Absurde example sentences
Related (13): ridiculous, nonsensical, farcical, preposterous, irrational, illogical, bizarre, outlandish, surreal, comical, ludicrous, senseless, foolhardy
absurd (adjective) · absurder (comparative adjective) · absurdest (superlative adjective)
- wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate:
- arousing amusement or derision; ridiculous:
- an absurd state of affairs:
preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, risible, idiotic, stupid, foolish, silly, inane, imbecilic, insane, harebrained, unreasonable, irrational, illogical, nonsensical, pointless, senseless, outrageous, shocking, astonishing, monstrous, fantastic, incongruous, grotesque, unbelievable, incredible, unthinkable, implausible, crazy, barmy, daft, reasonable, sensible, laughable, ridiculous, comical, comic, amusing, funny, chucklesome, hilarious, humorous, droll, entertaining, diverting, farcical, slapstick, silly, facetious, ludicrous, hysterical, uproarious, riotous, sidesplitting, zany, grotesque, crazy, priceless, killing, derisible, serious"Absurde" Example Sentences
1. The idea of a flying cow is quite absurd.2. It's absurd to think that the moon is made of cheese.
3. The concept of a square circle is absolutely absurd.
4. The politician's promises were absurd and unrealistic.
5. I found the comedian's jokes to be absurd and pointless.
6. It's absurd to believe in magical unicorns.
7. The fashion trend of wearing socks with sandals is totally absurd.
8. The conspiracy theory that the world is flat is completely absurd.
9. The experiment conducted by the mad scientist was completely absurd.
10. The idea of a talking banana is downright absurd.
11. The movie plot was absurdly unrealistic.
12. The conspiracy theory that the government is controlled by reptilian aliens is completely absurd.
13. The cartoon character's actions were absurd and ridiculous.
14. The math problem given by the teacher was absurdly difficult.
15. The idea that the Earth is the center of the universe is absurd.
16. The notion that humans only use 10% of their brain is absurd.
17. The clown's performance was absurd and nonsensical.
18. The conspiracy theory that the moon landing was faked is absurd.
19. The idea of a dog driving a car is absolutely absurd.
20. The storyline in the novel was absurdly complex.
21. The belief that vaccines cause autism is absurd and dangerous.
22. The fashion trend of wearing clothes backwards in the 90s was absurd.
23. The notion that ghosts haunt houses is absurd and unfounded.
24. The idea of a giant spaghetti monster controlling the universe is absurd, but hilarious.
25. The conspiracy theory that the Illuminati control the world is absurd and ridiculous.
26. The theory that the Earth is hollow and inhabited by giants is absurd.
27. The magician's tricks were absurd and unbelievable.
28. The notion that Bigfoot exists is absurd without any concrete evidence.
29. The notion that the pyramids were built by aliens is absurd and baseless.
30. The idea of a giant sentient robot taking over the world is absurd, but makes for a good sci-fi plot.
Common Phases
1. C'est vraiment absurde; je n'arrive pas à y croire.2. Comment peut-on penser une chose aussi absurde; ça n'a aucun sens.
3. C'est absurde de courir un marathon sans entraînement; tu vas te blesser.
4. Cette idée est tout simplement absurde; il n'y a aucune logique derrière.
5. J'ai entendu des histoires vraiment absurdes sur les aliens; ça me fait rire.
6. C'est absurde de dépenser autant d'argent pour un objet inutile; tu peux trouver une alternative moins chère.
7. Si vous pensez que je vais faire ça, vous êtes complètement absurde; ce n'est pas mon travail.
8. Certaines personnes ont des croyances absurdes sur les vaccins; il est important de suivre les recommandations des professionnels de la santé.
9. Il est absurde de croire que le changement climatique n'existe pas; il y a des preuves scientifiques solides.
10. C'est absurde de penser que la réussite est uniquement liée à la richesse; il y a d'autres facteurs qui entrent en jeu.
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