Adjustings example sentences
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- "Adjustings" example sentences
Related (13): modifying, altering, tweaking, refining, amending, rectifying, remedying, correcting, readjusting, fine-tuning, improving, overhauling, revising
"Adjustings" Example Sentences
1. I'm not sure what you're adjustings to.
2. We need to make some adjustings to the plan.
3. He's been making small adjustings to his routine.
4. She's been making adjustings to her diet.
5. The adjustings made to the policy were welcomed by all.
6. He's been making adjustings to his work schedule.
7. We need to make some adjustings to the budget.
8. Adjustings were made to the plan to accommodate the change.
9. She's been making adjustings to her lifestyle.
10. Adjustings were made to the procedure to make it more efficient.
11. The adjustings made to the system were welcomed by all.
12. We need to make some adjustings to the timeline.
13. He's been making adjustings to his diet.
14. Adjustings were made to the system to make it more efficient.
15. We need to make some adjustings to the protocol.
16. Adjustings were made to the policy to accommodate the change.
17. She's been making adjustings to her work schedule.
18. The adjustings made to the procedure were welcomed by all.
19. He's been making adjustings to his lifestyle.
20. We need to make some adjustings to the regulations.
21. Adjustings were made to the timeline to accommodate the change.
22. She's been making adjustings to her routine.
23. The adjustings made to the budget were welcomed by all.
24. We need to make some adjustings to the rules.
25. Adjustings were made to the regulations to make it more efficient.
26. He's been making adjustings to his routine.
27. The adjustings made to the protocol were welcomed by all.
28. We need to make some adjustings to the plan.
29. Adjustings were made to the rules to accommodate the change.
30. She's been making adjustings to her lifestyle.
31. The adjustings made to the timeline were welcomed by all.
32. We need to make some adjustings to the procedure.
33. He's been making adjustings to his diet.
34. Adjustings were made to the plan to make it more efficient.
35. She's been making adjustings to her work schedule.
36. The adjustings made to the budget were welcomed by all.
37. We need to make some adjustings to the policy.
38. Adjustings were made to the procedure to accommodate the change.
39. He's been making adjustings to his lifestyle.
40. The adjustings made to the regulations were welcomed by all.
Common Phases
Checking the oil level; Adjusting the tire pressure; Checking the battery level; Adjusting the headlights; Checking the brake fluid level.
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