Abase example sentences

Related (18): debase, degrade, humiliate, belittle, demean, lower, embarrass, shame, discredit, dishonor, cheapen, denigrate, reduce, undervalue, demote, marginize, vilify, diminish

"Abase" Example Sentences

1. He sought to abase and humiliate his enemies.
2. Her cruel words abased and hurt his dignity.
3. The bully tried to abase and embarrass the timid boy.
4. The dictator sought to abase and degrade the people he ruled.
5. He enjoyed abasing and humiliating those he saw as beneath him.
6. They tried to abase and undermine her self confidence.
7. Her superior attitude served only to abase and belittle others.
8. The schoolyard bullies took delight in abasing and tormenting the weaker children.
9. The insults were meant to abase and make him feel worthless.
10. Humility does not mean abasing or degrading oneself.
11. The pictures were designed to abase and shame the victims.
12. Their words could not abase or degrade her spirit.
13. The dictatorship sought to abase and crush all dissent.
14. The insults were intended to abase and lower his pride.
15. His harsh words served only to abase and weaken her resolve.
16. His arrogant behavior served only to abase and undermine others.
17. Her cruel joke had no purpose but to abase and embarrass him.
18. The abusive words were designed to abase and diminish him.
19. The ordeal was intended to abase and break his will.
20. Her condescending tone served only to abase and belittle him.
21. The mockery was meant to abase and humble the prisoners.
22. The remarks were designed solely to abase and diminish her.
23. His criticism was intended to abase and put down others.
24. They sought only to abase and trample on his dignity.
25. The public shaming was meant to abase and degrade the accused.
26. Their insults could neither abase nor humble his spirit.
27. No amount of criticism could abase or tarnish his integrity.
28. Her superior manner served only to abase and demean others.
29. Their words and actions were meant only to abase and debase him.
30. The jeers were meant to abase and degrade the performers.
31. No slight could abase or sully her honor.
32. The comments were intended to abase and discount her achievements.
33. They set out to abase and trample his hard-won reputation.
34. His words were calculated to abase and belittle her.
35. His behavior served only to abase and diminish others.
36. Her cruel remarks were meant to abase and undermine his confidence.
37. Their insults could neither abase nor dent her confidence.
38. The punishment was designed to abase and humble the prisoners.
39. The accusations were meant solely to abase and dishonor him.
40. The insults were intended to abase and make her feel worthless.
41. Her shameful behavior served only to abase and disgrace herself.
42. He refused to allow anyone the power to abase or belittle him.
43. The news story was designed to abase and embarrass the public figure.
44. His mockery sought only to abase and discredit her achievement.
45. No slight could abase or diminish his inherent worth.
46. The harsh comments were intended solely to abase and lower her in esteem.
47. The blog was created with the sole purpose of abasing and shaming the victim.
48. The politician refused to allow his opponents to abase or discredit him.
49. Their taunts were meant solely to abase and humiliate her.
50. The gossip was intended solely to abase and shame her reputation.
51. No amount of criticism could abase or tarnish her inherent dignity.
52. His bullying behavior served only to abase and diminish others.
53. The article was designed to abase and shame the accused.
54. No insult could abase or dent his sense of self worth.
55. Their scorn was meant to abase and shame the innocent man.
56. The policy was meant to abase and trample the rights of citizens.
57. The intentional cruelty served only to abase and hurt others.
58. Their spiteful words were meant to abase and shame her.
59. The attack was meant solely to abase and undermine her credibility.
60. His biting sarcasm was designed solely to abase and diminish others.

Common Phases

to abase oneself - to behave in a way that seems disgraceful and submissive
to be abased - to be humiliated and disgraced
to abase one's pride - to force oneself to behave humbly to avoid arrogance
to abase someone - to humiliate and disgrace another person
He abased himself before the king and begged for mercy.
She refused to abase herself by apologizing.
The prisoners were publicly abased as a lesson to others.
They sought to abase and degrade him in front of his peers.
Other phrases:
abased and humiliated - deeply embarrassed and dishonored
abasing remarks - humiliating or disgraceful comments
in an abased state - in a condition of disgrace and humiliation
to bring low and abase - to degrade and humiliate completely
She felt abased and humiliated by his insult.
He made several abasing remarks about her character.
The victims were left in an abased state after the public shaming.
The dictator sought to bring low and abase all who opposed him.
Hope this helps provide some useful phrases and examples using the word abase! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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