Acquiescent example sentences

Related (5): passive, compliant, obedient, submissive, yielding

"Acquiescent" Example Sentences

1. His mother was acquiescent to his strange demands.
2. Unable to argue any further, the clerk remained acquiescent.
3. He often became frustrated with her acquiescent nature.
4. She acquiesced to all of his demands without protest.
5. The new manager expected his employees to be acquiescent.
6. He was prone to being overly acquiescent to the demands of others.
7. Though the rule change was unfair, the workers remained acquiescent.
8. The acquiescent employees simply nodded and did as they were told.
9. I refused to be so acquiescent in the face of such injustice.
10. The boss expected his acquiescent workers to follow his every order.
11. Her determination took me by surprise after years of her acquiescent behavior.
12. He learned to become more assertive rather than so acquiescent all the time.
13. I grew tired of her acquiescent attitude and inability to stand up for herself.
14. Often she found her acquiescent nature led to her being taken advantage of.
15. They expected the acquiescent student to simply accept their unfounded claims.
16. His acquiescent answers did little to convince the judge of his innocence.
17. I took note of her acquiescent manner and failure to voice any objection.
18. The acquiescent workers never questioned any unfair policies.
19. Her friend had grown tired of her overly acquiescent personality.
20. The mother taught her children not to be so acquiescent to unreasonable demands.
21. The acquiescent tone of his response further fueled my suspicions.
22. The board reprimanded the chief executive for his acquiescent leadership style.
23. The new employee quickly became known for his overly acquiescent attitude.
24. The acquiescent workers simply nodded at management's poorly informed decisions.
25. She learned to be more assertive and resist her naturally acquiescent tendencies.
26. The policy was endorsed without question due to the board's acquiescent nature.
27. His wife grew frustrated with his acquiescent behavior and unwillingness to voice disagreement.
28. The manager rewarded her acquiescent employees for their unquestioning obedience.
29. Rather than questioning the claims, the audience remained acquiescent.
30. The acquiescent staff member never voiced any complaints or criticisms.
31. Not wanting to create waves, the investor remained acquiescent and raised no objections.
32. Frustrated with her overly acquiescent replies, he demanded a straight answer.
33. She had grown tired of her husband's acquiescent manner and failure to defend her.
34. The acquiescent and unquestioning response set off alarm bells for the skeptical interviewer.
35. She resented her husband for expecting her to be so acquiescent simply because she was his wife.
36. The others took advantage of her acquiescent and trusting nature.
37. The supervisor warned the acquiescent coworker against being manipulated so easily.
38. I despised his unfailingly acquiescent behavior and spineless way of avoiding confrontation.
39. The acquiescent student simply agreed with everything the instructor claimed.
40. His acquiescent replies did little to alleviate her suspicions.
41. Even when pushed to extremes, her acquiescent attitude toward authority never wavered.
42. The newspaper editors were frustrated with the mayor's acquiescent and passive stance toward criticism.
43. The acquiescent student body accepted all new rules without question.
44. Her acquiescent behavior led many to believe she agreed with their unethical choices.
45. His acquiescent demeanor made him an easy target for manipulation.
46. The boss grew to resent his acquiescent employees for their lack of motivation and independence.
47. The crowd released an acquiescent sigh of relief after the official announcement.
48. Her friends grew tired of her overly acquiescent, non-confrontational personality.
49. The researcher was wary of the program director's acquiescent response devoid of any critical questions.
50. The manager's acquiescent style left employees feeling micromanaged and unappreciated.
51. His mother's acquiescent nature contributed to his sense of entitlement.
52. The crowd responded to the speaker with an acquiescent silence.
53. Her acquiescent compliance only further reinforced their sense of authority over her.
54. Not wanting to cause waves, the acquiescent coworker kept quiet.
55. The acquiescent employee simply nodded and did as she was told.
56. The committee passed the resolution without question due to their acquiescent nature.
57. His acquiescent attitude led him to always agree rather than offer constructive criticism.
58. The committee endorsed the questionable report in an acquiescent manner with little scrutiny.
59. The leader's acquiescent followers did not question his unreasonable demands.
60. I greeted her acquiescent response with visible frustration.

Common Phases

1. Acquiescent by nature
This refers to someone who is naturally inclined to accept things without protest or disagreement.
2. Acquiescent attitude
An attitude of compliance, submissiveness or unquestioning obedience.
3. Acquiescent behavior
Behavior that demonstrates compliance or agreement without protest.
4. Acquiescent demeanor
A manner or bearing that indicates lack of resistance and willingness to comply passively.
5. Acquiescent manner
The way one conducts oneself to demonstrate compliance and agreeability without raising objections.
6. Acquiescent reply
A response that shows acceptance or agreement without argument.
7. Acquiescent response
An answer that complies without active contest or dispute.
8. Acquiescent stance
A position that indicates compliance and willing acceptance without voicing opposition.
9. Acquiescent tendency
An inclination to agree or comply passively and without bringing up counterarguments.

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