Abridging example sentences

Related (10): limiting, restricting, curbing, curtailing, constraining, suppressing, hindering, obstructing, impeding, inhibiting

"Abridging" Example Sentences

1. The editor spent months abridging the 1,000-page novel into a 200-page version.
2. The student created an abridged version of their 100-page paper for class.
3. The committee voted against abridging people's rights in the new legislation.
4. Critics argued that the new law would result in abridging freedoms.
5. The proposal was criticized for abridging citizens' civil liberties.
6. Advocates warned that the measure would result in abridging basic human rights.
7. Officials denied that their actions amounted to abridging press freedom.
8. The courts ruled that the government had overstepped its authority by abridging people's constitutional rights.
9. Lawmakers promised not to pass any legislation that would result in abridging free speech.
10. Activists protested the new policy, saying it would lead to abridging voting rights.
11. The author created an abridged adaptation of their lengthy novel for young readers.
12. I created an abridged summary of the long report for our clients.
13. The director created an abbreviated adaptation of the play for a younger audience.
14. They produced an abridged version of the 5-hour film for television.
15. The student produced an abbreviated synopsis of the complex subject matter.
16. I provided an abridged recap of yesterday's meeting for those who couldn't attend.
17. The presenter gave an abridged outline of the key issues under debate.
18. She offered an abbreviated version of the history lessons for struggling students.
19. The historian wrote an abridged history of World War II in just 300 pages.
20. The newspaper published an abridged copy of the lengthy speech.
21. The company created an abbreviated version of the user manual.
22. The congressionally mandated commission investigated various strategies for abridging citizens' civil liberties under the guise of national security.
23. The activists opposed any policy that would result in abridging basic human rights.
24. The court case centered on whether the government's actions amounted to abridging First Amendment freedoms.
25. The bill was criticized for potentially abridging due process protections.
26. The emergency orders were seen by many as unjustifiably abridging constitutional rights.
27. Opponents argued that the proposal would lead to abridging voting rights.
28. The judge ruled that the police had illegally abridged the suspect's Miranda rights.
29. The new rules were accused of abridging workers' collective bargaining powers.
30. Some saw the law as improperly abridging press freedoms.
31. Activists said the regulations would result in abridging free speech on campus.
32. Critics warned that the plan could lead to abridging people's privacy rights.
33. The agency denied that its policies amounted to abridging civil liberties.
34. The government was accused of abridging citizens' right to protest peacefully.
35. Many saw the student handbook policies as unduly abridging students' free speech.
36. Opponents argued that the ordinance would unjustifiably abridge religious freedom.
37. The new law was criticized for potentially abridging privacy protections.
38. The guidelines were seen by some as improperly abridging due process.
39. The committee investigated circumstances under which privacy could be justifiably abridged for national security purposes.
40. Some saw the university's social media policy as unjustifiably abridging academic freedom.
41. Activists opposed any policy that would result in abridging press freedom.
42. The company denied that its practices amounted to abridging workers' rights.
43. Critics warned that the proposal could lead to abridging citizens' right to assemble.
44. Officials promised that no civil liberties would be unjustifiably abridged under their administration.
45. The judge ruled the government had illegally abridged the defendant's Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure.
46. The new regulations were criticized for improperly abridging First Amendment freedoms.
47. The emergency powers were seen by some as overly abridging basic legal protections.
48. Many saw the rule changes as unduly abridging academic freedom.
49. The bill was criticized for potentially abridging equal protection under the law.
50. Some argued that the law unjustifiably abridged the right to a fair trial.
51. Critics said the guidelines amounted to abridging due process.
52. Opponents warned that the plan could lead to improperly abridging privacy rights.
53. Activists opposed any policy that would result in abridging freedom of the press.
54. The government denied that its actions constituted abridging citizens' rights.
55. Many saw the new hiring practices as unfairly abridging workers' freedom of association.
56. Some argued that the law unjustifiably abridged First Amendment freedoms.
57. Critics warned that the policy could lead to improperly abridging freedom of speech.
58. Officials promised that no civil liberties would be unduly abridged under their watch.
59. The judge ruled the government had illegally abridged the defendant's Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
60. Opponents argued that the plan would unjustifiably abridge religious liberty.

Common Phases

1. The editor published an abridged version of the novel.
2. We objected to the publisher abridging the memoir without permission.
3. Without abridging my rights, I agreed to follow the rules.
4. The judge warned against abridging the defendant's constitutional rights.
5. The court ruled that the law unconstitutionally abridged freedom of speech.
6. The film studio released an abridged version of the movie for television.
7. The publisher offered an abridged edition of the complete works for students.
8. The shortened film adaptation abridged details from the original novel.
9. The handbook contains an abridged timeline of significant historical events.
10. His speech abridged many of the key points without explaining in detail.
11. The biographer published an abridged version of the full-length biography.
12. The professor provided an abridged lecture for the students with a short attention span.
13. They accused the committee of abridging the voting rights of minorities.
14. I prefer reading the unabridged version of classic novels.
15. The new law is intended to prevent abridging the right to vote based on race.
16. The editor produced an abridged audiobook version of the lengthy manuscript.
17. The new curriculum abridged many of the lessons from last year.
18. The motion for summary judgment argued that the complaint failed to allege abridgment of any rights.
19. The university issued a warning against abridging freedom of speech on campus.
20. The shorter lecture series abridged material covered in more depth in the full course.
21. The radio version abridged important details to fit into the allotted airtime.
22. The amendment was intended to prevent states from abridging certain fundamental rights.
23. The court is tasked with preventing government from abridging citizens' freedoms.
24. The framed document reads: Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech.
25. The teacher refused to give out notes, encouraging students not to abridge their learning.
26. The proposal seeks to abridge government spending without negatively impacting programs for the needy.
27. The publisher offered to abridge the book for students at a lower reading level.
28. The textbook includes an abridged annotated timeline of important historical events.
29. The editor suggests abridging some of the lengthy anecdotes to tighten up the narrative.
30. They objected that the proposed change would abridge workers' rights and protections.
31. The handbook provides an abridged listing of the rules and regulations.
32. They complained that shortening recess time would abridge children's freedom to play.
33. The shortened chapter summaries abridged important details from the full text.
34. The constitution prohibits the government from abridging the freedom of the press.
35. The bullet points abridged the key aspects without summarizing the whole report.
36. The senator introduced the bill to prevent states from abridging voting rights.
37. The brochure contains an abridged family history highlighting major events.
38. His lecture series on American history includes both the unabridged and abridged versions.
39. The film studio released an abridged edit to be shown on network television.
40. The committee accused the new policies of unfairly abridging workers' rights.
41. Freeing slaves did not abridge slave owners' property rights, it simply took property.
42. They complained that shortening class time would abridge students' opportunity to learn.
43. The edited version abridged long tangents that were unrelated to the core message.
44. The handbook offers abridged guidelines for visitors to follow while on campus.
45. She argued that reducing recess time would unconstitutionally abridge children's freedom.
46. The shortened article abridged background information but retained key facts and quotes.
47. Many objected that changes to the health care law would abridge citizens' rights.
48. The librarian refused to give out Cliff Notes, encouraging students not to abridge literature.
49. The amendment was intended to prevent states from abridging citizens' basic rights.
50. The book summaries in the catalog provide abridged versions of each plot.
51. The proposal suggests abridging expenses related to non-essential services.
52. The shorter version abridged lengthy tangents while keeping the main points intact.
53. The radio version abridged scenes that didn't translate well to the audio format.
54. He objected that reducing benefits would unconstitutionally abridge retirees' property rights.
55. The program seeks to abridge government regulations while protecting public health and safety.
56. The student argued that cutting recess time would unconstitutionally abridge students' rights.
57. The lecture notes provide an abridged summary of the key concepts covered.
58. The government is meant to prevent tyranny while also abridging individual freedoms when necessary.
59. The handbook provides an abridged timetable of the admission requirements.
60. The radio show chose to abridge profanity from the quotes to stay within guidelines.

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