Acculturate example sentences

Related (10): assimilate, adapt, co-opt, adopt, blend, conform, integrate, mix, incorporate, accustom

"Acculturate" Example Sentences

1. The school program aims to help immigrant children acculturate to their new country.
2. His parents wanted to raise him with their native customs in order to prevent him from acculturating too quickly.
3. The exchange program was designed to help foreign students acculturate to the local university culture.
4. Many anthropologists study the process of how minority groups acculturate into the dominant culture.
5. Missionaries have worked to acculturate indigenous tribes to Western customs and values.
6. Learning the language was the first step in helping her acculturate to life in her new country.
7. The process of acculturating can be stressful and confusing for many immigrants.
8. Second-generation immigrants often acculturate faster than their parents.
9. Traditional customs and values may erode as minority groups acculturate into the dominant culture.
10. Refusing to fully acculturate can lead to social isolation and economic hardships.
11. Companies provide cultural training programs to help international employees acculturate to the business environment.
12. Many refugees struggle to acculturate due to economic hardships and language barriers.
13. Conflicts sometimes arise between immigrant parents and their children who acculturate at a faster pace.
14. Hispanic migrants initially resisted acculturating in order to preserve their cultural identity.
15. The rapid spread of global media is impacting how younger generations acculturate worldwide.
16. The most difficult aspect of acculturating was learning to navigate cultural differences in interpersonal interactions.
17. Bilingual programs in schools aim to prevent students from losing their native cultural identity while also helping them acculturate academically.
18. Many individuals feel torn between their heritage culture and the culture they are acculturating into.
19. Stress and anxiety often accompany the process of acculturating to an unfamiliar cultural environment.
20. Bicultural individuals have successfully acculturated certain aspects of the dominant culture while maintaining parts of their native culture.
21. The process of acculturation can involve both integration and separation from the new cultural environment.
22. Many cultural values must be compromised in order to fully acculturate into another society.
23. Fashion and cuisine are often entry points for immigrants seeking to initially acculturate into a new country.
24. Exposure to the native language through television and radio help immigrants acculturate more easily.
25. Acculturating into a new cultural environment requires flexibility and an openness to new perspectives.
26. Ethnic enclaves provide new immigrants community support as they struggle to acculturate.
27. Expatriates go through a process of acculturating to the local culture when assigned long-term work duties abroad.
28. Mastering basic social etiquette was key to helping them acculturate to professional life in their new country.
29. Language barriers often hinder the ability of immigrants to fully acculturate into their adopted country.
30. The expatriate's family struggled to acculturate to the local culture during their time abroad.
31. She quickly acculturated into the fast-paced lifestyle of the big city.
32. The process of acculturating can be very difficult for some people and create feelings of isolation and loss.
33. Festivals celebrating native cultures help immigrants maintain their heritage while acculturating into the broader society.
34. Many individuals find that compromising some traditions is necessary in order to acculturate successfully.
35. Acculturating into a more individualistic society was difficult for those raised in collectivist cultures.
36. The school organized cultural events to make immigrant students feel welcome as they acculturated to the local culture.
37. The recent immigrants were determined to maintain their cultural identity while also acculturating economically.
38. She reluctantly began acculturating for the sake of her children's integration into the school system.
39. The transition from rural to urban life required a process of acculturating to many new social norms.
40. Food customs were one of the hardest parts of their heritage to let go of during the process of acculturation.
41. Long-term assignment abroad requires expatriates to acculturate both personally and professionally to local culture.
42. Minority groups typically experience varying degrees of acculturation depending on socioeconomic factors.
43. Social integration is key to helping immigrants successfully acculturate into the new culture.
44. Companies providing cultural training programs can smooth the process of acculturating for international employees.
45. Older immigrants typically have more difficulty acculturating due to entrenched cultural values and beliefs.
46. Cross-cultural communication barriers often hinder the process of acculturating to a new culture.
47. The most difficult adjustment during the acculturation process was adopting different social norms for public behavior.
48. Second-generation immigrants display higher levels of acculturation due to initial socialization within the dominant culture.
49. Flexibility and openness allow individuals to more easily develop strategies for successfully acculturating into a new culture.
50. Religious customs were among the last aspects of their culture they were willing to compromise during the acculturation process.
51. Many native customs and traditions were eventually lost as the immigrant population acculturated into the broader society.
52. The loss of their native language posed the biggest challenge to acculturating into the dominant English-speaking culture.
53. Sociologists study differences in acculturation rates among immigrant groups based on language, education, and religion.
54. Economic incentives often motivate immigrants to compromise certain cultural values in order to better acculturate.
55. Refusing to acculturate can lead to poor health outcomes due to lack of access to appropriate medical services.
56. The expatriate struggled to acculturate personally despite ease of acculturating professionally in his new work environment.
57. Residential segregation can hinder the acculturation of immigrant groups into the broader society.
58. Exposure to dominant cultural attitudes through mass media aids in the acculturation of immigrant populations.
59. Differing acculturation rates within immigrant families often create intergenerational tensions.
60. The cultural training program aimed to ease the process of acculturating for newly assigned expatriates.

Common Phases

1. The process of acculturation
2. Helping immigrants acculturate
3. Acculturating to a new culture
4. Acculturate into the dominant culture
5. Struggle to acculturate
6. Gradual acculturation over time
7. Acculturation stress
8. Acculturate successfully
9. Ease the process of acculturation
10. Fully acculturate into the culture

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