Abandonness example sentences

Related (6): desolation, forsakenness, desertion, isolation, loneliness, emptiness

"Abandonness" Example Sentences

1. The sense of abandonness she felt after being left alone was overwhelming.
2. The abandonness of the amusement park at night was eerie.
3. His eyes were filled with abandonness as he gazed into the horizon.
4. The old, abandoned house had an air of melancholic abandonness.
5. She could feel the abandonness of the empty church as she walked in.
6. The abandonness he felt after losing his job was difficult to bear.
7. The abandonness of the desert made her feel small and insignificant.
8. The sense of abandonness was palpable as they walked through the deserted town.
9. The abandonness of the empty streets was unsettling.
10. The abandonness of the graveyard made her shiver.
11. The sense of abandonness that hit her when her friends left was unexpected.
12. The abandonness she felt when she realized she had lost her phone was frustrating.
13. The abandonness of the forest was both frightening and exciting.
14. The abandonness he felt after the breakup was all-consuming.
15. The abandonness of the old, forgotten graveyard was haunting.
16. The sense of abandonness that hit her when she logged out of social media was freeing.
17. The abandonness he felt when his parents passed away was unbearable.
18. The abandonness of the abandoned ship was eerie and fascinating.
19. The sense of abandonness in the abandoned mall was overwhelming.
20. The abandonness of the beach at night was serene and peaceful.
21. The abandonness of the abandoned building made her heart ache.
22. The abandonness he felt when his dreams were shattered was heart-wrenching.
23. The sense of abandonness that hit her when her children moved away was bittersweet.
24. The abandonness of the empty park was peaceful.
25. The abandonness she felt after the accident was overwhelming.
26. The abandonness of the deserted island was both exhilarating and terrifying.
27. The sense of abandonness that hit her when she lost her home was devastating.
28. The abandonness he felt when his friends left him alone was painful.
29. The abandonness of the empty classroom was both calming and daunting.
30. The abandonness she felt when she realized no one was coming for her was lonely.

Common Phases

1. The feeling of abandonness washed over me
2. The room had an air of abandonness
3. The abandonness of the place was unsettling
4. The abandonness of the streets was eerie
5. She could feel the abandonness of the relationship
6. The abandonness of the old factory was haunting
7. The abandonness of the playground made it seem desolate
8. He was consumed by the abandonness of his thoughts
9. The abandonness of the park after dark made her nervous
10. The abandonness of the island made it feel like a lost world.

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