Abysmal example sentences

Related (12): dismal, atrocious, appalling, dreadful, deplorable, dismal, abyssal, lousy, terrible, woeful, pitiful, dismal.

"Abysmal" Example Sentences

1. The company's sales performance this quarter was abysmal.
2. The student's grades in math were abysmal.
3. The team's defense was abysmal, letting in multiple goals.
4. The movie received abysmal reviews from critics.
5. The weather during their beach vacation was abysmal.
6. The restaurant's service was abysmal, with long wait times and rude staff.
7. The quality of the hotel room was abysmal, with dirty sheets and outdated amenities.
8. The singer's performance was abysmal, with missed notes and out-of-tune singing.
9. The state of the city's roads was abysmal, with potholes and cracks everywhere.
10. The stock market's performance this year has been abysmal.
11. The school's funding was abysmal, leading to outdated textbooks and lack of resources.
12. The team's morale was abysmal after losing their sixth game in a row.
13. The quality of the product was abysmal, with poor design and cheap materials.
14. The customer service hotline's response time was abysmal, leaving customers frustrated and angry.
15. The condition of the abandoned house was abysmal, with broken windows and overgrown weeds.
16. The team's communication during the game was abysmal, leading to confusion and mistakes.
17. The quality of the movie theater's sound system was abysmal, with muffled dialogue and crackling speakers.
18. The council's decision to cut funding for the public library was abysmal, reducing access to important resources.
19. The condition of the athlete's knee was abysmal, leading to a long recovery period.
20. The job market for recent graduates was abysmal, with high unemployment rates and low-paying jobs.
21. The company's treatment of their employees was abysmal, with low wages and no benefits.
22. The team's performance during the championship game was abysmal, losing by a wide margin.
23. The quality of the company's customer support was abysmal, with unhelpful representatives and long wait times.
24. The state of the country's infrastructure was abysmal, with crumbling bridges and inadequate transportation systems.
25. The condition of the public park was abysmal, with litter and broken equipment.
26. The team's coordination during the group project was abysmal, resulting in a poorly executed presentation.
27. The city's crime rate was abysmal, with high levels of violence and theft.
28. The company's environmental record was abysmal, with a history of pollution and disregard for conservation efforts.
29. The team's strategy during the game was abysmal, with a lack of creativity and no clear plan.
30. The quality of the store's products was abysmal, with faulty items and misleading advertising.

Common Phases

1. The team's performance was abysmal; they lost every single game.
2. My mood is abysmal these days; I just can't seem to be happy.
3. The weather forecast for tomorrow looks abysmal; we're expecting heavy rain.
4. The service at that restaurant was abysmal; it took us over an hour to get our food.
5. The state of the economy is abysmal; unemployment rates are at an all-time high.
6. The condition of the house was abysmal; it hadn't been cleaned in years.
7. The quality of the product was abysmal; it fell apart after only a few uses.
8. The traffic on the highway was abysmal; we were stuck in gridlock for hours.
9. The safety record of the company was abysmal; there were numerous accidents every year.
10. The level of customer satisfaction was abysmal; the company received countless complaints.

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