to be called a welsher just because they forgot to pay back a loan once.
2. I heard that Joe is a welsher and never pays when he loses a bet.
3. You don't want to be known as a welsher in the gambling world as they won't trust you again.
4. If you don't pay back your debts, people will start to think you're a welsher and won't lend you money anymore.
5. You don't want to associate with welshers, as they're known for being dishonest and unreliable.
6. The welsher tried to weasel his way out of paying the money he owed, but was unsuccessful.
7. It's not worth losing your reputation as an honest person just to avoid paying a debt - don't be a welsher.
8. The welsher thought he was being clever by bluffing his way out of repaying the debt, but he was caught out.
9. If you want to be trusted in the business world, make sure you always pay your debts and don't become known as a welsher.
10. The welsher had a bad reputation in the community, which made it hard for him to find work or make friends.
11. The welsher promised to pay back the loan next month, but everyone doubted his word.
12. If you welsh on a bet, you're not only cheating the other person, but also betraying their trust in you.
13. Being a welsher might save you money in the short term, but it will cost you a lot in the long run.
14. If you don't want to be accused of being a welsher, always keep your promises and pay your debts on time.
15. People who are known as welshers are often avoided by others, as they have a reputation for being dishonest.
16. The welsher's reputation preceded him, so no one wanted to do business with him.
17. Even though he was short on cash, he refused to become a welsher and paid back the loan he borrowed.
18. Being known as a welsher can have serious consequences, such as losing your job or even being sued.
19. The welsher tried to argue that he didn't owe the money anymore, but the court awarded the full amount plus interest.
20. If you're in debt, it's better to come clean and seek help than to become a welsher and ruin your reputation.
21. Being labeled as a welsher can be hard to shake, even if it was just a one-time occurrence.
22. The welsher thought he had found a way to cheat the system, but it only led to his downfall.
23. If you're playing a game of poker, don't be a welsher and always pay your debts no matter how small.
24. Being a welsher is a sign of weakness and lack of integrity - it's not worth risking your reputation over.
25. If you want to be respected in the community, make sure you're not labeled as a welsher by paying back your debts.
26. The welsher had to face the music when he was caught out and had to pay the consequences.
27. Being called a welsher is a serious insult, as it implies that you're a liar and can't be trusted.
28. The welsher's excuses for not paying back the loan fell on deaf ears, as everyone knew he was just trying to avoid his obligations.
29. If you don't want to be accused of being a welsher, be upfront about your financial situation and don't make promises you can't keep.
30. The welsher was left with a bad taste in his mouth after losing the trust and respect of his peers.

Common Phases

Not providing payment; refusing to pay one's debts; backing out of a deal; reneging on an agreement; avoiding financial responsibility; failing to honor a commitment; shirking one's obligations as agreed; skipping out on a bill; ducking one's dues; dodging one's financial obligations.

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