Wooingly example sentences

Related (8): flirtatiously, enticingly, seductively, alluringly, captivatingly, beguilingly, charmingly, winningly

"Wooingly" Example Sentences

1. He approached her wooingly, hoping to win her over.
2. The salesman spoke wooingly, encouraging the customer to purchase the product.
3. The politician made promises wooingly in an attempt to gain votes.
4. The suitor spoke wooingly to the woman he loved.
5. The singer crooned wooingly, captivating the audience.
6. The actor delivered his lines wooingly, portraying a romantic hero.
7. The poet penned lines wooingly, expressing his love for his muse.
8. The advertiser created a commercial wooingly, promoting the benefits of the product.
9. The author wrote the love scene wooingly, describing the characters' emotions and actions.
10. The performer danced wooingly, seducing the audience with every movement.
11. The chef prepared the meal wooingly, using all his skills to create a delectable dish.
12. The athlete performed wooingly, impressing the judges with his technique.
13. The artist painted wooingly, capturing the essence of his subject.
14. The photographer captured the moment wooingly, freezing the emotion in time.
15. The teacher instructed wooingly, engaging the students with creative lessons.
16. The therapist spoke wooingly, comforting the patient through difficult times.
17. The coach motivated the team wooingly, encouraging them to give their best effort.
18. The parent spoke to their child wooingly, soothing their fears and concerns.
19. The mentor advised the mentee wooingly, providing guidance and support.
20. The CEO addressed the employees wooingly, inspiring them to work towards a common goal.
21. The pastor spoke wooingly during the wedding ceremony, emphasizing the importance of love and commitment.
22. The comedian told jokes wooingly, making the audience laugh uncontrollably.
23. The singer sang wooingly, conveying the emotion of the song through their voice.
24. The entrepreneur pitched their idea wooingly, convincing investors to fund their startup.
25. The humanitarian spoke wooingly about their cause, inspiring others to take action and make a difference.
26. The activist rallied supporters wooingly, building momentum for their movement.
27. The blogger wrote wooingly about their experiences and opinions, engaging readers with their words.
28. The environmentalist spoke wooingly about the importance of preserving nature, raising awareness of issues affecting the planet.
29. The motivational speaker spoke wooingly to the audience, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and overcome obstacles.
30. The historian spoke wooingly about the past, painting a vivid picture of what life was like in different eras.

Common Phases

1. He wooingly complemented her beauty;
2. She blushed as he wooingly whispered in her ear;
3. He took her hand and wooingly led her to the dance floor;
4. She smiled as he wooingly offered her a drink;
5. He wooingly praised her intelligence and wit;
6. She giggled as he wooingly tickled her side;
7. He wooingly gazed into her eyes and declared his love;
8. She melted as he wooingly sang her favorite song;
9. He wooingly traced his fingers along her arm, sending shivers down her spine;
10. She sighed as he wooingly promised to always be there for her.

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