Regulate example sentences

Related (16): govern, manage, control, oversee, direct, supervise, administer, monitor, adjust, curb, restrain, limit, modulate, manipulate, restrict, police.

"Regulate" Example Sentences

1. The government regulates many industries to protect consumers.
2. Traffic lights regulate the flow of traffic.
3. Insurance companies regulate the amount they will pay out in claims.
4. The body regulates its temperature through sweating and shivering.
5. The United Nations attempts to regulate nuclear proliferation.
6. Laws regulate behavior in civilized societies.
7. The central bank regulates the money supply.
8. Her strict parents regulated every aspect of her life.
9. The coach tried to regulate the team's diet and exercise during the season.
10. Employees were required to regulate their internet usage at work.
11. Anabolic steroids are regulated as controlled substances.
12. The electrical grid regulates voltage and frequency.
13. Businesses must regulate their environmental impact.
14. The nervous system regulates involuntary functions of the body.
15. Police aim to regulate public behavior.
16. Medical devices are carefully regulated for safety.
17. Tax policies can help regulate the economy.
18. Manufacturers must regulate product quality.
19. Countries regulate immigration into their borders.
20. Chemicals are regulated to limit human exposure.
21. Bodies of water are often regulated to maintain flow and prevent flooding.
22. Pharmacies strictly regulate access to prescription drugs.
23. The digestive system regulates absorption of nutrients from food.
24. Motion sensors regulate lighting in some buildings.
25. Strict parents often regulate their children's social activities.
26. Hormones regulate many biological functions in the body.
27. Timetables regulate employees' working hours.
28. Thermostats regulate heating and cooling in homes.
29. Financial markets are meant to be self-regulating to an extent.
30. The central nervous system regulates reflex actions.
31. Accountants aim to regulate financial records.
32. Cities regulate the use and disposal of hazardous wastes.
33. Population growth must be regulated to prevent overuse of resources.
34. Collecting rainwater is regulated in some areas due to water rights.
35. Customs officials regulate what goods are allowed into the country.
36. Local governments regulate zoning and land use.
37. Rules were put in place to regulate employee conduct.
38. Traffic lights automatically regulate based on sensors detecting vehicles.
39. The body's immune system helps regulate responses to foreign substances.
40. Accounting principles aim to regulate financial reporting.
41. Legislators propose bills to regulate new technologies.
42. Fire codes regulate safety precautions for buildings.
43. Medicine aims to regulate disease through treatment and prevention.
44. The central nervous system regulates breathing and heartbeat.
45. The kidneys regulate fluid balance and electrolyte levels in the blood.
46. Chemical reactions are regulated by varying conditions like temperature and pressure.
47. Behavior modification techniques aim to regulate undesirable behaviors.
48. School policies regulate student conduct.
49. Employees must regulate their tone and speech in professional settings.
50. Diabetics must regulate their blood sugar levels through insulin and diet.
51. Safety inspectors aim to regulate compliance with standards.
52. Regulations were put in place to regulate emissions from factories.
53. Federal agencies regulate many aspects of business and industry.
54. Rules were established to regulate student behavior during exams.
55. Dams help regulate the flow of water in rivers.
56. Stringent policies were implemented to regulate employee internet use at work.
57. Calendars regulate daily, weekly and annual schedules.
58. The administrator's top priority was to regulate disciplinary issues at the school.
59. Exercise helps regulate appetite and digestion.
60. Regulations were passed to more strictly regulate campaign finance.

Common Phases

1. The government regulates industries to ensure they follow ethical standards.
2. The thermostat regulates the temperature in the house.
3. The body regulates blood sugar levels through hormones.
4. Laws regulate how businesses operate.
5. Excessive drinking should be regulated.
6. Safety regulators investigate automobile defects.
7. His emotions were difficult to regulate.
8. Medications are regulated by the FDA.
9. Businesses must regulate their emissions.
10. Traffic lights regulate the flow of vehicles.
11. The new policies are intended to regulate social media companies.
12. The bank regulator investigated the company's finances.
13. The watch regulates the accurate timing of the diver.
14. Firearms need to be properly regulated.
15. The respiratory system regulates oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood.
16. Hormones regulate appetite and metabolism.
17. Governments aim to regulate the economy.
18. Insulin regulates blood sugar.
19. Traffic cops regulate the flow of traffic.
20. Regulators crack down on tax evasion.
21. The agency that regulates nuclear energy safety.
22. The teacher tried to regulate the noise level in the classroom.
23. Smoking should be regulated in public places.
24. Financial institutions are regulated to manage risk.
25. Enzymes regulate chemical reactions.
26. We need to regulate the use of fertilizers and pesticides.
27. Motorists must regulate their speed according to road conditions.
28. The immune system regulates the presence of bacteria in the body.
29. The central bank regulates interest rates.
30. Politicians attempt to regulate campaign finance.
31. New policies are being developed to better regulate firearms.
32. The agency that regulates the broadcast industry.
33. Her emotions were difficult for her to regulate.
34. The electrical grid needs better regulation.
35. Drugs used to regulate blood pressure.
36. Authorities attempt to regulate online platforms.
37. Governments establish bureaus to regulate industries.
38. Electric fans regulate heat in the home.
39. Financial firms must comply with regulations.
40. The brace regulates the temperature of my drink.
41. Farmers are regulated in their use of chemicals.
42. The policy aims to better regulate social media.
43. Her heart rate regulated after taking a few deep breaths.
44. The law was passed to regulate campaign spending.
45. Hormone therapy helped her regulate her moods.
46. Regulators enforce laws and policies.
47. Chemicals are regulated under environmental laws.
48. Heart rate and blood pressure help regulate many body functions.
49. Regulations set standards for workplace safety.
50. The thermostat regulates the room's temperature.
51. His heartbeat started to regulate after the episode passed.
52. States regulate the licensing of professionals.
53. Governments seek to regulate artificial intelligence.
54. Medicines help regulate proper brain function.
55. The watch keeps accurate time by regulating the movement of its gears.
56. The central bank regulates the flow of money and credit.
57. The new policy aims to better regulate the rental market.
58. The director had trouble regulating his emotions during the difficult scene.
59. The body regulates important functions like heart rate and metabolism.
60. Financial advisors must comply with SEC regulations.

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