Adulate example sentences
Related (15): flatter, grovel, fawn, praise, idolize, worship, hail, laud, revere, glorify, admire, lionize, extol, panegyrize, honor
"Adulate" Example Sentences
1. The fans adulated their favorite singer.
2. She was adulated as a heroine.
3. The crowds adulated the actress as she walked the red carpet.
4. He was adulated for his war heroics.
5. The dictator was adulated as a father figure by his mindless followers.
6. The celebrity was adulated by throngs of admirers.
7. The coach was adulated by the crowds for leading the team to victory.
8. The rock star was adulated by screaming fans at every concert.
9. The politician was adulated for his populist promises.
10. The pope was adulated by the faithful as he blessed the crowd.
11. The president was adulated for keeping the country safe.
12. The athletes were adulated for bringing home the gold medal.
13. The town hero was adulated for saving the children from the burning building.
14. The boxer was adulated for winning the championship.
15. The movie star was adulated as she walked down the red carpet.
16. The crowd adulated the victorious team as they paraded through the city.
17. The fans frenziedly adulated their favorite boyband.
18. They adulated him as a savior come to rescue them.
19. The people wildly adulated the conquering general.
20. The inventor was adulated for creating a product that changed the world.
21. The royal family was adulated by their subjects.
22. The professor was adulated by his students for his wisdom and knowledge.
23. The social media star was adulated by his many followers.
24. The crowd adulated the hero for saving lives during the disaster.
25. The fans hysterically adulated their favorite hockey player.
26. The preacher was adulated for his inspiring sermons.
27. The philanthropist was adulated for her generous donations.
28. The talk show host was adulated for making people laugh.
29. The toddler was adulated by his adoring parents.
30. The spiritual leader was adulated as a guru.
31. They adulated the hero soldier who returned from war.
32. The scientist was adulated for discovering a cure for the disease.
33. The rock legends were adulated as they took the stage for the final tour.
34. The congregation adulated the pastor for his wise words.
35. The idol was adulated by his devoted fans.
36. The crowd adulated their favorite football star.
37. The musicians were adulated for creating beautiful music.
38. The influencer was adulated by her many followers.
39. The crowd adulated the winning team on the field.
40. The teacher was adulated by grateful students and parents.
41. The activist was adulated for bringing to light social injustices.
42. The artist's paintings were adulated for their beauty and depth.
43. The researchers were adulated for their pioneering work.
44. The stuntman was adulated for his daring feats.
45. The shopping mall Santa was adulated by wide-eyed children.
46. Social media influencers are adulated by their loyal followers.
47. The author was adulated for writing an inspirational memoir.
48. The pioneers were adulated for blazing the trail.
49. The rescue workers were adulated for saving lives after the hurricane.
50. The miracle worker was adulated as a holy man.
51. Her followers adulated the guru as infallible.
52. The coach was adulated for guiding the team to victory.
53. The celebrity chef was adulated for sharing his culinary talents.
54. The famous works of art were adulated as masterpieces.
55. The basketball star was adulated for his slam dunks.
56. The spiritual leader was adulated as a saint.
57. The athlete was adulated for breaking world records.
58. The astronaut was adulated for exploring space.
59. The wise elders were adulated for their knowledge and experience.
60. The senior citizen volunteers were adulated for giving back to the community.
Common Phases
1. The fans adulated their rock star idol as he walked on stage.
2. The people adulated the new president as he took the oath of office.
3. His supporters excessively adulated him and treated him like a king.
4. The peasants adulated the holy man as he walked through the village.
5. Do not adulate me, I am just a human being like you.
6. The crowds adulated the victorious athletes as they paraded through town.
7. Fans adulated the movie star as she stepped out of her limousine.
8. The singer's fans would adulate her and follow her everywhere she went.
9. Some followers excessively adulate their spiritual leaders.
10. Critics accused the king's courtiers of adulating him to gain favor.
11. The paparazzi adulated the teen idol as he exited the restaurant.
12. The childlike way his followers adulated him made him uncomfortable.
13. His employees excessively adulated him to try and stay in his good graces.
14. The media adulated the new tech CEO as a genius and a visionary.
15. His sycophantic supporters constantly adulated him to gain power and privilege.
16. She felt uneasy with the way her fans adulated her and put her on a pedestal.
17. The dictator's underlings adulated him in order to stay out of prison or the grave.
18. The followers adulated the guru, believing every word he said to be divine.
19. Journalists should report facts rather than adulate public figures.
20. His inflated ego was fed by the way his subordinates adulated him.
21. He did not enjoy being adulated by strangers for his fame and accomplishments.
22. Stop adulating me and just treat me like anyone else.
23. The sheikh's servants adulated him and bowed down as he passed.
24. The little puppy adulated his master, following him around everywhere.
25. Critics accused the religious leaders of adulating donors to gain wealth.
26. I prefer that you criticize my work instead of adulating it.
27. Some teachers adulate gifted students in unhealthy ways.
28. Courtiers excessively adulated the monarch to gain favor and privileges.
29. He gave fiery speeches where the crowd adulated him like a messiah.
30. His supporters uncritically adulated his every word and action.
31. Loyal subjects adulated the new king as he ascended the throne.
32. Do not adulate me for my title or position, treat me as an equal.
33. I felt uncomfortable with the way my students adulated me as an authority figure.
34. His family and friends tried not to excessively adulate his small successes.
35. Her fans adulated her natural beauty and jet-setting lifestyle.
36. The media adulated the rookie quarterback as they do with any new sports star.
37. Many high-achieving students enjoy being adulated by others.
38. People who want to be adulated usually have low self-esteem.
39. He claimed to dislike being adulated, but clearly craved the attention.
40. Social media allows people to easily adulate public figures in unhealthy ways.
41. I prefer that my child be criticized when wrong rather than adulated when right.
42. Courtiers used flowery language to excessively adulate their monarch.
43. The devoted followers uncritically adulated every action of their cult leader.
44. They excessively adulated his average abilities to try and gain his favor.
45. Her servants constantly adulated her as if she were a goddess.
46. Many new celebrities crave being adulated by fans and the media.
47. Please, stop adulating me and treat me as you would anyone else.
48. The groupies excessively adulated the rock star wherever he went.
49. The culture of adulating new artists does not help their long-term development.
50. She adulated her puppy, saying it was the cutest and smartest dog ever.
51. The young celebrity eagerly soaked up the adulation of her fans.
52. Employees worried about being punished if they did not adulate the boss.
53. False adulation is as annoying as unjustified criticism.
54. We should try to avoid either adulating or unjustly criticizing people.
55. Social media has dangerously lowered the bar for adulating famous people.
56. Adulating politicians only feeds their egos without substance.
57. Excessive adulation breeds arrogance and cripples growth.
58. Constructive feedback is more useful than adulation.
59. Public adulation often masks private insecurity.
60. Adulation is an addiction few are able to resist for long.