Abject example sentences

Related (10): miserable, wretched, hopeless, degrading, contemptible, pitiful, despicable, humiliated, groveling, ignoble

"Abject" Example Sentences

1. The prisoner lived in abject poverty.
2. The refugees faced abject hardship.
3. They lived in abject squalor.
4. The nation was reduced to abject poverty.
5. He apologized in abject humiliation.
6. The widower lived a life of abject misery.
7. She expressed abject remorse for her actions.
8. He begged for mercy in an abject manner.
9. The nation fell into abject ruin.
10. The child groveled in an abject manner.
11. They suffered from abject malnutrition.
12. She lived in abject fear of her abuser.
13. The team's performance was an abject failure.
14. The villagers lived abject lives of drudgery.
15. He crawled along the ground in abject despair.
16. The defeated team left the field in abject misery.
17. The tyrant ruled his kingdom with abject cruelty.
18. The famine led to abject suffering and death.
19. She apologized in an abject and groveling manner.
20. He made his apologies in abject and cringing tones.
21. The soldiers felt abject horror at the massacre.
22. The criminal showed no remorse, just abject indifference.
23. His abject cowardice led to the death of his comrades.
24. The film depicted abject poverty and suffering.
25. Their efforts to achieve peace ended in abject defeat.
26. The review criticized the movie in abject terms.
27. They lived lives of abject servitude under tyrannical rulers.
28. The victims of natural disasters faced abject misery.
29. The corrupt regime oppressed its people with abject brutality.
30. His political career ended in abject failure and disgrace.
31. She begged for mercy in an abject and degraded manner.
32. He showed abject obedience to the cruel dictator.
33. The traitors suffered abject punishment for their treachery.
34. The officials lived lives of obscene luxury amidst the nation's abject poverty.
35. The team suffered an abject loss in the championship game.
36. The prisoners lived in abject conditions with little food or care.
37. The refugees fled from abject conditions and violence in their homeland.
38. Their attempts at reconciliation ended in abject failure.
39. The novelist depicted scenes of abject deprivation and suffering.
40. Her acting career began in abject obscurity and failure.
41. The beggar lived a life of abject deprivation and hopelessness.
42. The charity assisted those living in abject conditions of poverty.
43. The disgraced politician made an abject apology for his behavior.
44. He groveled at her feet in an abject display of desperation.
45. Their business venture ended in abject and total financial ruin.
46. The murder suspect showed abject remorse during his interrogation.
47. The workers faced abject exploitation and miserable wages.
48. The hurricane victims were living in abject squalor and depravation.
49. The refugees came from conditions of abject poverty and violence.
50. He made an abject plea for mercy from the judge.
51. The company posted abject quarterly losses.
52. The outcasts were forced to live abject and squalid existences.
53. Their finances had fallen into abject disarray.
54. The coup ended in abject failure and further bloodshed.
55. The report painted an abject picture of poverty and injustice.
56. They staged an abjectly desperate attempt at an escape.
57. The demolished home now stood in abject ruin.
58. The film depicted scenes of abject human misery and suffering.
59. The defenseless villagers fell victim to the army's abject violence.
60. Her behavior showed abject disregard for the suffering of others.

Common Phases

1. He lived in abject poverty his whole life.
2. The villagers lived in abject conditions without proper sanitation or clean water.
3. She apologized in an abject manner, hoping her boss would forgive her mistake.
4. He was filled with abject terror as the thief approached him with a knife.
5. We found the lost puppy in an abject state, hungry and covering in mud.
6. The beggar stood on the street corner in abject despair, hoping for some spare change.
7. The criminal pleaded for mercy in an abject and humiliating way.
8. After losing his job and wife, he fell into abject depression.
9. The abject failure of the government scheme left the citizens frustrated and angry.
10. He uttered his confession in an abject and shameful tone.
11. The poor farmer bowed his head in abject submission to his wealthy landlord.
12. The dethroned king fell into abject disgrace and had to flee the country.
13. The women imprisoned for years were left in an abject and unhealthy state.
14. The abject living conditions led many residents to contract deadly diseases.
15. She felt abject shame for the way she had behaved during her drunken stupor.
16. The dog cowered in abject fear as my angry husband approached.
17. The criminal committed the crime in an abject attempt to feed his drug addiction.
18. The employees felt abject misery under their tyrannical boss.
19. The hungry child begged in an abject manner for some food.
20. She apologized in abject humiliation after realizing her mistake.
21. After his business failed, he fell into abject destitution.
22. The students lived in abject squalor during their illegal housing scheme.
23. The country was in abject disarray after years of civil war.
24. The little girl felt abject horror when she saw the snake in her bedroom.
25. Her apartment was left in abject filth after she hadn't cleaned up in months.
26. The unemployed man felt abject hopelessness at his bleak prospects.
27. The wounded cat cried in abject misery as it limped home.
28. The politician made an abject apology for his distasteful joke.
29. She uttered her confession in an abject whisper, ashamed to meet my gaze.
30. We lived in abject squalor in that slum apartment.
31. The humiliated child uttered an abject apology for breaking the vase.
32. The refugee camp was in abject chaos after the storm hit.
33. The actor gave an abject performance in his new film.
34. The ambassador made an abject plea for additional aid funds.
35. He lived a life of abject hardship after his wife left him.
36. The beggar held out his hat in abject supplication, pleading for spare change.
37. The nation was in abject poverty and widespread famine.
38. After losing all his money, he fell into abject servitude to his wealthy uncle.
39. She watched the horror movie with abject fascination.
40. The dog fled in abject terror as the fireworks began to go off.
41. They apologized in abject humility for the error they had made.
42. The defenseless child uttered her apology in abject terror.
43. The parents scolded their son in abject disgust for his behavior.
44. The crook gave authorities his alibi in an abjectly transparent attempt to avoid blame.
45. The abject horror of the concentration camp photographs shocked the world.
46. The widow lived in abject misery after her husband's death.
47. Her abject conformity made her unable to think for herself.
48. He climbed into the sewers in abject hope of finding food or shelter.
49. Their public admission of guilt was given in abject contrition for their crimes.
50. The bullied child suffered in abject silence, afraid to tell anyone of his abuse.
51. After losing her job, she fell into abject despair.
52. The peasant farmers lived in abject servitude to their landowner.
53. The dictator ruled his country with abject tyranny and oppression.
54. He apologized in abject tones for his insulting joke.
55. The journalists reported on the abject misery of those living in the refugee camp.
56. The best he could do was abject begging in order to afford food.
57. The criminal apologized in abject tears for committing the heinous crime.
58. The politician's abject desperation led him to make distasteful and offensive remarks.
59. He lay in abject filth on the floor of his cell.
60. The starving children lived in abject squalor.

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