Ableuk example sentences

"Ableuk" Example Sentences

1. I wasn't able to attend the meeting due to a scheduling conflict.
2. He was able to lift the heavy weight with ease.
3. She was able to finish the task ahead of schedule.
4. They were able to secure funding for their startup.
5. I hope you're able to make it to the party this weekend.
6. He wasn't able to concentrate on his work with all the noise.
7. She's always been able to adapt to new situations quickly.
8. They were able to negotiate a better deal with the supplier.
9. It's amazing how our brains are able to process so much information at once.
10. I wasn't able to find a parking space near the restaurant.
11. He's not able to swim as well as his siblings.
12. She's able to speak six different languages fluently.
13. They were able to complete the project on time and under budget.
14. I'm not able to afford that expensive vacation right now.
15. The athlete was able to break the world record in the long jump.
16. She was able to diagnose the problem with the computer quickly.
17. They were able to repair the car's engine without replacing any parts.
18. He's finally able to walk again after months of physical therapy.
19. She's able to play the piano at a professional level.
20. They were able to track down the suspect with the help of eyewitnesses.
21. I'm not able to attend the concert because I have to work.
22. He was able to make a full recovery from his injury.
23. She's able to run a marathon without stopping.
24. They were able to improve sales by implementing a new marketing strategy.
25. I'm not able to eat spicy food because of my sensitive stomach.
26. He's able to fix almost anything around the house himself.
27. She was able to climb to the summit of the mountain.
28. They were able to avoid a collision by swerving at the last minute.
29. It's amazing how some animals are able to camouflage themselves so well.
30. I've never been able to figure out how to solve this math problem.
31. He wasn't able to attend the game because of a family emergency.
32. She's able to dance ballet at a professional level.
33. They were able to launch their product successfully with a well-planned marketing campaign.
34. I wasn't able to catch the bus on time because of traffic.
35. He's not able to tolerate lactose in his diet.
36. She was able to identify the bird species by its unique call.
37. They were able to finish the race despite the challenging conditions.
38. It's amazing how some people are able to memorize entire books.
39. I'm not able to read music, but I can still play by ear.
40. He's able to juggle four balls at once.

Common Phases

1. AbleUK strives to offer top-notch services to its clients;
2. The AbleUK team is committed to providing excellent customer support;
3. With AbleUK, you can expect timely and efficient results;
4. AbleUK focuses on delivering innovative solutions to meet your needs;
5. The AbleUK approach is centered on delivering maximum value to our clients.

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