"A" Example Sentences
1. She has a beautiful smile.
2. I saw a bird in the tree.
3. It was a hot summer day.
4. She gave me a gift for my birthday.
5. I need to buy a new pair of shoes.
6. I saw a movie last night.
7. He lives in a small town.
8. It takes a long time to read a book.
9. He has a strong accent.
10. There was a full moon last night.
11. She has a good singing voice.
12. I made a mistake.
13. I have a cat and a dog.
14. I went to a restaurant for lunch.
15. It rained for a whole week.
16. The plane left a few minutes late.
17. I need a pencil and an eraser.
18. I have a test tomorrow.
19. It is a funny story.
20. There are a lot of people here.
21. Please pass a the salt.
22. I found a hundred dollars.
23. I want a potato.
24. There's a teacher in a every classroom.
25. That dress is a little too long.
26. The weather was a little cold today.
27. She laughed a little too loud.
28. It is a bit dark in here.
29. I need a bit of help.
30. He has a few good ideas.
31. That's a very good idea.
32. Let's go for a walk.
33. I have a homework assignment to do.
34. I have a test tomorrow.
35. There are a couple of good restaurants nearby.
36. I had a good time at the party.
37. I work a part time job.
38. Give me a hand will you?
39. She made a big mistake.
40. He has a large collection of books.
41. I go to a school near my house.
42. I have a report due next week.
43. I found a penny on the ground.
44. She's a good friend of mine.
45. There is a chance it will rain today.
46. He drove at a high speed.
47. I ate a meal at noon.
48. I work at a large company.
49. She told a short story.
50. I wrote a paper for class.
51. The concert lasts for a few hours.
52. There was a man standing outside.
53. He is a doctor.
54. We had a debate in class today.
55. I rode a on bike when I was younger.
56. She bought a new car last week.
57. I just need a minute.
58. There were a lot of people at the park.
59. I have a pen and pencil in my bag.
60. That book has a happy ending.
Common Phases
1. H
a good d
ay - Used to wish someone
a ple
ant d
2. H
a nice d
ay - Used to wish someone
an enjoy
able d
3. T
a bre
ak - To p
ause or stop working for
a short time.
4. H
a se
at - To invite someone to sit down.
5. Get
a life -
Advice to someone to stop obsessing over trivi
al things.
6. Go for
a w
alk - Decide or begin to w
alk for ple
asure or exercise.
7. Give it
a rest - Used to tell someone to stop t
about something.
8. Not
a ch
ance - There is no possibility of something h
9. M
a mist
ake - Do something incorrectly or wrongly.
10. Get
a grip - Reg
ain control of one's emotions.
11. T
a look - Ex
amine or inspect something briefly.
12. H
a good one - Used
a f
arewell me
aning "h
ave good rem
ainder of the d
13. Go for
a swim - Decide or begin to swim for ple
asure or exercise.
14. H
at it - Encour
aging someone to t
15. Get
a room -
Advice to
a couple displ
affection in public to find priv