Wenching example sentences

Related (8): prostitution, solicitation, courtesanship, pandering, pimping, brothel-keeping, harlotry, whoredom.

"Wenching" Example Sentences

1. He went wenching at the local tavern.
2. The knights often engaged in drunken wenching.
3. She disapproved of her husband's wenching habits.
4. The prince was caught wenching with a servant girl.
5. The bard sang of his adventures wenching across the land.
6. They laughed and joked about their previous wenching escapades.
7. The village elders forbade any wenching during the town's festival.
8. His reputation for wenching was well-known in the kingdom.
9. The captain of the ship enjoyed wenching whenever they docked.
10. The monk was caught wenching and was promptly excommunicated.
11. They told stories of their favorite wenching locations in the city.
12. The prince's father disapproved of his son's wenching behavior.
13. The group of soldiers spent their free time wenching and drinking ale.
14. The young squire had yet to experience the thrill of wenching.
15. The queen was rumored to be wenching with one of her courtiers.
16. The bard's ballad was about a daring wenching adventure he once had.
17. The nobleman was caught wenching with a commoner and was banished.
18. The young lad couldn't keep up with his older brother's wenching habits.
19. The villagers frowned upon the lord's wenching exploits.
20. The pirate captain had a reputation for wenching and plundering.
21. The group of young men set out on a wenching mission but got lost.
22. The innkeeper didn't allow any wenching on the premises.
23. The prince's adviser warned him to stop his wenching affairs or risk losing his throne.
24. The noblewoman ran away with a wenching bard and never returned.
25. The group of knights sought out some wenching after a hard day's battle.
26. The young lord was eager to start wenching but his father forbade it.
27. The king was caught wenching with one of his mistress and suffered great embarrassment.
28. The wenching trade was thriving in the bustling city.
29. The lovers snuck off for a night of secret wenching away from prying eyes.
30. The wenching tavern was filled with rowdy men and loose women.

Common Phases

1. Wenching is a fun activity; many people enjoy it as a social outing.
2. Despite the controversy surrounding it, wenching remains popular in certain circles; some view it as a harmless pastime.
3. The tradition of wenching dates back centuries; it has a rich cultural history in some regions.
4. Some people believe that wenching objectifies women; others argue that it is a consensual activity.
5. The rules and etiquette of wenching vary by location and group; it is important to understand them before participating.
6. While wenching can be entertaining, it is important to treat all participants with respect; inappropriate behavior is not tolerated.
7. Wenching is often accompanied by heavy drinking and rowdy behavior; it is not suitable for all audiences.
8. Women can also participate in wenching; it is not exclusive to men.
9. Wenching has been criticized for perpetuating sexist attitudes; supporters argue that it is a harmless expression of fun.
10. Some people choose not to participate in wenching for personal or moral reasons; it is a matter of individual choice.

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