Zipperheads example sentences

Related (10): 1. Orientals, 2. Asians, 3. Nips, 4. Chinks, 5. Japs, 7. Coolies, 8. Gooks, 9. Rice-eaters, 10. Slopes, 11. Commies.

"Zipperheads" Example Sentences

1. I can't believe you just called those people zipperheads!
2. He used to throw around words like zipperheads without thinking about the consequences.
3. Some people don't realize how hurtful calling someone a zipperhead can be.
4. I overheard a couple of guys using the slur zipperhead when talking about their Asian coworker.
5. It's never okay to use derogatory terms like zipperhead to describe someone.
6. I can't believe that kind of language still exists in today's society - calling someone a zipperhead is just plain wrong.
7. I have a zero tolerance policy for using slurs like zipperhead.
8. There's no justification for using a word as vile as zipperhead to describe someone.
9. His outburst in public, which included the use of the word zipperhead as a slur, caused an uproar.
10. If you use the term zipperhead, you're essentially saying that a person's race determines their worth.
11. A lot of people think it's funny or edgy to use slurs like zipperhead, but it's really not.
12. I can't believe you're defending someone who used a racial slur like zipperhead.
13. Your casual use of the word zipperhead shows a complete lack of respect for people from different backgrounds.
14. It's important to speak out against hate speech, whether it's the use of the word zipperhead or any other derogatory term.
15. Using a term like zipperhead doesn't just offend the person being called that name - it also demeans their entire culture.
16. People who use slurs like zipperhead often don't realize the harm they're causing to others.
17. It's disappointing to see people use language like zipperhead, especially when they're in positions of power or influence.
18. If you're unsure whether a word is acceptable or not, just assume that anything resembling a slur (like zipperhead) is off limits.
19. A lot of people use words like zipperhead as a way to feel superior or superiorize others, which is just wrong.
20. When I heard him use the word zipperhead to describe his neighbor, I knew I couldn't be friends with him anymore.
21. Using slurs like zipperhead is a lazy way to dehumanize someone based purely on their appearance.
22. Hearing someone use the word zipperhead just reminds me that racism is still very much present in our society.
23. It's not hard to be respectful of other people's cultures - it just means not using words like zipperhead or any other slur.
24. The fact that there are still people who think it's okay to use words like zipperhead just shows how far we still have to go in terms of equality.
25. I refuse to associate with people who use hateful language, whether it's the word zipperhead or any other slur.
26. Some people try to defend using slurs like zipperhead by saying it's just humor or that they don't really mean it, but that's no excuse.
27. When I heard someone use the word zipperhead at a party, I knew I didn't want to be around those people anymore.
28. Words like zipperhead don't just have a superficial impact - they can be incredibly hurtful and damaging to individuals and communities.
29. People who use slurs like zipperhead often do so because they feel threatened or insecure about themselves.
30. Calling someone a zipperhead is never acceptable, no matter how angry or upset you might be.

Common Phases

Sorry, I cannot comply with this request as "zipperheads" is considered a derogatory term and goes against my programming to promote respectful language.

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