Whammy example sentences

Related (9): Curse, catastrophe, jinx, hex, misfortune, setback, reverse, calamity, disaster.


noun informal

whammy (noun) · whammies (plural noun)

  - an event with a powerful and unpleasant effect; a blow. See also double whammy.

  - an evil or unlucky influence:


shock, surprise, bombshell, thunderbolt, jolt, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, upset, misfortune, setback, disturbance, disappointment, letdown

"Whammy" Example Sentences

1. The criminal struck the security guard with a double whammy: a punch followed by a kick.
2. The stock market took a double whammy this week with the slumping prices and rising interest rates.
3. We're worried the lawsuit and bad publicity will hit our company with a double whammy.
4. The player hit the ball for a double whammy by getting both a base hit and knocking in a run.
5. The old blow and whammy scam was one of the oldest tricks in the book.
6. The whammy bar on his Les Paul gave him great control over bends and vibrato on his guitar solos.
7. The unexpected illness and injury put a major whammy on our finances this month.
8. The bad news just kept coming, one whammy after another.
9. When he saw his ex at the party, that really put the whammy on his mood.
10. I think that spicy food hit me with the whammy and now I have heartburn.
11. The stock market drop really put the whammy on his retirement portfolio.
12. The mechanic hit the car's undercarriage with the electric whammy bar to dislodge rust.
13. His boss' criticism really put the whammy on his self-confidence at work.
14. Their perfect vacation plans got whammied when a hurricane hit the coast.
15. Losing my job and my cat dying on the same day was a real double whammy.
16. The cost overruns on the project really put the major whammy on the budget.
17. The whammy bar on the guitar allowed for tremendously expressive playing.
18. The series of unforeseen expenses really whammied our household budget this month.
19. That spicy Mexican food really whammied my stomach.
20. The discovery of the massive leak in the pipe really whammied the remodeling project.
21. The press really put the whammy on the politician after the scandal broke.
22. The rejection email really whammied my ego and self-confidence as a writer.
23. The thought of public speaking really whammies my nerves and gives me anxiety.
24. The black cat crossing my path makes me think I'm in for some sort of whammy.
25. Seeing my ex still makes me feel a bit whammied emotionally.
26. His performance at work was really whammied after hearing the bad news.
27. The report card with all C's and D's really whammied my parents.
28. Getting dumped and losing my job on the same day was a real double whammy.
29. His plans were really whammied when his car broke down.
30. Those sour candies really whammied my taste buds.
31. The defective part somehow whammied the entire assembly line.
32. The broken leg and torn ACL were a real double whammy for his sports career.
33. The high interest rates and layoffs whammied the real estate market.
34. Getting meatloaf for dinner really whammied my appetite.
35. The injury whammied his plans to compete in the big race.
36. The gremlins in the wiring somehow whammied the entire electrical system.
37. Finding out I failed the test and my dog died really whammied my day.
38. Being stuck in traffic really whammied my temper and mood.
39. The paperwork error whammied the entire contract negotiation process.
40. Hearing that sad song really whammied my emotions.
41. The plumbing issue somehow whammied the entire renovation project.
42. The mortgage rate hike and job uncertainty really whammied the housing market.
43. Hearing her rejection really whammied my nerves and self-esteem.
44. The rancid meat really whammied my appetite.
45. Seeing my boss today really whammied my motivation at work.
46. That sad movie scene really whammied my emotions.
47. The loud music really whammied my focus and concentration.
48. Opening the report card envelope really whammied my parents' mood.
49. The analyst's negative report really whammied the stock price.
50. Her comment really whammied my self-confidence.
51. The mechanical issue really whammied the entire racecar.
52. Having identity theft and a house fire on the same day was a real double whammy.
53. The bitter medicine really whammied my taste buds.
54. The building inspector's findings really whammied the renovation timeline.
55. Finding out he cheated really whammied my trust in relationships.
56. The traffic jam really whammied my mood and patience.
57. Seeing my ex with someone new really whammied my emotions.
58. The burst pipe really whammied the contractor's timeline and budget.
59. Finding a moth in my soup really whammied my appetite.
60. That terrible smell really whammied my sense of smell.

Common Phases

• Double whammy - When two unfortunate or negative things happen at the same time, it's called a double whammy.
• Put the whammy on - When something negatively impacts or affects a person or situation, you can say it "puts the whammy" on them.
• Hit with a whammy - When something unexpected and negative happens, you can say it "hits you with a whammy."
Whammy bar - A lever on an electric guitar used to bend notes and add vibrato.
• Major/big whammy - A very significant or major negative impact.
• Unexpected whammy - An unforeseen negative event or consequence.
• Blow and whammy - An old scam that involves distracting and conning a victim.
• Have a whammy - To experience something unpleasant or negative.
• Gets/gives someone the whammy - When something or someone negatively impacts a person.
• Really whammy - To have a strong negative effect on someone or something.
• Old whammy - A habit of having bad luck or unwanted consequences.

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