Whomever example sentences

Related (4): whoever, whichever, whatever, whosoever.

"Whomever" Example Sentences

1. Give the trophy to whomever wins the race.
2. I will support whomever you choose to run for office.
3. You can invite whomever you want to the party.
4. I will bake a cake for whomever brings me the ingredients.
5. The job is open to whomever applies.
6. The king bestowed favors upon whomever pleased him.
7. Whomever falls behind must catch up on their own.
8. She helped whomever needed assistance.
9. You can give the coupon to whomever you wish.
10. Vote for whomever you think is the best candidate.
11. The villain threatened to harm whomever opposed him.
12. The manager scolded whomever made mistakes.
13. Whomever completes the task first will receive a prize.
14. The king punished whomever disobeyed his laws.
15. You can ask whomever you want for help.
16. Please respond to whomever contacts you about the project.
17. The dog followed whomever gave him pats and treats.
18. I will hire whomever is most qualified for the position.
19. Offer your help to whomever needs it.
20. Whomever arrives first chooses their seat.
21. Give the flowers to whomever you think will appreciate them most.
22. The library belongs to whomever needs a quiet space to study.
23. I will keep the secret of whomever confides in me.
24. The teacher's praise goes to whomever works the hardest.
25. The bounty hunter captured whomever the sheriff requested.
26. Whomever accepts the challenge must face the consequences.
27. Send the invitation to whomever you think would enjoy the party.
28. My discount applies to whomever needs tools for their projects.
29. Whomever proves themselves most loyal will inherit my kingdom.
30. The choice is yours; I will support whomever you decide.
31. The doctor will see whomever has an appointment.
32. Withold secrets from whomever you do not fully trust.
33. Counsel whomever seeks your wisdom and guidance.
34. The wizard's blessing fell upon whomever caught his glittering amulet.
35. The villain threatened harm upon whomever opposed him.
36. We must aid whomever is in need.
37. Your final decision should be for whomever truly deserves it.
38. I made the recipe for whomever wishes to try it.
39. I will support whomever the committee chooses as our leader.
40. The kind king bestowed favors upon whomever pleased him.
41. Give chocolate to whomever you wish on Valentine's Day.
42. Extend a helping hand to whomever crosses your path in life.
43. Whomever betrayed our plans will be severely punished.
44. The gardener grew flowers for whomever admired beautiful blooms.
45. Whomever mocks the queen will be cast into the dungeon.
46. Be an ally for whomever needs one.
47. Whomever cleans the kitchen receives an extra cookie.
48. Bestow your wisdom upon whomever seeks your guidance.
49. Alert authorities about whomever may cause harm.
50. I will forgive whomever seeks atonement with an honest heart.
51. The teacher would help whomever stayed after school for extra assistance.
52. Vote your conscience and support whomever aligns with your values.
53. Whomever finishes their chores can watch an extra show.
54. Trust whomever has proven themselves trustworthy over time.
55. The treasure belongs to whomever can solve the riddle.
56. Whomever tells the best joke wins the prize.
57. Share your resources with whomever needs them most.
58. The award goes to whomever worked hardest.
59. Whomever reaches the mountaintop first wins the race.
60. Help whomever crosses your path, however you can.

Common Phases

1. Whomsoever/whomever you choose - The person you decide to choose or select.
2. Give it to whomever - Meaning to provide something to any person who needs or wants it.
3. Hire whomever - Meaning to employ any person for a position regardless of factors like gender, race, etc.
4. Help whomever - Implying offering assistance to any person in need.
5. Vote for whomever - Meaning to support any candidate one feels is deserving.
6. Favor whomever - Meaning to show preferential treatment to any person one chooses.
7. Invite whomever - Implying including any guests one desires at an event.
8. Believe whomever - Meaning one will trust the claims of any person.
9. Love whomever - Implying one will have affection for any person.
10. Judge not, lest ye be judged by whomever - A biblical reference meaning one should not condemn others lest one also be condemned without mercy.

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