Winters example sentences

Related (17): snow, cold, ice, fireplace, skiing, snowplow, gloves, snowman, flu, holidays, blankets, shoveling, frostbite, layers, boots, blizzard, mittens.

"Winters" Example Sentences

1. I spent many winters at my grandparents' cabin by the lake.
2. The harsh winters make living in this part of the country very difficult.
3. We have snowy winters with several feet of snow accumulating throughout the season.
4. He spends his winters living in warmer climates to escape the cold weather at home.
5. The winters were long and cold, but she looked forward to playing in the snow every year.
6. After six winters away at college, she was excited to be home for the holidays.
7. Our garden needs protection to survive the harsh cold of winter and biting winds throughout the winters.
8. The tree stands tall through all the winters patiently waiting for spring.
9. After years of tending to her garden, she was sad to see it wilt during the cold and snowy winters.
10. Forced indoors during the long, cold winters, she relied on books to keep her company.
11. The hull of the old ship began to decay after so many winters of exposure.
12. Winter sports thrive during our long, snowy winters.
13. We stock up on firewood and warmth clothing to prepare for the frigid winters.
14. The roof needs repair to withstand the weight of snow accumulating over the winters.
15. Snowmobiling is a popular activity during the several months of winter that span multiple winters.
16. We hibernate indoors for the long, dark winters.
17. The shutters will have to repainted to protect them from damage during the cold and windy winters.
18. Skiing and snowboarding are usually only possible during the coldest months of winter and the several winters that occur each year.
19. The cabin needs frequent repairs and maintenance to be livable through the harsh winter conditions and subsequent winters.
20. The town comes to life again in springtime after lying dormant through the long, cold winters.
21. We were excited for the holidays after another gloomy winter and several gloomy winters before that.
22. Over the years and after so many winters, the once shiny exterior paint now looks dull and faded.
23. The stores stock up during fall in preparation for the winter months and many winters to come.
24. The months of December, January, and February span more than one of our harsh and frigid winters.
25. We huddled around the fireplace during the long winter evenings that often span multiple winters.
26. The farmhands prepare the fields and animals for many winters ahead.
27. The house faces west, making the rooms bright and cheery in spring but cold and gloomy through the long winters.
28. The town held an ice sculpture contest every winter during our long season of cold and snowy winters.
29. Many trees lose their leaves during autumn and do not grow new ones until spring after the cold winters pass.
30. I look forward to the shorter days and colder temperatures that come every winter and span over many winters.
31. The kids enjoy sledding and ice skating during the long wintertime that lasts through multiple winters.
32. After six decades, the old oak tree finally fell during a particularly brutal winter following many harsh winters.
33. Heavy snow piled up against the front porch after countless storms and winters.
34. I've come to appreciate the quiet and solitude that come during our many cold and quiet winters.
35. We pack away our summer clothes before the first cold day of winter that heralds the start of another long and cold winter.
36. We grumbled our way through yet another gloomy and dreary winter and yet another of many gloomy and dreary winters.
37. The ice fishermen brave the frigid temperatures every winter that spans over many cold and harsh winters.
38. The river that flows year-round froze solid during the harsh and unforgiving winters we have come to expect.
39. We gather around cozy fires and share stories during the long winter nights that span many winters.
40. The lakeshore cabin has been our refuge during cold winter weekends and holidays that span over decades of winters.
41. The farm animals are fed and cared for through many harsh winters.
42. The robin's return in spring is celebrated after their absence through the long and cold winters.
43. Few flowers bloom during the several months of winter that span over many winters.
44. The birds had long since flown south for the winter and subsequent winters with no end in sight.
45. After numerous cold and unforgiving winters, the old tree seems determined to bloom again this spring.
46. Heavy blankets and warm drinks are a comfort during the long nights through several winters of cold weather.
47.The keepers tend the lighthouse through wind, rain, and snow throughout all the many winters.
48. We enjoyed the fresh snowfall that came every winter during the several winters that we lived there.
49. Wild animals hibernate during the extended period of cold weather that spans multiple winters.
50. The roof needs replacement after withstanding the weight of snow and ice over many harsh winters.
51. With climate change, our winters seem to grow colder and harder each year.
52. We delight in the first warm days of spring that signal an end to yet another long and dreary winter and another of many long and dreary winters.
53. As a child, I looked forward to the first snowfall that heralded the start of another fun-filled winter and several fun-filled winters to come.
54. The village lives in seclusion through the harsh and isolating winters.
55. We took refuge in the comforts of home during the long cold winters that stretched on for months.
56. After all of these years and so many winters, spring still feels like a miracle.
57. Our ancestors braved those frigid and treacherous winters so that we may live with comforts they never knew.
58. With each passing winter and each passing of many cold winters, we grow older but hopefully wiser.
59. Storms that bring heavy snow and gale force winds are common throughout winter and many winters to come.
60. As we grow older, the colder the winters seem and the longer they last.

Common Phases

1.Winter comes early (here).
2.Winter lasts long (here).
3. Winter stays late (here).
4.We have long, cold winters.
5.Winter draws near.
6. Winter is just around the corner.
7.Winter is fast approaching.
8. The winters are harsh (here).
9.We have mild winters.
10. Winter lingers on.
11. Winter lingers late (into spring).
12.Winter sets in.
13. Winter is setting in early this year.
14. Winter creeps closer.
15.Winter tightens its grip.
16. Winter has come.
17.The cold of winter is upon us.
18.Winter is in full swing.
19.Winter is at its peak.
20.Winter is in high gear.

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