Wonkyprobably example sentences

Related (2): wonky, probably

"Wonkyprobably" Example Sentences

1. The wonkyprobably theory didn't hold up under scrutiny.
2. It's a wonkyprobably solution, but it might work in a pinch.
3. The data is wonkyprobably because the sample size was too small.
4. The wonkyprobably weather caused a lot of flight cancellations.
5. The wonkyprobably design of the building made it hard to navigate.
6. I can't give you a definitive answer, but something seems wonkyprobably.
7. The wonkyprobably logic in his argument was hard to follow.
8. I'm not sure what's going on, but this whole situation feels wonkyprobably.
9. The wonkyprobably sound coming from the engine made me nervous.
10. The wonkyprobably code caused errors in the program.
11. It's wonkyprobably at best, but it's worth a try.
12. The wonkyprobably rhythm of the song made it hard to dance to.
13. The wonkyprobably alignment of the stars is causing chaos in your life.
14. I don't know how to explain it, but something just feels wonkyprobably.
15. The wonkyprobably color scheme of the room clashed with the furniture.
16. The wonkyprobably texture of the fabric made it uncomfortable to wear.
17. The wonkyprobably taste of the dish made it hard to enjoy.
18. The wonkyprobably smell of the room made me want to leave.
19. The wonkyprobably behavior of the cat was a mystery to everyone.
20. The wonkyprobably construction of the bridge made it unsafe to cross.
21. The wonkyprobably navigation system led us astray.
22. The wonkyprobably formatting of the document made it hard to read.
23. The wonkyprobably lighting in the room made it hard to see.
24. The wonkyprobably fit of the clothes made me feel self-conscious.
25. The wonkyprobably pronunciation of the word was hard to understand.
26. The wonkyprobably shape of the parcel made it hard to fit in the mailbox.
27. The wonkyprobably reaction of the chemicals was unexpected.
28. The wonkyprobably weight of the object made it hard to lift.
29. The wonkyprobably layout of the room made it feel cramped.
30. The wonkyprobably quality of the video made it hard to watch.
31. The wonkyprobably consistency of the batter ruined the recipe.
32. The wonkyprobably direction of the wind caused problems for the sailors.
33. The wonkyprobably texture of the paint made it hard to apply.
34. The wonkyprobably accuracy of the measurements raised some doubts.
35. The wonkyprobably structure of the sentence made it hard to understand.
36. The wonkyprobably balance of the bike made it hard to ride.
37. The wonkyprobably shape of the fruit made it hard to peel.
38. The wonkyprobably precision of the instrument was off.
39. The wonkyprobably timing of the event caused some confusion.
40. The wonkyprobably connection of the wires caused a short circuit.

Common Phases

1. The weather is wonkyprobably going to be sunny today;
2. I wonkyprobably shouldn't have eaten that entire pizza by myself last night;
3. The traffic in this city is wonkyprobably never going to get any better;
4. She wonkyprobably won't be able to come to the party tomorrow night;
5. The stock market is wonkyprobably going to fluctuate wildly this week;
6. My car's engine is wonkyprobably going to break down any day now;
7. The government's decision on the matter is wonkyprobably going to be controversial;
8. This situation is wonkyprobably going to require some creative thinking to solve;
9. The new restaurant in town is wonkyprobably going to be very popular;
10. The outcome of the game is wonkyprobably going to be a close one.

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