"Accumulates" Example Sentences
1. As you age, your body accumulates more and more toxins.
2. Over time, dust gradually accumulates on the shelves.
3. The company slowly accumulates funds for new projects.
4. The snowstorm accumulates quickly but melts just as fast.
5. She accumulates a large collection of books over the years.
6. The ocean slowly accumulates plastic pollution.
7. As you save money, interest accumulates and grows your savings.
8. The team slowly accumulates points, inching closer to victory.
9. Over time, stress accumulates and can lead to burnout.
10. Negative emotions can accumulate and eventually manifest as depression.
11. In the winter, snow accumulates on the roads and can make driving difficult.
12. Overeating can cause fat to accumulate in the body.
13. Air pollution accumulates in urban areas.
14. The athlete accumulates experience and skill through years of practice.
15. The company accumulates a large number of customers through effective marketing strategies.
16. The pond slowly accumulates algae, making it difficult for fish to survive.
17. As you learn, knowledge accumulates and shapes your worldview.
18. The city accumulates trash and waste, which must be disposed of properly.
19. Due to poor drainage, water accumulates on the roads during heavy rain.
20. The artist accumulates ideas and inspiration from the world around them.
21. As time passes, resentment can accumulate and damage relationships.
22. The team accumulates wins and losses throughout the season.
23. The problem accumulates and becomes more complex as time passes.
24. The economy accumulates wealth through the creation of new products and services.
25. Through consistent effort, the student accumulates knowledge and mastery of a subject.
26. As you exercise, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, causing fatigue.
27. Over time, stress can accumulate and lead to chronic health issues.
28. The landfill accumulates waste over time, causing environmental damage.
29. The business accumulates profit through effective financial management.
30. As you grow older, wisdom and experience accumulates, shaping your perspective.
Common Phases
1. Dust
accumulates on surfaces over time;
2. Water
accumulates in the bottom of a boat after a heavy rain;
3. Debt
accumulates when payments are missed;
4. Fat
accumulates in the body when too many calories are consumed;
5. Snow
accumulates on the ground during a winter storm;
6. Dirt
accumulates on clothing worn during outdoor activities;
7. Knowledge
accumulates through education and experience;
8. Trash
accumulates in landfills over many years;
9. Rust
accumulates on metal objects exposed to moisture;
10. Stress
accumulates when tasks are left undone or deadlines are looming.