Zenith example sentences

Related (9): Apex, acme, pinnacle, peak, summit, culmination, climax, height, top

"Zenith" Example Sentences

1. Her career had reached its zenith.
2. The sun reached its zenith in the sky at noon.
3. The zenith of the Roman Empire was during the rule of Augustus.
4. His fame was at its zenith during the 1950s and 1960s.
5. Zenith is a high point or peak of excellence.
6. She had achieved the zenith of success in her chosen field.
7. The company's profits reached a zenith last year.
8. At the zenith of his popularity, he was mobbed by fans everywhere he went.
9. The artist reached the zenith of his creativity during that period.
10. The zenith hour is that moment of greatest intensity or fulfillment.
11. The zenith of the Impressionist movement in art was during the late 19th century.
12. Their love was at its zenith during the early years of the marriage.
13. The zenith point is the highest point directly overhead.
14. The camera allows you to focus on objects from the zenith to the horizon.
15. The climactic battle marked the zenith of the series.
16. The concert marked the zenith of her musical career.
17. His temper reached its zenith that night.
18. The band's popularity reached its zenith in the 1980s.
19. The zenith of her happiness came when she first held her newborn child.
20. Their success achieved its zenith and then began to decline.
21. He produced some of his best work at the zenith of his career.
22. Her achievement stood at the zenith of human progress.
23. His rage reached its zenith and then finally dissipated.
24. The company's profits had reached record zeniths last year.
25. The zenith of European civilization during the Middle Ages was in the 1300s.
26. The culture reached its zenith under Emperor Akbar.
27. The view from the zenith allowed us to see for miles in every direction.
28. We must work to reach the zenith of our potential.
29. The sight of her family gathered together brought her happiness to its zenith.
30. His dreams seemed to reach their zenith that night.
31. Technology seems to be reaching new zeniths every day.
32. Their zenith moment came when they won the championship title.
33. That architecture stands as the zenith of modern design.
34. The celebratory mood reached its zenith at midnight.
35. Her career had reached the zenith of achievement and satisfaction.
36. The governor's popularity reached its zenith after the hurricane relief efforts.
37. The artist's creativity rose to new zeniths during that productive decade.
38. Microsoft's success reached a zenith in the late 1990s.
39. The view from the zenith of the hill afforded spectacular vistas.
40. His popularity reached its highest zenith during the 1960s.
41. Her ambition seemed to reach its zenith just before she retired.
42. The company's stock valuation reached never-before-seen zeniths last quarter.
43. Their hopes reached a zenith and then began to fade.
44. The pleasure of that evening remained at the zenith of her memory for years.
45. The empire flourished for decades at the zenith of its power.
46. Their friendship reached its zenith during college.
47. His meditation had reached its zenith when he achieved enlightenment.
48. The performance reached a zenith that night.
49. The painting stands at the zenith of Cubist art.
50. Their joy reached its zenith when they were reunited.
51. Her confidence was at its zenith as she took the stage.
52. Technology seems to reach new zeniths every day.
53. We worked toward reaching the zenith of human achievement.
54. She aimed for the zenith of success in her career.
55. His popularity reached its zenith in the 1960s.
56. That moment of realization stood at the zenith of his life.
57. The viewpoint from the zenith provided a panoramic vista.
58. The empire flourished for centuries at the zenith of its power.
59. The ceremony marked a zenith moment in her career.
60. His fame reached its zenith during the height of the disco era.

Common Phases

1. At the zenith of- Used to indicate something at its highest point of achievement, accomplishment, or power.
Example: The company was at the zenith of its success in the 1990s.
2. Reach a zenith- To attain a peak or highest point.
Example: Her popularity reached a zenith with the release of her new album.
3. Reach its zenith- To attain the highest or culminating point.
Example: The empire reached its zenith under the rule of Augustus.
4. The zenith of- The highest point or culmination of.
Example: The zenith of his career came with the release of his final album.
5. Be at the zenith of- To be at the highest point of.
Example: The startup was at the zenith of success just before going public.
6. Reach a new zenith - To attain a higher peak or maximum point.
Example: Their collaboration reached new zeniths with each subsequent project.
7. Reach zeniths - To attain multiple peak levels of achievement.
Example: Their innovations seemed to reach new zeniths with every passing year.
8. From the zenith - From the highest point overhead.
Example: The view from the zenith revealed miles of untouched landscape.
9. Stand (or represent) at the zenith of- To occupy the highest point of.
Example: That architectural design still stands at the zenith of modernism.
10. Rise to new zeniths - To attain increasingly higher peaks.
Example: Her creativity seemed to rise to new zeniths with each successive painting.

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