Withs example sentences

Related (13): accompany, accompany, collaborate, coexist, combine, concur, consort, cooperate, harmonize, join, partner, team, unite

"Withs" Example Sentences

1. She was angry with him for not listening.
2. I'm not happy with the way things have turned out.
3. He was pleased with the results of the experiment.
4. He was delighted with the success of his plan.
5. She was very satisfied with the outcome.
6. She was annoyed with him for not understanding.
7. She was content with the way things had gone.
8. He was frustrated with the lack of progress.
9. She was pleased with the way the day had gone.
10. He was delighted with the results of the test.
11. I am not happy with the way things are going.
12. She was very pleased with the way the project had gone.
13. He was pleased with the outcome of the negotiations.
14. I'm not satisfied with the way the situation has been handled.
15. He was pleased with the progress they had made.
16. She was happy with the way the job had been done.
17. I'm not pleased with the way things are going.
18. She was pleased with the success of her efforts.
19. He was satisfied with the way the meeting had gone.
20. She was pleased with the way the project had progressed.
21. He was pleased with the way the project was going.
22. She was very satisfied with the results of her work.
23. He was pleased with the way the negotiations had gone.
24. She was pleased with the way the event had gone.
25. He was pleased with the way the project had been completed.
26. She was pleased with the way the job had been done.
27. He was very pleased with the progress they had made.
28. She was pleased with the success of her experiment.
29. He was pleased with the way the situation had been handled.
30. She was very satisfied with the outcome of the project.
31. He was pleased with the way the plan had worked out.
32. She was pleased with the way the presentation had gone.
33. He was very pleased with the success of his work.
34. She was satisfied with the progress they had made.
35. He was very pleased with the results of the experiment.
36. She was pleased with the way the task had been completed.
37. He was pleased with the way the project had been progressing.
38. She was satisfied with the way the job had been done.
39. He was pleased with the way the issue had been resolved.
40. She was pleased with the way the event had been organised.

Common Phases

Withdrawing from the situation; Withdrawing from the conversation; Withdrawing from the relationship; Withdrawing from the commitment; Withdrawing from the agreement.

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