Grasp example sentences

Related (18): hold, grip, clutch, seize, clasp, embrace, capture, snatch, catch, understand, comprehend, perceive, realize, apprehend, fathom, cognize, grok, get.

"Grasp" Example Sentences

1. He grasped the handle firmly.
2. I grasped his outstretched hand and shook it.
3. The girl grasped the railing to steady herself.
4. The teacher grasped the child's shoulders to get his attention.
5. I grasped the ball and threw it across the yard.
6. She grasped at the straws of hope but there were none left.
7. The whole concept was beyond his grasp.
8. The struggling student could not grasp the complex mathematics.
9. He grasped for answers but none came.
10. Police officers grasped the suspect firmly to make the arrest.
11. I grasped the rope and began to pull myself up.
12. Her son grasped the crayon but struggled to color within the lines.
13. The boy grasped his mother's hand tightly as they crossed the busy street.
14. The salesman grasped the customer's arm to get his attention.
15. The diver grasped the ladder and pulled himself out of the pool.
16. She grasped the evidence but the larger truth still eluded her.
17. The toddler grasped the edge of the coffee table to pull herself up.
18. The monkey grasped the branch with all four limbs.
19. The old man grasped his cane tightly as he walked down the hall.
20. He finally grasped the concept after it was explained a second time.
21. I grasped the fence post and swung myself over.
22. The concept still did not grasp her, even after further explanation.
23. The child grasped the dog's collar to steady himself.
24. The doctor grasped the patient's wrist to check her pulse.
25. The athlete grasped for air after running the final lap.
26. The detective grasped clues but still had no idea of the culprit's identity.
27. Captain Kirk grasped the android's arm restraining him from attacking.
28. She grasped the wheel tightly, nervous about parallel parking.
29. The toddler grasped for the cat's tail but could not catch it.
30. The weightlifter grasped the bar and lifted it overhead.
31. Holding tight to the rope, I grasped at handholds in the rock face.
32. He grasped at straws, hoping to find a solution to his problems.
33. The salesman grasped the customer's hand, trying to make a sale.
34. She grasped the meaning of the lesson after several attempts at the problem.
35. The businessman grasped his competitor's hand firmly in a show of good sportsmanship.
36. The astronaut grasped the handle on the spaceship's hatch.
37. The child grasped the new concept quickly, showing understanding.
38. He grasped the ladder and began to climb up.
39. The kitten grasped the string toy and began to bat it around.
40. The toddler grasped for the toy just out of reach.
41. Becca grasped Jake's hand as they walked down the street.
42. He grasped the football and sprinted down the field past defenders.
43. As I grasped the branch, it broke off in my hand.
44. The kitten grasped the feather toy and began batting it around.
45. The criminal grasped for excuses but the judge wasn't convinced.
46. The teacher attempted to grasp some sense of order in the chaotic classroom.
47. The boy grasped at the last remaining piece of candy.
48. I grasped her by the shoulders, trying to get her attention.
49. The runner grasped at his side, out of breath from sprinting the final stretch.
50. Grasping the trailing rope, the rescuer pulled the climber to safety.
51. The mugger grasped the woman's purse and ripped it from her arm.
52. The diver grasped his oxygen tank and prepared to enter the water.
53. The boy grasped the football and ran into the end zone for a touchdown.
54. The patient grasped the nurse's hand, seeking comfort.
55. Grasping the ladder, he climbed up to the roof.
56. The toddler grasped the new word quickly and began repeating it.
57. I grasped at every clue, hoping to solve the mystery.
58. The student grasped the concept firmly after studying the material extensively.
59. He grasped her hand, giving a comforting squeeze.
60. The model grasped the photographer's hand to help balance as she posed.

Common Phases

1. He grasped the pole tightly as he climbed.
2. She grasped my hand as she crossed the street.
3. The child grasped the toy truck in his little fist.
4. He finally grasped the complex mathematical concept.
5. The student was unable to grasp the difficult theories.
6. I struggled to grasp the overall message of the novel.
7. The researchers aim to grasp the underlying causes of the behavior.
8. She grasped his arm firmly to get his attention.
9. He grasped the sandal strap with his toes as he put it on.
10. The vicitim grasped the roots protruding from the cliff to avoid falling.
11. The lifeline grasped firmly in her hands gave her hope of rescue.
12. I grasped at straws, trying to find a solution to the problem.
13. I finally grasped the severity of the situation.
14. The rescue worker grasped the girl around the waist to pull her to safety.
15. She grasped the concept immediately due to her natural intelligence.
16. The rope immediately grasped as he threw himself over the bridge.
17. The rope grasped his foot as he slipped down the cliff.
18. The cat grasped the toy mouse in her teeth.
19. The scientist aims to grasp the fundamental workings of the human brain.
20. I grasped the nettle to clear away the weeds.
21. I grasped the wheel firmly as I maneuvered around the turns.
22. The concept will eventually grasp once you have mastered the basics.
23. The keys grasped tightly in my hand gave me comfort.
24. She grasped the opportunities presented to her and saw success.
25. He grasped the hot handle without thinking.
26. They failed to grasp the complexity of the problem.
27. He grasped the implications of his actions immediately.
28. They grasped at any reason to mount an attack.
29. He grasped the importance of hard work and perseverance.
30. I stood ready to grasp any opportunity that came my way.
31. The monkey grasped the branch with its tail as it swung through the trees.
32. I grasped the need to change but struggled to act on it.
33. Her argument failed to grasp the nuances of the discussion.
34. I grasped blindly in the dark, searching for the flashlight.
35. We must help students grasp fundamental principles before moving on.
36. I finally grasped the meaning of his cryptic words.
37. He grasped the ball firmly as he threw it across the yard.
38. The concept continued to elude him, refusing to grasp.
39. The helpful assistant grasped the concept immediately and explained it clearly.
40. The vine grasped the wall, climbing higher each day.
41. I struggled to grasp the essence of his complicated theory.
42. The boy grasped the idea quickly and began to expand on it.
43. The branch grasped firmly in my hand provided support as I climbed.
44. He failed to grasp the magnitude of what she had been through.
45. Only when I grasped the fundamental principles could I move forward.
46. I grasped desperately at objects to keep from falling.
47. She grasped the straw that would pull her to safety.
48. Finally the difficult material began to grasp.
49. The witness grasped the danger immediately and raised the alarm.
50. The lifeboat grasped him and pulled him to safety.
51. Their ability to grasp complex concepts set them apart.
52. She grasped his arm, pleading for him to stay.
53. The monkey grasped the vines and swung through the treetops.
54. I grasped the idea firmly before moving forward.
55. Eventually I grasped the truth in her words.
56. Grasp this fundamental concept before moving on to more complex ideas.
57. I grasped for words but failed to find the right ones.
58. The victim grasped for help but none was forthcoming.
59. The young child grasped the new skill quickly and easily.
60. The more I studied the material, the more I began to grasp.

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