Acquire example sentences

Related (21): obtain, gain, secure, procure, attain, achieve, collect, accumulate, grasp, realize, garner, get, derive, gather, annex, appropriate, inherit, receive, purchase, buy, score

"Acquire" Example Sentences

1. The company plans to acquire several smaller firms this year.
2. She strives to acquire knowledge and improve her skills.
3. They want to acquire a fleet of new vehicles next quarter.
4. Over time, the businessman acquired a large real estate portfolio.
5. As I travel, I acquire new experiences and wisdom.
6. The museum wishes to acquire more pieces by that artist.
7. The billionaire acquired another private jet for his collection.
8. We acquired a taste for spicy food during our trip to India.
9. To acquire citizenship, you need to meet certain requirements.
10. The corporation will soon acquire several patents related to that technology.
11. He aims to acquire the skills necessary to start his own business.
12. We hope to acquire additional land to expand the farm.
13. The old fashioned language she acquired from her grandmother.
14. They seek to acquire funding from private investors.
15. She acquired great wealth through her shrewd business deals.
16. The professor hopes to acquire a grant to further his research.
17. He acquired the habit of procrastinating from his father.
18. I acquired a love for classic literature from my mother.
19. The marketing firm plans to acquire an established brand.
20. The chairwoman aims to acquire one of their larger competitors.
21. The student wishes to acquire work experience through an internship.
22. The hackers acquired sensitive data from the company's servers.
23. We want to acquire a vacation property by the lake.
24. Over time, she began to acquire a taste for fine wine.
25. They aim to acquire more resources to further develop the product.
26. The private collection of art will soon be acquired by a museum.
27. The development team wishes to acquire more funds to build the prototype.
28. The billionaire aims to acquire assets that generate passive income.
29. He acquired the injury while playing sports on the weekend.
30. The company plans to acquire the patents needed to commercialize that product.
31. By teaching English abroad, I hope to acquire fluency in the language.
32. I began to acquire an appreciation for classical music.
33. The fundraising campaign aims to acquire enough donations to build the new library.
34. The growing business seeks to acquire better equipment to increase production.
35. I acquired a love of reading from my grandparents.
36. They wish to acquire sufficient data to prove their theory.
37. Over time, she began to acquire a taste for dark chocolate.
38. The investor seeks to acquire stakes in several startups.
39. The thieves managed to acquire the building's security access codes.
40. The museum hopes to acquire a complete set of that artist's works.
41. She strives to acquire skills that will allow her to advance her career.
42. The presidential candidate aims to acquire enough electoral votes to win the election.
43. They hope to acquire more manufacturing plants abroad.
44. The school wishes to acquire new computers for the computer lab.
45. The secret agents aim to acquire information that will uncover the plot.
46. The general's army failed to acquire the strategic fortress.
47. I need to acquire enough experience to justify a pay raise.
48. The startup aims to acquire enough customers to turn a profit.
49. She acquired great confidence through her life experiences.
50. The rapidly growing firm seeks to acquire more market share.
51. The governor hopes to acquire enough signatures to place the initiative on the ballot.
52. The heir acquired a fortune from his wealthy uncle.
53. They wish to acquire land for a nature preserve to protect endangered species.
54. I aim to acquire sufficient knowledge and skill to succeed in my career.
55. The sculptor wishes to acquire bronze to cast his next piece.
56. The company seeks to acquire enough gold to hedge against economic instability.
57. We hope to acquire better tools to make the work easier.
58. The developer aims to acquire enough land to build a golf course.
59. The thief aims to acquire enough evidence to blackmail his victim.
60. The corporation seeks to acquire the patents needed to bring the life-saving drug to market quickly.

Common Phases

1. Acquire a taste for - Develop a liking or preference for something over time.
2. Acquire a skill - Learn and develop a particular ability.
3. Acquire assets - Gain ownership of possessions of value.
4. Acquire citizenship - Become a citizen of a country legally.
5. Acquire knowledge - Gain factual information and theoretical understanding through experience or education.
6. Acquire funding - Obtain money to finance a project or activity.
7. Acquire experience - Gain practical knowledge from direct participation in events.
8. Acquire a habit - Develop a behavior that is performed often and easily without thinking.
9. Acquire a reputation - Gain a particular kind of recognition from others based on one's actions.
10. Acquire customers - Gain new buyers or clients for a business.

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