Wheedle example sentences

Related (14): persuade, coax, cajole, inveigle, flatter, deceive, manipulate, lure, entice, charm, sweet-talk, beguile, snow, schmooze

"Wheedle" Example Sentences

1. He tried to wheedle extra dessert from his mother.
2. The child wheedled his parents into letting him stay up past his bedtime.
3. She wheedled the shopkeeper into giving her a discount.
4. The boy wheedled and pleaded with his parents to buy him a new bike.
5. The salesman tried to wheedle me into buying a more expensive model.
6. I eventually gave in and gave her an extra cookie after she wheedled and begged.
7. My brother tried to wheedle me out of my dessert by telling me he felt sick.
8. The puppy wheedled and whined until I gave him a tiny piece of my sandwich.
9. The teenager wheedled and cajoled his teacher into raising his grade.
10. My little cousin wheedled and begged me to let her play with my phone.
11. He tried to wheedle information out of me, but I didn't fall for it.
12. The child wheedled his way into staying up for an extra hour of TV.
13. The puppy wheedled and barked until his owner gave him a treat.
14. After much wheedling and negotiating, I agreed to pick her up from school.
15. Her puppy wheedled and begged so adorably she couldn't say no to his requests.
16. The child wheedled his way into eating two desserts instead of one.
17. The toddler wheedled candy from every shop they passed on their walk.
18. She wheedled and pleaded to get her own way as usual.
19. The girl wheedled her way into a sleepover on a school night.
20. The toddler wheedled another story from his tired mother before bed.
21. The puppy wheedled and whimpered until his owner threw his favorite toy.
22. The little girl wheedled a hug from her grumpy uncle.
23. He tried to wheedle a better salary out of his boss during their annual review.
24. After much wheedling and bargaining, I agreed to let her borrow my dress.
25. The child wheedled his way into staying up late to welcome the New Year.
26. The puppy wheedled and whined until his owner relented and gave him a belly rub.
27. The teenager wheedled his friend's mother into driving him to the party.
28. After hours of wheedling and begging, I finally gave in and bought her the doll.
29. The teenager tried to wheedle money from his father for a new video game.
30. The toddler wheedled his way into having a helping of ice cream before dinner.
31. My son wheedled me into buying the expensive Lego set he had been asking for.
32. The puppy wheedled his owner into giving him extra treats that evening.
33. The girl wheedled her parents into letting her have a slumber party on a school night.
34. My niece wheedled her way into staying up late for New Year's Eve.
35. The baby wheedled extra milk from his doting mother.
36. After much wheedling, I agreed to let him borrow my car for the night.
37. The toddler wheedled more stories out of his exhausted father.
38. The little boy wheedled candy out of every store they passed on their walk.
39. The child wheedled an extra treat from his grandmother.
40. The puppy wheedled his way into sleeping on his owner's bed that night.
41. He tried to wheedle confidential information out of me but I didn't fall for it.
42. The little puppy wheedled and whined until his owner relented and gave him a tummy rub.
43. After much wheedling and bargaining, I agreed to lend her my expensive coat.
44. The girl wheedled her parents into letting her have McDonald's for dinner.
45. The toddler wheedled candy out of every shop they passed on their walk.
46. I eventually relented and gave her another cookie after she wheedled and pleaded.
47. My nephew wheedled his way into getting an extra present on his birthday.
48. The teenager wheedled his friend's mom into giving him a ride to the party.
49. My son tried to wheedle me out of tucking him in by telling me he felt sick.
50. The puppy wheedled and whimpered until his owner gave him a tummy rub.
51. He tried to wheedle information from me, but I didn't give in.
52. The boy wheedled his mother into letting him skip school that day.
53. The toddler wheedled his father into reading him one more bedtime story.
54. The toddler wheedled and cajoled until his mother read him three books in a row.
55. The baby wheedled more milk from his doting mother.
56. The teenager wheedled $20 out of his mother for the school dance.
57. After much wheedling and begging, I finally agreed to drive her to the mall.
58. The puppy wheedled his way into sleeping in his owner's bed that night.
59. The toddler wheedled his exhausted mother into reading him one last story.
60. The baby wheedled more milk from his besotted mother.

Common Phases

1. She wheedled the toy from her little brother.
2. He tried to wheedle extra money out of his parents.
3. The dog wheedled some scraps of food from the dinner table.
4. The children wheedled candy out of their grandmother.
5. He wheedled information out of his coworker.
6. She wheedled her way onto the guest list.
7. The salesman tried to wheedle me into buying the expensive product.
8. I caved and gave in to the puppy's wheedling for more treats.
9. The child wheedled his mother into buying him a toy.
10. The cat wheedled meows for some milk.
11. The boy tried to wheedle out of doing his chores.
12. She wheedled a longer bedtime out of her tired parents.
13. The customers tried to wheedle a discount from the shopkeeper.
14. The kitten wheedled and pawed at me until I got up to feed it.
15. His friends wheedled him into coming to the party.
16. The salesperson tried to wheedle me with promises of a good deal.
17. The children wheedled their parents for an ice cream stop.
18. The politician tried to wheedle votes with promises he couldn't keep.
19. The teen tried to wheedle his parents into letting him borrow the car.
20. She wheedled me into staying for one more drink.
21. He wheedled his way into marrying a wealthy woman.
22. The beggar tried to wheedle money from passerby's.
23. My friend wheedled me into going shopping with her.
24. My cat wheedles me for treats every time I walk past the kitchen.
25. The kids wheedled their uncle into taking them to the amusement park.
26. The dog wheedled her way into a spot on my lap.
27. The teenager wheedled her mother into letting her stay out later.
28. He tried to wheedle more responsibilities out of his boss.
29. The mouse wheedled the cat into sharing some kibble.
30. The little boy wheedled his way into getting an extra cookie.
31. My sister wheedled me into giving her a ride to the mall.
32. The puppy wheedled her way into our hearts and homes.
33. She wheedled favors and gifts out of various friends.
34. The charity workers wheedled donations out of passersby.
35. The baby wheedled his way back into his mother's arms.
36. The children wheedled their way into staying up late on a school night.
37. The magician wheedled her secrets out of the amateur illusionist.
38. He wheedled his way into getting an invitation.
39. The little boy wheedled free candy out of the shopkeeper.
40. The dog wheedled its way into sleeping on the bed instead of its crate.
41. I wheedled my way out of having to do the dishes.
42. The dog wheedled me into throwing his favorite toy again.
43. The puppy wheedled her way into the house and our hearts.
44. She wheedled her way into the exclusive club.
45. He tried to wheedle private information out of his coworker.
46. The puppy wheedled her way onto my lap for a nap.
47. The kids wheedled more time on the game console out of their parents.
48. The baby wheedled her way into going to the park on a cold day.
49. My sister wheedled me into buying her drink.
50. The dog wheedled his way into a slice of my ham.
51. The salesman tried to wheedle me into changing my mind.
52. The acrobats wheedled fresh fruit out of unsuspecting customers.
53. The cat wheedled her way into getting extra food each feeding time.
54. The teenager wheedled his way into staying out past curfew.
55. The toddler wheedled his mother into reading him another bedtime story.
56. The panhandler tried to wheedle money from the harried businessman.
57. The beggar tried to wheedle money out of passersby.
58. The puppy wheedled his owner into letting him stay outside instead of crating him.
59. The children wheedled their way into a longer playdate.
60. The toddler wheedled her way into an extra snack before dinner.

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